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About amuckart

  • Birthday December 27

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  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Medieval reenactment
    footwear, purses and casework
    medieval and renaissance shoes
    old sewing machines

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Reproduction medieval shoes
  • Interested in learning about
    Sewing machine restoration/operation
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. I think this is sound advice. If you have a dedicated binding machine, you have a dedicated binding machine; if you have a small cylinder arm machine with a synchronised binder attachment you have a flexible tool that can be adapted to multiple purposes.
  2. I second Northmount’s advice to ditch the clutch motor and replace it with a servo if you can possibly afford it. If you’re going to go to all the work you’ll get a much better experience from a servo than a speed reduced clutch motor. You’ll also be able to add a needle position sensor, which is a big quality of life improvement. They aren’t terribly expensive really are worth saving up for. I will never go back to use a clutch motor on any machine I own now.
  3. You may be setting yourself up for disappointment if you try and sew wallets on a 7-class machine unless you’re making extremely chunky wallets. They are not built for fine work. The needles and feet and holes in the feed dog are all huge and I’m not even sure it will tension wallet-appropriate thread without a whole lot of work.
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