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About SPLeatherSales

  • Birthday December 3

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Francisco, California
  • Interests
    Baseball, Football, Leather crafting, Classic Cars, Dogs

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather Sales
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    word of mouth

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Member (2/4)

  1. Thank you both for such fast responses! I hope I can find these nails -Erica
  2. I am looking for Cutting nails 3/8 inch. Does anyone know where I can find some? They will be used on the soles of leather sandals I am making. Thanks! -Erica
  3. Wow, that is beautiful.
  4. Conceptually that is an amazing wallet. I really like how you layered different leathers to create detail. How did you decide on the subject matter? Also, I think the addition of a Japanese style fabric print on the interior really pulls the whole piece together.
  5. Those are some nice collars! You have such cute dogs
  6. Those are very interesting links. I am always looking for films or shows about the leather tanning process. Thanks

  8. zazzle.com allows you to customize your own business cards. It is an inexpensive site to have professional looking cards made. I highly recommend it.
  9. Larry at California Leatherworks in Chico, CA offers some leather cutting services. He is a really nice guy and might be worth contacting if you cannot find anyone in the LA area. His number is 530-343-0393.
  10. Lisa @ http://collarmania.com/ makes beautiful custom collars at good prices. They are of fantastic quality and she makes them rather quickly. My dog always looks so handsome in her collars.
  11. Lisa @ collarmania.com makes really great dog collars. She works in leather, and fabrics and allows you to customize your order. http://collarmania.com/ I hope that helps!
  12. zazzle.com has really reasonably priced business cards that you can customize.
  13. We offer both "A-Grade" and "D-Grade" Hermann Oak leather. www.spleathersales.com
  14. SP Leather Sales sellls Hermann Oak leather starting at a very reasonable price. We also carry Wickett & Craig and Thoroughbred Leather.
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