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Bob A

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Everything posted by Bob A

  1. Don't know if you've tried hooked blades in your utility knife or not, but they've worked very well for me. I started using them after getting some Herman Oak leather due to the difficulty of cutting it and it helped me out a lot. It's something inexpensive to try if you haven't already. The link below is the style I'm talking about. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Unbranded-5-Heavy-Duty-Hook-Utility-Knife-Blades-RWK16V/204156401
  2. Where is this located? The add says "Waco-movable". If it's in or near Waco, I'd love to be able to look at what you have. Also, is the Juki a walking foot machine? Thanks
  3. I think your talking about T-nuts, pics in link below. I get mine from the hardware store. http://www.homedepot.com/Tools-Hardware-Hardware-Fasteners-Nuts-Tee-Nuts/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc2a4/h_d2/Navigation?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053&searchNav=true
  4. Thanks guys. I'll try sandwiching the t-nuts next time.
  5. I've seen several done that way and it looks cleaner with the t-nut sandwiched. I just thought if the t-nut got damaged it would be easy to change this way. I don't know if there's any real need to worry about that or not, I never had it happen. Have you had any trouble with t-nuts getting damaged and needing to be changed?
  6. I made this one for a guy at work. It's an IWB for a 4" XD. I haven't posted anything in a long time and thought I would share. It's built with 8oz Wickett & Craig with Angelus light brown A.
  7. It looks pretty good, definitely better than my first holster. How does your belt attachment work, hard to tell from the pic? Is it just loops or do you have snaps?
  8. I use Angelus Satin acrylic finisher sprayed on with an airbrush and have had good luck with it. I usually make two light coats.
  9. I have been using the Angelus Satin acrylic finisher sprayed with an airbrush and it does very well for me, i don't like the very shiny look of others I've tried. I usually spray 2 light coats. I don't think it will be waterproof though. Here's a picture of a holster with the Angelus Satin.
  10. Thanks. I think I'm going to try switch mine also. Seems like it would work better for me as the current set up just doesn't feel right.
  11. I'd be interested in seeing some more pictures of your set-up. Thanks for sharing.
  12. The holster looks good. I like the color and have been thinking about give the Tandy Pro Waterstain a try also. Do you cut it with something or just use it strait out of the bottle?
  13. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=44825#entry281907 This is a thread he has going in the suppliers section. It says he is still having issues and I think it also gave contact info if you need to get in touch. Hope this helps. Bob
  14. Thanks for the info. Bob
  15. Shooter, Very nice work. If you don't mind me asking, what black dye are you using and how do you keep it from rubbing off onto guns on the interior? Thanks Bob
  16. Thanks for the info Josh. Nice looking work by the way. Bob
  17. Does this tend to smooth the leather when you do this, or does it just absorb and keep the same texture? Bob
  18. Thanks Guys. Most I've seen looked like there was no finish on them, but thought I would ask.
  19. I'm in the process of making a flesh out pocket holster and wondering what is the preferred method of finishing on a holster of this type. I want to keep the flesh side a little rough to help grab in the pocket, but should I use a finish of some sort? Thanks. Bob
  20. I just recently pick one up too and it is much better than a utility knife for me. Now I just have to get good at sharpening it. Bob
  21. If I were you, I would call Steve and ask what he recommends for what you want to do, he has been very helpful when I've called. I received my Class 4 in February and don't have experience with different thread and needle sizes yet, I've just been working with the white 277 I got with the machine to learn, so I can't make any suggestions about that at this point. I would recommend getting extra bobbins and the small LED light that he is selling that attaches to the machine with a magnet. I got the light last week after reading about it on here and I really like the way it puts light right where I'm sewing and it's only about $20. Also, I got 4 bobbins with the machine and I think if you plan on swapping around sizes and colors often having several extras on hand would be essential. One thing you will hear repeated on here a lot for new machine operators is to practice a lot and I'm finding that to be solid advise. Good luck. Bob
  22. I broke one and bent one. Both caused by me pulling the thread to the side. Rookie mistakes on my part. I'm thinking about getting the LED light, Do you have a picture of it?
  23. I pretty sure the thread in the example they sent with mine was 277. I also broke a couple of needles when first trying it out. I'm sure Steve will take care of you.
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