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Everything posted by ShortBBL

  1. Ok... whew... I guess this got off topic. ha ha
  2. Does anyone know if someone makes a stamp that is heart shaped (not a REAL heart). Tandy says nobody has one, but my guess is somebody makes one! Got a link? Thanks!
  3. Wow... that's what you think about for fantasy time? LOL Sorry... I had to.
  4. Just a hint for future bench makers. I looked on craigslist and found all kinds of Solid Core Doors. They make super heavy duty benches. I got two, even delivered by the guy, for $30 total and they are like new. They are also 9' x 3'!! HEAVY as Heck though... but great work benches.
  5. My furnace IS in the basement two rooms away. I wonder what special precautions I might need to take? I dont plan to spend large amounts of time glueing.... hopefully just opening the window and having the fan blow it out while glueing will do the trick.
  6. Sam, thanks for the comments and concerns. I am going to go for it and set up shop in my basement level. The room has a window thats about 4 foot square and when glueing up items, I can open it up and blow the stink (fumes) out with a fan placed in the window. I think it will work good. We have forced air heat, so no open flame anywhere near this room. The hard part will be hauling the heavy items down there! ouch!
  7. Thanks for the replies! I think I'll give it a go. I am pretty careful, so it should be ok. The hardest part now will be getting the giant 9' Solid core door that I use as a table, downstairs!
  8. I have a question for those who have their work area set up in your home, as most probably do. Just how dirty will the work area get? I am in the middle of setting up shop in my garage BUT, it'll be winter soon and no way to heat this garage. My basement (we are renting) is finished so it has carpet and I do have a room about 12x10 (plus a walk in closet in the room) that I could use for my shop, but I wonder if it would be way too messy. I have a shop vac! For equiptment, I have: Floor Drill press Table 4x24" sander (vacuum hooks up to it and actually works pretty good) Cobra Class 4 on the way! Big Table. Maybe a room with carpet just won't work. What do you all have to say about the idea? Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the reply! I may just give it a try. I wonder if you could just trace over regular white paper or if that doesn't wook too good?!
  10. I'm curious if it would work to print out a pattern made on the computer, using tranperency paper for the laser printers? Does anyone have any experience using this method? I have some graphics I have done in a paintshop type program and it would be easy to print these on transperency paper if that would work for a pattern.
  11. A good Boner is capable of more than one task.
  12. Hi everybody! I just today got a few stamps and want to give it a try. I notice that when done, the leather ripples and buckles here and there. How does one keep that from happening? How can you keep or return the leather to its formal nice flat state of being? Thanks!
  13. Wait.... we have an adults only section here???? Where?
  14. Thanks Kate! I'll probably stick with W&C for now, they treated me right on the first order and shipped what I asked for.... I should have mentioned I wanted to wet mold some stuff too.... I'm sure I would have been schooled on what I was buying in that case.
  15. My wife says my works perfectly fine. But I am not so sure..... did you see how it marked up that leather. It looks like it was hittin it pretty dang hard! Yeah I guess the leather is wrong for this task. The description says" Drum-dyed, full grain, lightly hot stuffed with an extra tallow top dressing. " So I should get some unfinished Hermann Oak Tooling leather? Who has the best price on this stuff? I've only bought the Wickett & Craig leather so far. Thanks! <BR soft> I don't know that my could actually swallow!? though.
  16. Thanks. I was wondering if I was using the wrong leather. Ouch... I only bought TWO sides of it! ha ha ha Ok.... I can still use it for other stuff like sheaths that are not boned. As for my Boner.... turns out it works awesome......
  17. Kate: That would be Wicket & Craig 7/8 English Bridle drum dyed.
  18. Help.... I am trying (my first attempt) to wet form a piece of leather. I think I just let it get too wet and maybe should have let it dry out a bit, but any help is much appreciated!! You can see in the picture how messed up the boner got this piece of leather. I am trying to form it around a Surefire light.... What am I doing wrong? I obviously need help learning to bone properly.
  19. Would it matter if I went with an oscillating belt sander? The one I was looking at will do drums or the belt.... when using the belt, it is not laying flat, it is running sideways..... I think it would work fine though. The oscillating part might keep it from heating up one spot of the belt too hot, or not. I'm not sure. Thanks for the comments everyone!
  20. Hi guys and gals! I'm working hard on settin up shop and want to buy a couple power tools to help with leather working projects. I was thinking a Drill Press would be handy for some burnishing tasks (as well as some "hole makin tasks") and wonder how many use one of these for that purpose, burnishing. Another tool I am wondering about is either a belt sander/table/bed type model or an oscillating table sander for burnishing. I will be doing some sheaths and belts and wonder if the belt type sander would be better for cleaning up the edges (making sure they remain perfectly even?) or if that's not needed so much. I'm all ears..... please chime in and give me some ideas on the usefullness of these items. Thanks!
  21. Nice site! A couple things I'd mention though..... 1) The first thing you say on your Packages page is.... "If you can afford it..." to me, that sounds like you're questioning if your buyer has the money to buy a full set. If I was buying, it wouldn't really bug me (cuz I can afford it) but, it jumped right out at me. Maybe I have just seen too many things critique'd like that in the past. Just something to think about. Wording can be a huge part of successful advertisements. 2) When I mouse over your pictures (in particular, the one of the askins avenger type rig) it brings up a bigger picture, but it only shows part of it... it's too far off to the right side (and I use a big screen). 3) lastly, some of the pages like the "Belt" page, does not show any pricing at all. Overall, it's a nice site and with some tweeks, it'll really look super. I am sure it will do what you want! Good job and nice looking stuff! I am especially interested in trying to make a light holder like the one you show with the E2D(L?), Head Down! How does that work? It is my preferred method of carry but I was curious how it would hold up. email me directly if you like. Jon
  22. Hi guys and gals! I have just about got my shop set up in my garage. Sadly, there is just no room in the house for it. Another sad thing, my garage has no heat (yet?) or A/C! I live in MN and it can get HOT and Sticky some days. I'm curious if I need to try to find a place to store my unused leather in the house where it is dry and cool.... or can it be left in the garage, which is hot during the days and humid sometimes. Will the humidity hurt the leather or would it be ok? I can figure out a place in the house to store it if need be. Thanks! Jon
  23. I too am blessed with being a SouthPaw. I do all the important things with my left hand.
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