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Everything posted by ShortBBL

  1. Son of a......... Dang it.... I hate when she is right!! What really boggles my mind is on another holster made today also.... with different leather (Bridle) same settings, came out perfect!! I guess I just need to turn this WAY down and if need be, give it more time? Lower temp but longer? Will that work? And..... Why would most of the holster turn out fine, but one area like this, burn!?
  2. This is not 100% dry yet, but I cooked it in the toaster oven on 150 for 35 minutes..... my wife thinks there is this crappy coloring/stain because maybe it was too hot. Might this dry out to match, by tomorrow or is she perhaps right? I hope this can be saved.... it fits and came out really good except for the color issue! Thanks for your thoughts.
  3. It took two tries to get it right, but I did it..... I love this one. Fit is perfect!! Finish.... not perfect, but not too bad. It started life as a Chestnut piece of W&C and after trying to stain the inside black... yup, bleed through to the stitches forced a color change! Looks ok for a rookie!
  4. I bought WEAVER's Edge Beveler Sharpening system... not too spendy either and seems to keep my bevelers very sharp!
  5. Cool! Thanks everybody! I have a pretty nice "first effort" on a 1911 holster that's about done..... well, it WAS about done till I decided to stain the inside Black..... (Chestnut Holster).... yep...... it bleed thru and got the damn white thread!! Now I'll have a BLACK holster! Ugh!
  6. Man! Some more cool pics of some sweet holsters!! Keep em coming! Great work as always!
  7. Right now I use an edge beverler from Tandy that looks like this..... and it works ok for most things but when I get to a real small curve/circle like this... (picture is Particals nice mag pouch) and mine won't cut it, literally! Is there a better beverler for these type spots? If so... what is it and what size would be similar to a Tandy #3? I do mostly 8-10 oz leather and I think size 3 is right in the tandy line.
  8. I found a decent deal on a Holster and bought it, only to find out it had a masking tape "price tag" on the front! Ugh..... here is a picture of how it looks after I took the tape off. Any good ideas what might help to clean this off and then what to do to restore it to a good looking piece of leather? Thanks!
  9. Thanks again guys! I'm making a matching one for my 44 Special!
  10. I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Any help to improve it would always be welcomed! I made it from 8-10 oz W/C Skirting Leather. This is for a Ruger Single Six 22 with 4 5/8" BBL. I'm already working on another similar holster where the gun won't sit quite so deep in the holster. The hammer is lower than I would have liked.
  11. I'd like to get a few dummy guns to add to my mini-heap! Let me know if you have any you'd part with, what make, etc.... and how much shipped to MN. Thanks!
  12. Very nice looking little rig right here!! Thanks for sharing. I'll add mine to the fray tomorrow. I made two so far for the LCP... not sure I like either, but maybe try #2 isn't too bad!
  13. Is there a high quality source for Drum Dyed leather, other than W/C? I've had some issues with my last two orders and want to see if there is a better option to give a try. Thanks!
  14. Like the title says...... where is the best place to buy Hermann Oak leathers for Holsters/sheaths? I only will be buying 2-3 sides at a time..... or is it best to go direct (10 side min?)? Is the savings substantial? Thanks!
  15. I really like the look of this one but my question is, how do you get the gun out if/when it's needed? I made one similar and the holster comes out with the gun... not too handy in an emergency! So... I need to figure a way to get the two pieces to seperate! Like I said... I like the looks a lot.... I just want the holster to stay put when the gun comes out.
  16. Thanks guys! there are some nice looking mag pouches in here! I prefer the single pouch style.... when you make them a pancake, it just takes up too much real estate on the belt, for ME. The pancake ones look very nice though!
  17. Lookin good!! Keep it up!
  18. I could be wrong, as I am new to using snaps too... but, is it possible that they slide/move because the post is too long? If the post is longer than ideal.... it has to go somewhere, right? I am guessing there is a certain length that needs to stick through and that we need to trim off the excess before setting.
  19. Can a few of you guys and gals show the magazine pouches you make? I've never made one and want to make a decent one... single pouch is what I like. I'd love to do one for an LCP and then for my Glocks and 1911's! So show em if ya got em! Thanks!
  20. I'd think stiff to start with is ok too, IF you pull it from the pocket a lot to break it in faster. Also, I am thinking deep FORMING is not too good an idea with pocket holsters. I made one for an LCP and it's not easy to get the gun out! But, mine does not have the nice "hook" piece as shown above... that should catch on the pocket and keep the holster inside while the gun pulls out. Mine turned out nice, but, not effective... so it's a show piece.... not for carry! I need to make a proper one now!
  21. I ordered a couple today... all Blue guns! 1911, 1911 Commander and LCP. I like that LCP pocket holster you made too.. nice and clean.
  22. Nice looking holster! Good job!
  23. I'll second that request. It sure does look nice though!
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