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Everything posted by EricDobson

  1. I'm wondering what the considerations are to using O-rings vs D-rings? When is it better to use each type? Is it primarily a functional or visual decision? Thanks!
  2. I'm looking for a rectangular loop, similar to this: BUT, I'm looking for one that has a roller on one side. If anyone knows if this exists, where to get it, or maybe something similar, it'll be a huge help! This would be a huge improvement for a design I'm planning. Thanks!
  3. Could you share where you ended up finding them? Thanks!
  4. Thanks for sharing this. I'm just now getting started, and have all of my basic tools in the mail right now, but I still haven't ordered any leather yet. (It's going to be a painful time once my tools arrive.) I think I need to break down and order some Tandy leather to get started quickly, then put in my order with W&C and make sure I never run out!
  5. These are the things I never learned growing up in the digital age... I haven't dealt with real photos in years. I'm guessing most people do this wrong, because i don't ever remember any mats in picture frames growing up.
  6. Good to hear Spinner. I really wanted to put an order in but I'm just not sure what I want yet for the project I have in mind. I figure better to pay 10% more and get what I really need than regret a rush decision. I'm sure W&C won't mind that I waited.
  7. One thing I've found is this organic leather website. I don't know how active this endeavor is but they talk about the issues and apparently are trying to put a system in place that is more accountable. As they point out, the major problem is that right now there is no possibility on a larger scale to track specific hides from organic, humane producer to quality tannery to delivery. I'd certainly like to see more progress made in this area. Realistically, I think the best thing I could do is become successful using what's currently available, then use whatever influence I develop to make some changes. It'd be a lot easier to influence the building of a new system if I were using a few hundred hides per year. We'll see.
  8. I agree. Very nice work. What is the weight of that leather? It looks thick! (Which I like!)
  9. I'm not sure if anyone has posted this, but I was recently in touch with Wickett & Craig and they reminded me that prices are going up October 1st. A day and a half left to save a few bucks! Price Increase.pdf
  10. What was your stitch spacing and thread size on this? Maybe I'm lacking a sense of scale but the stitches look tiny! Looks great.
  11. I'm always interested in this topic! Anything you can add will be greatly appreciated!
  12. Great looking work! My main concern for the glass would be if you're going to put original photos that might be irreplaceable, or if you're going to put reproductions and could always print out another one... for original photos, I'd definitely want some protection.
  13. Cuing iTunes now...
  14. I agree. Get the stitching laid in a groove and you'll be in great shape. My only other comment is the choice of leather... I think with the black knife handle and black inlay, the brown leather looks a bit out of place. But whatever you prefer and in any case, I think you did a great job on the inlay.
  15. Welcome! Most of your questions are beyond me as I'm also a beginner, and I have zero experience with horses... but I can help a bit with the groove question. The groove is generally set in from the edge the same width as the leather is thick. It is used for the reasons you mentioned: it brings the stitches below the surface so there won't be nearly as much friction and they will last a lot longer. That's #1. But also it does serve as a guideline so the stitches are in a straight line a consistent distance from the edge. This is in combination with running an overstitch wheel in the groove, that marks where each stitch will go so they are evenly spaced. Another benefit to stitching in a groove is, it just looks better. It's applied with a groover. I'm not sure if there's a more technical name than that. Here's a saddlemakers groover from Campbell Bosworth, I think the same one used in the video below. In this video he starts using the groover at 4:42: I hope this helps!
  16. The big thing for me is, I don't want to hire other people to do something I would never do myself. If I wouldn't treat my own cows a certain way, and I wouldn't work with tanning chemicals if there was a reasonable alternative, I'm not going to ignore that I'm paying someone else to do it. You can't outsource integrity. I have no problem with raising animals for food and hide, but I think it's worth the effort to find suppliers who conduct business in an ethical way, or to use less harmful options if they're available. I looked into alternatives to leather, and there's nothing very impressive out there. Synthetics are junk and are made from petroleum, and I'm not going to get into nitpicking over which ones are slightly less harmful. That applies to leather too... if the difference between chrome and veg tan isn't huge, then I'm not going to worry about it. I'd just like to know.
  17. The cut is great! The seams form really nice curves! Love the side laces too. They bring it together well (no pun intended).
  18. Thanks for posting the closeup, it's nice to be able to study the details. As for the thread, have you thought about waxing it yourself with beeswax? My understanding is that oftentimes commercially waxed thread has too much wax which can lead to other problems. I need to learn more about that as I'm about to order some thread and since it takes me 1-2 weeks to receive an order, I hate getting it wrong.
  19. I usually try not to comment on things that I can't give a definitive answer on, but this is a topic I'm extremely interested in and hope to learn a lot more about. My understanding is that vegetable tanning is significantly better for the environment, though I don't know that it's entirely harmless. I hope someone more knowledgeable can shed some light on this. I'd love to be wrong and have someone convince me that I shouldn't be concerned about using chrome-tanned leather, but I suppose it's just as likely that someone will come along and inform me that veg is just as bad in its own ways... we'll see!
  20. As nice as it is to see all the amazing tooling people do, I can really appreciate a simple, functional item like this. How did you create the crease at the handle? I can't quite tell in the pictures but it looks a little too sharply creased, almost like a wrinkle... maybe someone with more experience would know why. I'm not sure if it's just pressed too deep, or should it have been wet and shaped more gently with a bone folder or some other more rounded tool? I don't know. Just wondered how you did it and what other people think. Any other projects in the works?
  21. A good first! I'm assuming this is the one you mentioned in another topic that you made for a friend? I'll be interested to hear how he likes it and how it functions for him. What kind of leather did you use and what finish did you apply?
  22. I realize I'm resurrecting a dead thread here, but... Is this the Tandy Imprinting Machine that was referred to above, and if so, wouldn't this Infinity Stamps Arbor Press be a much better deal? The 2-ton press weighs 100 pounds, it's cast iron, and it's cheaper. Am I missing something? I don't know the history here... perhaps the Infinity wasn't available six months ago...
  23. I find it to be real hit-or-miss with the iPhone and what forum content will show. Sometimes the topics won't display, sometimes I can't see profile content. That could certainly be your issue.
  24. Definitely a great start! And a nice way to start out with your first post here. I look forward to seeing more.
  25. I like the border and the style of the letters. I'm also a big fan of straps that use that kind of adjustment method. Looks like a good pattern.
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