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Everything posted by Kimmee

  1. ATTENTION TACK MAKERS! You put in all the hard work and time of making a beautiful headstall and then you stick an ugly yellow "pencil" in where the bit attaches?! NOOO! Problem solved! Introducing the Sleepy Holow Leather and Custom Beading BIT STICK©!!! Customized to your color preferences. Contact me to order yours! $40CDN or $31USD + shipping NOTE: Leather work pictured is created by Jan Brohn at Cole Coles Leather
  2. Chris, I got a set of your burnishers about a year ago and use them all the time and LOVE them. I hope you get this sorted out to your satisfaction and sooner than later. If you need any help, looks like you have quite a few folks on here and on Facebook that are willing to step up to the plate for you. Best of luck and please keep us posted as to the progress. ~ Kim
  3. Thanks MadMaxx! I think I need an updated camera (or lessons) Appreciate your feedback! ~ K
  4. Thank you Tim!!! Appreciate that!
  5. This is the first clutch purse I have done in a Sheridan Style. I used a Chan Geer pattern as a base and finagled it to fit the clutch purse. I used a Chaylor-Finneli interior and used dark brown kangaroo for the lacing. Any feedback is welcome as I am new to this style of carving and still learning! ~ Kim Here is the back -- had to post in twice due to file sizes.
  6. Thanks Michael! I have been looking for a way to price my items and this will be a great guide for me! Cheers! ~ Kim
  7. do you still have them?
  8. I have been searching for the last week to see where I saw the finger carving (would have helped if I could have remembered what it was called) -- finally found the posts today. Just amazing! Is finger carving done all freehand or do you follow a pattern? Beautiful work! ~ Kim

  9. Love this! I would like to learn how to do this. The finished piece is really nice. Great job! ~ K
  10. Thank you! I found the sites listed above very helpful!! ~ Kim
  11. Thanks for posting! It is just what I am looking for -- I am also a newbie and going to give this a try! Cheers! ~ Kim
  12. Love your stuff - very unique!

  13. I am looking for where I can get a good variety of nailheads - specifically I am looking for a slanted rectangle shape for belts. Anyone know some websites that I can check out to find these? Thanks in advance! ~ Kim
  14. Hey AB Bound -- just thought I would drop you a hello and thank you, if I haven't already, for the compliment on my cover. :-) Do you have any pictures of your work to share?

  15. Hi! Just a quick hello to a fellow Canadian and a fellow Albertan!

  16. Kimmee


    This is really nice!!! What a great job!
  17. Yes, this was my very first project and they turned out better than I expected. Still too chicken to actually "ask" for feedback as I am sure there will be a long list of improvements. Thank you so much for the compliment. It is very encouraging.
  18. Thanks for adding me Doris. Sounds like we have a lot in common. I used to do a lot of other crafts too and nothing really compares to doing the leather work. Seems to bring all those skills into one hobby but still presents a lot to learn. ~ Cheers

  19. Wow! Love your work. Very impressive.

  20. Looks great! I like how you have done the inlay of the sting ray and the tab clasp.
  21. Kimmee

    First Projects

    These are some of my first items that I have made. I am new and have only been doing leather work for a couple months.
  22. From the album: First Projects

    © © leatherworker.net

  23. New to the site and to leather work!

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