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Jbarv Bulls

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About Jbarv Bulls

  • Birthday 09/24/1973

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Not real special yet....
  • Interested in learning about
    Tack and such

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  1. Mine was doing that, a friend told me to take the bobbin and shuttle out and clean all the gunk that had built up inside there, cleaned it out, worked like a champ.
  2. I use a double toe Harness foot. Gets alot closer than a standard left or right toe.
  3. I have good luck with Weavers top coat and springfield leathers pro clear. They are similar to Tandys super sheen. Leaves a nice shine, but not as glossy as wyosheen.
  4. I quit using them when I started getting sides of veg tan that smelled like a tom cat had marked it for me...
  5. I use latigo split down to 4-6 oz to line all my breast collars. I like how it looks, the heft it gives them, and seems to last pretty good. Bridles and such, I use either 4/6 oz oil tanned or horse hide oiled up real good, just depends on what I have laying around.
  6. What Chris said ... Id like to offer that I have the best results using gum trag with my dremmel burnishers. I hit it with gum trag, then sometimes beeswax, then the burnisher. I generally use the largest one I have and walk it back and forth from edge to edge.
  7. I spent about 12 years riding bareback horses, started raising a few bucking bulls, clowning some shows, then decided I should get a real job when I got too old and fat to be in the money and diesel fuel got up to $5 a gallon. Also spent a couple of years as a detective at my local police department, then got a job as a 911 coordinator. Decided that didnt pay enough so I took a job with the National Park Service. I repair tack, build a few holsters, belts, and such in my spare time to help supplement things. Almost forgot, I am the chief wood cutter, splitter, taste tester, and firebuilder at my wifes smoked meats/bbq restaurant.
  8. Im a big fan of Dixon bevelers ... I have a set that I like alot better than any of my old Gomph or Osbourn's. The learning curve is a little steeper due to their design, but it makes them alot easier to keep sharpened.
  9. My father in law lives near Onia, I get over that way fairly often. My toro does fine with chap leather as long as I remember to change out needles and thread. Never had a problem. Only adjustments I make are to the presser foot pressure. Havnt tried to sew any canvas with it tho, might be the difference.
  10. Hi from up the road at Saint Joe, I bought a flatbed attachment for my toro 3000, chap work aint bad at all on it. Kind of a pain to take on and off, but otherwise it works fine.
  11. I thought the wet tracks would sure enough show, so I never tried it. I may have to try out some plates and see if that helps. Thanks fellers.
  12. Do you wet the gusset before you sew it? I normally end up with my presser foot not being able to traverse the excess leather waving up around the corners on my Toro 3000 with a double toe.
  13. I missed the $12 ones that sold, cant make myself pay $55 for the one thats on there now....
  14. Anyone have an old Midas wild boar, or craftool razorback type stamp they want to get rid of for a reasonable price?
  15. I switch back and forth between it and the acrylic finish from Springfield Leather Co. I cant really tell any difference in them.
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