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greg gomersall

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Everything posted by greg gomersall

  1. Yes there is a lot of balance to the double ended stick Bob. Ben both my sticks are ligna-vita so they have alot of weight without the lead added but I have seen that as well. Thanks guys. Greg
  2. Aguy here in Idaho has a 97-10 advertized for sale on Ferdco's swap board. Greg
  3. Does anybody use a stamping stick when carving anyore. i have a single ended one as well as a double. Use these and maul's steady. Greg
  4. Art the international has blades stops built into it so the blade slides ahead to the same spot every time. It takes approx. 2 minutes to remove or install blade and has a feed system one can only dream about. My splitter has a hand crank wheel while the other end has the original belt drive wheel to mechanize and a quick disengage lever on lower front if one needs to diengage quickly when under power. As for a dial for depth indicater it isn't really practical for anything more than casual reference as the firmness of one piece to the next will vary, so you will have slight differences due to this. Greg
  5. Yes Bob but the secret is that the bullet shuttle type will pull a tighter stitch when set up properly. That is part of why these newer machines cannot hold a candle to them. Greg P.S. Can you spell your name backwards?
  6. Steve if you guys are gonna come out with a big splitter we should talk. The old International splitter is a lot better design than the Randall and you might be interested in copying mine. Greg
  7. My wife would gladly offer up ol lefty but I'm kinda partial to him beings we have been together all our lives. Greg
  8. the 1010 was the one i meant. they are not far from you, you could put some sample thicknesses together of what you want to be able to sew and go try the machine out in thier shop. If you decide it's the machine for you there would be no freight charges to worry about and your parts and service guys are an hour a way. Greg
  9. Ferdco makes a 1010 or a 2020 or something like that which is not much more than the 440r. you would be much happier with it. Greg
  10. 5shot a Randall and a Randall/Union are 2 different machines and a Randall IS an Awl feed machine. Greg
  11. u ordur chinese foo.
  12. Yes as long as you have the right needle plates that are built for doing a box joint on. Have seen an american staight needle set up to do this as well as landis 3's and randall's. Infact I believe Connie sells the attachment for the randall's. Someone also mentioned an attachment for the tippman boss but they didn't have enough hands to hold everything in place plus pull the lever. Not sure if any of the chi-com machines have the attachment but I'm sure one of the dealer's who have been hovering today can chime in. Greg
  13. I like Jack In The Box myself. Greg
  14. same from here. good show guys. Greg
  15. Bill Bean is a tree maker and rancher from Pearl Idaho. He is a brother of saddlemaker Rick Bean. Greg
  16. I give my new strings and latigo's a quick dip in warm water then work lots of paste saddle soap into them. on a clean up job on a saddle I would use a sponge to dampen the strings slightly then soap. Greg
  17. I have 5 new Ohio Travel Bag part #L-3397 thermoplastic sheets 15" x 30" x .2" thick to sell. I bought them and discovered they were too thick for what I had intended. Original cost of $11.25 each for a total of 56.25 plus freight. I will ship these anywhere in continetal US for $25.00 freight included. My stupidty can be your gain if you need them. Greg
  18. You can go to Jeremiah's website ranch2arenadotcom Greg
  19. The latigo leather already has oils pentrated into it during the tanning process. Just work lots of saddle soap into your strings and latigo's when they are new and re-soap them every time you clean and condition the saddle. Oils on the latigo's will hold dirt to them more so than veg-tan. some latigo is called veg tanned latigo but it goes thru a different tanning process than skirting leather. greg
  20. if you are gonna use a conditioner on the strings use saddle soap only. You Do Not use oil or grease on your strings or your latigo as it cuases them to hold dirt and they become hard to pull and or tie. I do not care if it lexol non-greasy, neetsfoot or saddlebutter do not use it on latigo. Greg
  21. Just use a scratch awl or a spike to open them up. Greg
  22. We can open carry here in Idaho. I immigrated to this country in 2001 from The People's Republic of Canada at a time when they were phasing in the final parts of a mandatory long gun registration as proposed in HR45. There are more people in the state of California than in Canada yet this registry has cost over a Half A Billion dollars and is so tied up in its own problems that it is ineffective. Fortunately we have the Second Admendment behind us and that our current President has not had a chance to make any Supreme Court appointments yet. FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS! Greg
  23. You might find a clue to its origin on the tree once you get the leather stripped off. Quite often the tree itself would have a label either under the rawhide or stuck on top. You should be able to read it thru the hide even if it is under. Greg
  24. You might want to try frogs!
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