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Everything posted by reddevil76

  1. If you buy through Tandy, they will advise you how much to pay. I believe UPS will then sort out the rest since it is a door to door service. This is applicable for deer skins as well. Tandy's customer service manager contacted me, and we decided that not much point he resend another of the same leather. So I bought a side of the Royal Meadow, and he credit off from the price, what I paid for the Craftsman Oak.
  2. Thank you. Exotic skins are not outlawed for export per se, but rather that you need to pay taxes to buy it.
  3. After idling for some time, decided to make a simple wallet to warm up again. At 0.75 inch thick, most will call it a brick I know. But that's how the raw denim folks like it
  4. I have another 6" X 3" piece which I sew the pockets to. I glue the top piece to it first. This top piece has no other purpose other than to cover the flesh side of the 6 X 3 piece. Then I glue the second piece's side tabs and edge of bottom only, just below the top piece. I thenX stitch the bottom edge ONLY. Then i glue the third piece's side tabs and edge of bottom only, just below the second piece. I then stitch the bottom edge only. And on it goes, till all pieces are assembled, then I stitch all around the 6 X 3 piece, securing the tabs in the process.
  5. This is how I achieve a flush side when stacking up card pockets. Trim away overlapping areas.
  6. Ray, I use a Craftool strap cutter. I am a lefty as well. It works the same way for lefties except that the measurement markings would be upside down while you are pulling. But it doesn't matter as once you've set the width you want, you won't be looking at them anymore.
  7. Well, the lockstitch actually wears out the thread as I am stitching, because the knot makes the threads rub against each other alot more than the saddle stitch during the stitching process. I have to keep re-waxing while stitching a 8 X 8 inch wallet outer. With the saddle stitch, I don't have this problem.
  8. I have used both methods. I started out using exclusively your current method of making a knot in each stitch. It became a problem for stitching straight long narrow pieces as the tension will pull the piece into a curve. Especially when I am working with 3-4 oz leather, and 1mm thread. It also wears out the thread considerably. I have since switched to just making sure both needles go in the same way, but no knot. Only when I am ending the last few stitches, then I produce a few knots. Both methods produce the "potential bad side" as you mentioned. There is no escaping it. The only way to avoid it this "potentially bad side" as you mentioned is to use round stitching holes.
  9. Anyone with experience with the above splitter can advise how thin can this splitter skive down to before it bottoms out?
  10. Using their latest technology, CIG (Custom Image Generation), Pittards has now created a new camouflage leather destined for military applications and the hunting market. Being able to chase a quarry without being seen is paramount to the hunter. Pittards CIG technology offers a unique and durable camouflage pattern on leather for optimum invisibility of the wearer. The pattern is incorporated into the grain structure providing longer lasting aesthetic characteristics, whilst still ensuring that all the benefits associated with the Pittards WR100X tanning process remain. Water resistant Pittards WR100X tannage offers an enhanced resistance to rain, humidity or working conditions, and greater insulation in all weathers. Perspiration resistant Pittards leather has been chemically treated to prevent absorption of moisture, including sweat, and thereby retains its softness and feel even after repeated exposure. Exceptional fit Pittards WR100X leather offers exceptional softness of touch, natural fit and unique flexibility for ultimate comfort.
  11. I glue it into place prior to stitching. If I did have to shorten the zip, I would then sing them on the ends with a lighter to melt the fraying fabric.
  12. Thanks guys for all the feedback and encouragement. I have managed to work out a most satisfactory resolution with Jim, the Customer Service Manager of TLF.
  13. Spot on. I find myself doing everything other than leatherwork. Anyway, after I went to post something on TLF's facebook page, the customer service manager emailed me. We are working out a resolution now. I hope to eventually settle down on a couple of good suppliers that will cover tools and supplies, and then just focus on making stuff.
  14. The info could be right or wrong. It definitely is in Asian culture, but I cannot say if it originates from here. This symbol can be seen on many Buddhist statues here. But I can't be sure who is older, Buddha or the Native Americans. Probably someone can chip in. One thing, I love the carving on your profile! I myself ride a 09 Triumph Speedmaster!
  15. Trust me, I know all about cramp conditions and such. My relatives in Malaysia says we Singaporeans are funny, we don't have our neighbours over unless on special occasions. But then again, they have never tried living in the "boxes" we do that we paid $800K for! Pics are like looking at them over the internet. If you don't mind, I'd just take a peek from the corridor so you don't have to lug it downstairs. I'd be very afraid that you'd dirty it in the process and I'd feel guilty about that. Are you interested to see the Hermann Oak?
  16. Jonathan, I love old items with a sentimental value or a story behind it. I'm sure you receiving the tools was a sign of a blessing from your great grandpa above. Look, the call you were anticipating came! Cheers and all the best to you.
  17. Hey Kuroba, I actually enquired regarding the top grade tooling sides from Springfield. Funnily enough, they are cheaper than the B grade Hermann Oak I bought from them. Well, I guess the price difference is US vs Imported. Anyway, Jill has offered to send samples with the next order. I can't make another order (another risk) just to have samples. So I offered to cover the postage for samples. Waiting for them now. Is that what you got from them the last round? I'd be keen to drop by to see the W&C leather (if you don't mind) once you received it. Is it the standard, utility or special?
  18. Hi Big Gun, in Asia, there are alot of leather products made here, except Singapore. I just happen to be in the one Asian country where hand craft skills aren't particularly held in high regard. Our people at the top aims to be the education hub, aviation hub, animation hub, blah blah blah... but traditional skills like these... very very rare. If you talk about professional leather workers, there is one new workshop opening this Thursday (tomorrow). Making it a total of 3 workshops, in a population of 6.5 million. I would love to order leather from Asia, but so far I have not found one single company that does mail order for hobbyists. The leather companies I've found all only wants to do corporate business.
  19. When making a wallet for example, it might just need 2 sq foot of leather. But then, there will wastage, or worse, mistakes. On top of that, for the entire side, not every inch is usable, especially when the defects are in inconvenient places. With all these adding up, if we can save on shipping, we try. If it means a little wait for the supplier, it might just be worth it. Afterall, it would also be cheaper to return the leather in the event of a problem. That said, Springfield Leather has been treating me right and I would recommend them if you do need to go overseas like me. How much is it (approx) to ship a side from US to Oz? It cost me $155 to ship 4 light weight sides. 2 in 4-5 oz, and 2 in 3-4 oz.
  20. Ferg, I guess I am being very emotional about it. But I guess it depends on where the individual is in life at the moment. One year ago, I would have just wrote it off and forgot about it and moved on. Right now, things are just a little different. And ironically, leatherwork was suppose to help me along while keeping me busy. Yet, due to such issues, it has sunk me deeper. Take a plate away from a diner in Hooters, he might abuse you verbally and call you a crazy. Take the food from the hands of a starving Somali and he might just kill you to get it back. Dylan
  21. Yes, I found that people who told me that they are satisfied with Tandy are usually the ones who walk in and choose their leather. For the 15 hides you went through, you found only one good one. For the rest, it has to go somewhere, right? Is it the right thing to dump it on us, the mail order customers. I feel, to be fair, if they have problems selling these hides to walk in customers, they should not just see mail order customers as an outlet for them to get rid of these leather. Instead they should either speak with their supplier, or stop importing these leather, or REPRESENT IT ACCURATELY as covered with insect bites, and not use the word occasional. As it is, it does not add character to any project of mine but just adds more crap to my scrap bin. If you can call a complete 24 sq ft side a scrap. I have a customer who mentioned he was interested in picking up leather craft. After giving him some tips on what is necessary to order, I discovered that he is going to the US to study in July. I told how much I envy him as he could actually walk in to a store and pick out his leather instead of sending money across the continent and crossing my fingers hoping I won't be burnt for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc... time. I should just pick up another hobby.
  22. I understand alot of people found their ideal supplier by shopping around. But sometimes, the act of shopping around simply just depletes your entire budget before you could even properly start off. I did get some H.Oak from Springfield, which is ok, but does not suit my needs. I don't need leather that carves well, but need them to be clean clean clean. Jill from Springfield has offered to send me samples of another leather which is in the same price range but cleaner (import). I am waiting on the samples right now. But sometimes, these acts from companies like Tandy just zaps the energy out of you. I almost sold my entire set of tools just after receiving this Tandy side. Really felt like I could not just keep taking loans, hoping to make something to pay it off, and then receiving another useless side, and taking another loan to order more. Maybe you guys are stronger than me, but this shopping for leather just depresses me, literally. Tandy, ironically, has taken the joy out of leathercrafting for me.
  23. This is a side I received from Tandy. I took several pics, and they ARE representative of the ENTIRE hide. TANDY CAN SUE ME IF THEY WISH TO DISPUTE THAT!! I am extremely angry now because they have simply not replied to my emails about this. I am fully aware this is advertised as a economy side. But look at it this way, I not only pay for the leather, I have to pay for the shipping as well. Which is about $35. So for every inch that is unusable, not only the leather money goes down the drain, so does the shipping money. And I would have been happy if I can get 10 sq ft of clean leather out of a 24-26 sq ft economy side. BUT THE ENTIRE SIDE??? There was also a $5.59 per sq ft calf veg tan which was advertised as clean carving leather. Clean! It is almost as bad as this economy 3-4 oz side! I was so angry when I saw it that I used the lace cutter to cut half of it into lace simply because I could not stand looking at it. I made a mistake of braiding a couple of cords plus lined 4 wallets. It was a desparate attempt to myself to justify the purchase of it and also to used it so I don't have to look at it. But it was a mistake, because what is not usable, simply shouldn't be used. I ended up throwing away the cords, and then had the wallets returned from unhappy customers, and I threw them away. So I also wasted the HO leather which was used to create the wallet outers and inners. Before, already I would received one liner brusque replies to my enquiries. Now there is a problem, NO REPLY! AGAIN, SUE ME IF I HAVE SAID SOMETHING UNTRUE! They give me the feeling that they take overseas customers as easy prey and send the lousiest leather to them as it is more difficult for them to return the leather. But do we pay any lesser than US customers? Should we be treated this way? Is this preying on the small guy to line the pockets of the corporate big wigs? I HATE TANDY LEATHER FACTORY! Now i just have to go dig out our family book of curses. I am considering setting up a website just dedicated to showcasing these leather they have exchanged for my hard earned money.
  24. Every wallet produces another bag of scrap. Brain wracking to think of what to do with them. Can't I just throw them away?

    1. gaRYW5


      Of course you can,but later on you wish you wouldn't have.

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