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Josh Ashman

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Everything posted by Josh Ashman

  1. Here are a few things I got finished this week that I thought turned out pretty well. The holster is 8 oz HO and the scabbard is leftover HO 16 oz skirting cut from the bottom, the end drops off pretty light, maybe around 8 oz and just like you'd think belly leather would be :-) . Both were finished with several light coats of NF oil and lots of time in the sun. The holster got a coat of 50/50 M&G/water and the scabbard got a liberal coat of Aussie wax. Thanks for looking! Josh
  2. Thanks Robert, mine was also an accident, or miss-calculation if you will. Between it being a fist run pattern and the basket weave stretching the front piece more than I'd figured it was too loose without the added 3rd line. Best regards, Josh
  3. Hey Bobby, good to hear from you! Outstanding news on your son and grandson, sounds like they had an excellent season. Have fun at the shop, post some pictures once you're back up and running. It's always cool to see your work! Semper Fi, Josh
  4. I'm still playing around on personal projects trying to learn how to use a sewing machine. I figured why not try out some different colors why I'm at it. Here is a clip on IWB for an officers model and an OWB for a full size 1911. 8 oz HO on both, Fiebings oxblood dye cut with alcohol and varying amounts of black. Thanks for looking, Josh
  5. Jeez Diablodeal, that seems a little over the top. I would rather see Robert's great designs, colors, stamping, fit and finish with a nice clean detailed laser etching than a hand carved blob. I certainly don't think the laser work takes away from the rest of the piece. FYI, if your work doesn't demand a decent price, it's probably not decent work. I hope I haven't offended you... Josh
  6. Outstanding design and execution on the holster and gunbelt Frank. I'm not comfortable commenting on your backside, but to each their own
  7. Thanks Robert! the machine is awesome and I'm really glad I got it. It'll be even better when I can use it worth a darn. I'll stick to some projects for me that have been on the back burner for a while until I get it figured out a little better. Thanks again and have a good day! Josh
  8. Here's a holster, mag pouch and belt set that I just finished up. Plain and black is what the guy asked for and plain and black is what I did. This is 8 oz HO and Fiebings dye. The basket weave field holster and mag pouch is for me and a little more my style (since it's for me I guess that only makes sense). 10 oz HO on the holster and 8 oz on the mag pouch. I hand stitched the belt and after many years of going back and forth finally broke down and bought a machine so the holsters and mag pouches were sewn on a class 4 Cobra. The machine is great but I am not much of an operator on it yet. That's part of why I built a few goodies for me. Thanks for looking, Josh
  9. The good folks at Springfield Leather told me to oil my new Cobra class 4 every 12 hours of actual sewing but I didn't ask how much oil. Should it be a few drops in the oil holes? a lot of drops? fill the hole to the top (I know you don't really want to fill them to the top... go ahead, ask how I know ). Thanks for any advise, Josh
  10. My 2 cents is that an acrylic finish will seal and protect the holster without making the leather softer. Typically that's what a person is looking for on this type of holster. The neutral shoe polish will put a light wax on top and not soften the leather but it won't give the protection of acrylic. You could try cutting the Resolene in half with water, some folks do that and say it works for them. I finish my concealed holsters with Mop & Glo cut 50/50 with water and like the results. Nice job on all three holsters, keep up the good work! Josh
  11. Very nice, everything looks outstanding!
  12. Thanks so much! Is it safe to say that this would work OK for lighter leathers and a thread size up to about 138? I'm considering getting this fixed for chaps and lighter leather and getting a 441 clone for saddles, tack and gun leather. Thanks again, Josh
  13. Here are a few pics... Thanks, Josh
  14. +1 Mike, glad you're back
  15. Solid advice Tom, when I was typing it I couldn't believe I didn't think to take a few pictures before I left the house. Thanks, Josh
  16. I had a fairly heavy duty sewing machine handed down to me and I was wondering if somebody here tell me a little about it. It's an older machine and the photocopied manual that it came with is for a Consew 224, however I'm not 100% sure that's what this machine is. If it's not it, it is very close. There isn't a Consew tag on the machine but it does have a tag marked F11-55 on the front lower right side and made in Japan marked under it. There is also a tag that says to use Feitsew needle 135x17. Unfortunately the machine doesn't work right now but it was working when it was placed in storage several years ago. If anybody has any information about what they think this is I'd sure appreciate it if you'd share. I've always hand sewn so I know next to nothing about machines but it looks more like something suited for lighter leather maybe up to 3/8" or so. I would like to confirm that and I'd also like to have an idea of it's value and where a person would take it to get fixed. Thanks, Josh
  17. Will somebody please post the dimensions for a Glock 19 mag? I also wondered if there is any chance an XDM mag would work to mold a pouch? Thanks, Josh
  18. Great job on all of them Frank! Thanks for sharing. Best regards, Josh
  19. Thanks Big O! I thought about putting some more "swoop" on the front but decided not to on this one. I mostly agree that a little more curve looks good but it also seems like it creates an area in the holster that gets a little floppy if you get carried away. Always looking for that happy middle ground Best regards, Josh
  20. Here's a simple pancake for an XDM I finished up this morning. it's 8oz HO and Fiebings black pro oil dye. a light coat of NF then 50/50 M&G and water to finish it off. Thanks for looking, Josh
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