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Everything posted by Eaglestroker

  1. I think they all look great, first two are my favorites though! Keep up the good work.
  2. I think it looks great! Lobo's 'Modified" version was one of the first holsters I attempted, and still my favorite to wear.
  3. I think your detail work looks really great! Might I ask what color that brown is? I really LOVE that!
  4. Thanks Aaron, after going and viewing some threads in the stamping section I've been doing it all wrong. Time to go back and keep working on it...
  5. Thanks Shooter. Could you be a little more specific? I know that I do the border a little different than most.
  6. I think it's a neat design, and I like your style as well. Keep up the good work!
  7. I finished quite a few this weekend and these are my ones I chose to show off. They are all my first attempts at lining as well, even though I'm gluing both sides the lining at the openings has tended to peel back and I'm not sure how to remedy this just yet. The first is a second version of my most recent J-frame design. I wasn't happy with the square toe even though it looked ok and it was quite a pain to burnish! This second is for a new pistol I picked up last week. I know all you open trigger guard folks will love it! And last but not least I think this holster is my all time favorite/best ever made to-date. As always please critique my work as it can only make it better.
  8. That shoulder rig looks awesome! Your 'test' holsters look nicer than some of my normal holsters.
  9. Yours for the 1911 turned out fantastic. I had the same problems with my early work and have gone for the 'less is more' approach on boning with my later work. Keep at it!
  10. Shooter - no replies can be disheartening when your really proud of a particular project! I think they turned out awesome and you'll be able to sell as many as you would like.
  11. I have to say all in all that is pretty phenomenal for your fourth attempt, keep it up! I really like your molding and look forward to seeing it finished.
  12. Thanks Mike, now that I know how the holster sits I will probably trim the loop to curve with the holster while still keeping it as wide as possible. I also think I'll ditch the square toe - was really a PITA to sand and burnish well. I actually had a bit of leather that stuck out passed there and decided it would look MUCH better if I chopped it. Work and learn! -Robert P.S. I had some concern elsewhere as to whether or not the pistol would 'pop out' when moving with the pistol. I wonder if this got the point across?
  13. I had a fella' ask me to make him a holster for his little S&W Airweight in early March, he has two he rotates so just sent one with me and said take your time. I've had a really hard time making a design for a pistol this small as everything I came up with seemed entirely too bulky for such a small handgun. I finished this one up this afternoon and am happy with it overall - now that I have a good design I need to whip one up in brown basket weave for him! Need to send a special thanks to Katass for this one, I really like the simplicity of his that he showed me and tried to replicate that KISS mentality in my own design. As always please critique where necessary!
  14. I'm not a 'legitimate company' like most on here, but I trade leather for other things almost exclusively. Ammo, guns, knives, I really enjoy the barter system! In any case I think you came up with a winner on both ends that knife sure is a beauty!
  15. Thank you Dave, I was assuming that holster had many an hour into it. Sorry for 'jacking your thread - tried to PM you but it wouldn't let me.And you most certainly should charge more for it. Quite a lot of work and materials but it sure does look nice!
  16. Hey Dave, thank you for pointing me in the direction of your lacing tutorial, how long would you estimate it takes to lace a sheath like in your tutorial? Thanks again - Robert.
  17. I like your pouches, still haven't gotten good with those. Don't be hard on yourself with a press your detail is just right IMO!
  18. Makes me want to learn to lace, outstanding!
  19. To 'the grumpy old man,' that rig is simply stunning. I really appreciate the simplicity of your normal work - but this is really something special without being over the top ostentatious. Kudos and I hope it makes you proud!
  20. I'm betting he uses whatever you would use to make a colored candle? Just a thought, colored wax seems intriguing!
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