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Everything posted by Eaglestroker

  1. Ive used a lot of your old posts as inspiration for work - glad to see a recent thread! I really like the flashlight/knife combo.
  2. Thanks for the help guys. i cut out my first belt blank last weekend and am looking forward to finishing it over the next couple of weeks!
  3. You treat it just like anything else you wet mold. Only difference is I do it all by hand on stamped holsters. I had a big problem with this on my earlier work but the problem was I wasn't casing the leather before tooling. That made a huge difference in the stamping lasting.
  4. Everybody's a comedian... Sorry but I'm not following this at all? How do you determine spacing with this method then?
  5. Thank you. I started doing it all at once, Stamping isn't too bad', just takes a lot of concentration. Ferg, Thank you for your compliments. I was planning a post in the stamping section as I still feel there is improvement to be made. I could find much information regarding 'fading' the stamp? -Robert
  6. Probably the easiest project I've done. Took longer to make the mold. If you made a mold for strictly 38 spcl you could loose about 3/8" off the total width as mines for .357 Magnums. I think the main thing is making sure its oversized so they dump without being so big they rattle around. Seems to me it could easily be adapted into a speed strip case as well. Thank you for the compliments.
  7. Matt, hope you don't mind but I would like to insert some questions on this topic myself. I've also tied a few holsters to the flaps using that knot dbusarow showed. Don't know what its called but I like how it looks and the simplicity of it. 1) Anyone know what color that holster might be in the original post? 2) What is ideal weight for ammo belt loops? Ive tried several times on butt pads and even after cracking down on them with pliers they still have loosened up after drying. 3) Also regarding the ammo loops, is stitching in between really necessary? 4) I've seen the ammo loops done two ways, cut slot and run piece in and out said slot. This I have tried, the second has a slot for in and out. I can post visually if this is fuzzy. Are there advantages/disadvantages to one way vs the other? 5) Regarding the fold over style gun belt. Is there an advantage or disadvantage to this type of construction or is it mostly cosmetics?
  8. Those would be the two! The pouch is straight from Stohlmans leather cases volume one which I just bought. His version used a belt loop which seemed cumbersome to me, I just thread it through the belt and snap it. That's exactly how it works though. I formed it around a wood mold then assembled.
  9. Wanted to try a new border stamp out. I hit two soft spots in the leather tooling these two pieces and they really jump out at me. I hope it isn't as bad for you! I'm still making some stupid mistakes, the biggest is not leaving enough fluff room on my edges leaving the thread uncomfortably close after dressing. One day I'll learn... As always suggestions welcome. The next personal project will be a Plains Style BBQ Gun belt.
  10. I can't answer the rest of your questions, but regarding revolver spacing: It's guess work. I've found the easiest way for me to get consistent results is to use welted designs but this may or may not work for you. Keep playing with it any you'll get it right!
  11. I remember seeing all these nice place so I thought I would add my workspace. I'm fortunate to have room to sprawl out in, it's not mine though!
  12. That is some mighty fine leather all around. I'd agree that your pricing your belts too low, maybe it could be your base price for the shorter length belts with a tier up. His work is arguably the finest around, WAY out of my price range but I dream about a carved Roper set up on a few of my Smiths.
  13. I would recommend reading this: http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/652682-Horizontal-Sheath-for-a-Buck-112-WIP -Robert
  14. Thank you Guy, I guess I need to try a band for this. I have seen the totally capped ends but frankly even though I understand the molding process I don't have any idea how to go about stitching that. Regarding the shotgun I think the combination of no real 'grip' on the rough side of the leather and the synthetic stock are allowing it a little play. This is why I was considering lining the piece for a little more grab.
  15. I'll follow Matt here. My only difference is I've also sold a few pieces online due to a few websites I frequent. I've gotten a lot of crazy requests and I've used a few of them to further my 'skills' and keep things from getting monotonous. I've been seriously considering setting up a website but I am a college kid which leads to somewhat unpredictable turn around times.
  16. Hey everyone, I've tried two of these and haven't been 100% happy with either of them thus far. My two major problems are this: 1) the ammo belt itself even after pulling tight with pliers loosens up almost immediately, and 2) unless laced extremely (almost uncomfortably) tight the cuff itself wants to shift forward. I have no solution for the first issue but was thinking either a rough out or lined cuff would solve the slipping issue? Any help is appreciated!
  17. I remember seeing the beginning of this, and decided I've drug my feet long enough and placed an order for one. I wish you and your family well in your future endeavors!
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