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Everything posted by leathernut

  1. that was a cool write up.amazing work
  2. roger got a quick question.when you lay down the neoprene as the base,do you take the polymer insert cut out the middle and laid it in?and what kind of blue foam do you lay over that.is that like 1/8 thick or so..i got a few customers askin about polymer inserts and havent tried by hand at them yet..how much do the polymer inserts go for?where do you get them.what do you charge for all the foam work is that include in your price..thanks Dan
  3. that came out real cool.love the color..
  4. wow you werent kidding.that is a deep backbone..cool lookin bike,and a badass seat to go with it now.nice job roger...
  5. very cool write up roger.my question is how much do you over lap the top over the sides.and do you use 2-3 oz for the sides?
  6. my buddys wife was given and old tooled chair that has been in storage and has dried and started to crack,i havent seen any pics or even seen the chair in person yet.could oiling it and help with dryness and the cracking.or is the whole chair shot due to the fact it is old and dried out.im gonna redo the chair top for her eventually.but didnt know if there was any way of saving it.didnt know if anybody had some tips or info on what to do.thanks
  7. i had only been doing leather work a few yrs.not long at all.but my two cents are,i take leather on the flesh side run warm water until its good and wet.stick in the fridge over nite in a plastic bag.and the next day when im gonna tool.let it return it to color and go ahead and tool.i was taught the warm water would pentatrate good.dont know if it does any better than cold water.works for me,happy usually way it comes out.
  8. nice work grumpy.still think xians wallet came out badass.
  9. thanks mj thats seems like some good advice,makes sense.im gonna pick one up a maul onr of these days..
  10. happy b-day Johanna...
  11. thats cool man.nice job..
  12. john seat came out real good man..tooling is clean..like the color.as far as the swivel knife just pratice.hell im still sloppy at times myself.keep up the good work keep carvin brother..
  13. cool hope to see you on monday then..
  14. ok just met wayne breifly last week gave me a shot to cover one of his seat pans.hope he likes it lol.planning on dropping it off mon.nite after work..thats cool pleasure to meet ya .love to see some pics of your work john..
  15. were in nh john?are you local in the area..glad to meet another seat builder in the area..
  16. thanks freak appericate the comments.far as the color its mahogney thinned out and tan antique on top.
  18. thumbs up roger, looks good..
  19. i usually do the usual drink beer, bbq,fireworks.this year trying to get a rush order done for the weekend bike seat.so i got stuck working and my wife and kid went and had fun.at least someone did lol..
  20. will do don thanks again for the help... dan
  21. thanks don for taking the time and doing that..i wondered if the leather was treated with a pecards and left rain if they would hold up a little better?
  22. that would be much appericated don..thanks..
  23. don cool tooling and coloring on the wallet.would markers hold up well in the rain and such to.without wearing out.or smudging.thanks dan
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