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Everything posted by mlapaglia

  1. I have one aluminum Boss and it works great. had a problem out of the box but Tippman fixed it and its great. They did make improvements to the aluminum model and as long as you do not hang off the handle and do standard maintenance you will have no more or less than the original version.
  2. Careful. A 1 lb mallet in the hands of an inexperenced child can be dangerous. A single point seeder will go half way into the granite.
  3. Glue a piece of rawhide or leather to the face of the deadblow. Thats what I did to mine. I used leather and contact cement. Works great.
  4. Have you thought of a hardwood Maul? There are cultures that only use a wooden maul with great success. Get some hard 4x4/s round them out and turn a handle on the end. I have seen and used one that was a 4x4 left flat and just a handle chiseled on the end. Worked great. Cost even less than making your own rawhide ones. Heck in a pinch one time I used a 3 inch log of pine from the fireplace stack and that worked great.
  5. "Just a simple sheath with a bit of 'gator." and Starry Starry Night was just a painting. Nice work. Simple is often times the best. I love the simple belt hook. Michael
  6. My thought would be to deglaze the area and try to redye it. It looks like you used a air brush. If so that will make it easier for touch ups. Dont try this until someone else chimes in. I could be totally wrong. Or make a test piece and try that first. As you now know. Gum trag last.
  7. Those are nice. They are also huge. Put a window on the bag and his kids can ride in them
  8. about 2 weeks. It wasnt bad considering the distance. Some of his stuff like some of the flowers has incredible detail for the price.
  9. I do some dog collars and found this nice dog bone stamp. I got it on eBay. It is very well made and makes a great impression. check out his other items also. They are all hand made and worth the price. The lower Piece is 8/9 HO and the upper piece is4/5 Tandy A look at the tool This is a list of all his other stuff for sale. Most of the stuff that is auction only is also for sale as a Buy it now if you look over the whole list.
  10. Hmmmm $12.00 new, This one is used and missing a part, Ill give you $4.58 for it and you pay shipping.
  11. Thats The same book I was going to suggest. One point. That book is still for sale so you might want to buy it instead of downloading it without payment.
  12. If you need a piece or 8/9 double sided glue two 4/5 pieces together flesh to flesh. Thats what a lot of us do. works really well.
  13. Sheridan Leather (888-803-3030) Sells Neat-lac under a different name. Use that.
  14. I have their 1lb maul. It's ok, I got what I paid for . I was not happy with the customer service but as long as it arrives intact You should be fine. If you can afford it get one from the Bear Maul guys.
  15. I'll give you 50 cents a piece for recycling. Dont believe anyone that says they are worth more. Seriously, How many and what do you have. They would probable sell better as a bunch together. Hard to price without an idea of what they are.
  16. What he said. The wife likes me to be neat when I go out dressed up. This improves the line of my shirt and keeps me looking spiffy. Thanks for the complements. Michael
  17. Very Nice. Ill need to look for one at a garage sale and do the same.
  18. I looked on Tandy and thats not veg-tanned leather. This would probably be why it doesnt work with the normal method. The pinned thread is for veg-tanned only. Im not sure you can burnish Utility or Oil tanned leather. You might have to do a rolled edge.
  19. True, I got carried away, We can tell people you took an Ambien and were sleep posting. The awake you would never say something that nice.
  20. I'll give you the pattern for the IWB I just made for my Shield. You will have to make it a touch larger but it should work fine. PM me if I can help Michael
  21. So it boils down to.... You have many good suggestions. I agree that the Tandy 6 set are really bad tools. So if you decide to go that route order the same tools by piece instead of the kit. They are much better. Tandy even has a different number on the kit set all the tools have a "Z" in front of the normal number, even they admit they are bad. So buy the tools in the Tandy kit but not as a kit (FYI the Tandy 6 is now called "Basic Stamping Set" and does not include the swivel knife.) For $24.99 the kit includes Beveler Stamping Tool B701 Camouflage Stamping Tool C431 Pear Shader Stamping Tool P206 Veiner Stamping Tool V407 Seeder Stamping Tool S706 Backgrounder Stamping Tool A104 You need a swivel knife for $14.99 and a mallet. The wooden mallet is $4.99 and is really bad but you can use it and many do start with it. The Poly medium mallet is $24.99. If you can afford it get it. Total with wooden mallet and knife $45.00 You should buy them separately, they are 7.99 each so its $48.00 plus 14.99 for the swivel knife. The wooden mallet is $4.99 the Poly medium mallet is $24.99. Total with wooden mallet $ $53.00 With the Poly Mallet $73.00 Barry King tools go for about $30 each. His knifes are $45 each and $55 for a maul. That comes out to $280 for a direct comparison to the Tandy set. If you are sure you will continue to do this and can afford it buy the Barry King tools. To be honest as much as we all knock the basic 6 set Many of us started with the basic 6 from a larger kit. It came with the 6 tools knife, wooden mallet, and some leather projects. We all survived and moved on to better tools. You will not be hurting yourself to start with the basic Tandy tools no matter how bad we say they are. Then if you decide to stay with the craft buy better and more when you can. This is my opinion. $73.00 or $45.00 is a good way to see if you like the craft even IF you can afford the $280 BK tools.
  22. +1 on the copper rivet. Probably the best way to go. Certainly very strong.
  23. I got mine from Tandy. They have the same ones that most people sell and it was easy to stop buy the store and pick them up. At $3.49 its a great deal since there was no shipping. They have two versions.I used this one for small holsters and the other one for larger holsters. Wow, thank you Mike for the kind words. You just made my day, month and year. Michael
  24. well things change with the addition of the "er". We started out talking about Leather craft vs leather works. The consensus seemed to be that craft was the stuff we made or the act of making it and works was the place it was made. Changing to talk about Leather crafter vs leather worker brings up a different set of thoughts. To me I agree with Johanna. A leather crafter brings up the image of a person that gets their leather and tools from Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Lots of glue gun, glitter and small items. A leather worker makes me think of a person with a corner or room or store they call "the shop" More than one piece of leather, has the tools, produces a product that is guality. Its like the difference between a gardener and a farmer. Leather craftesr are like gardeners and leather workers are farmers. This is my opinion only. As for the term that applies to me. I prefer Leather God. It's a miracle that I get anything done well. Michael
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