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    Friendswood, Texas

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  1. Beautiful workmanship. I like it.
  2. I like doing that method myself. Nice guide Lobo.
  3. The measurement given by Twin Oaks is the standard most of use. I have also tried the stitching after molding, and have had good luck, but still prefer to have all the stitching done prior to molding. That's me. It doesn't hurt to be comfortable with both methods. Also, when building a pattern, be pretty accurate when transferring your stitch line to your leather. That has caught me a couple of times.
  4. Well I will let you in on a secret.....we all started at the beginning too.
  5. I have yet to take the plunge in making a shoulder rig. The hand stitching is well done! I like the set up.
  6. For dye applications, two common methods are airbrushing and dip dyeing. Airbrushing gives you a lot of control over the application, while dip dying is all in the timing of how long you leave it soaking. Finishes are well documented on this forum and there are many ways of doing it and everyone has their favorite.
  7. Nice addition to your firearm collection! As always, beautiful work on that holster.
  8. I like the stitch pattern. Makes it stand out in a good way.
  9. Your Dad is going to love it! That is a well built and tooled set up. You hit the mark on that one.
  10. I have not run into an indicator that protrudes to the point that it causes issues. I mold as i normally do. Anyone else run into an issue?
  11. The trick as stated by Russ is to get it between your hip and spine where there is a natural indentation in your body. With the butt facing forward it avoids the normal press of a seat against it unless it is a bucket seat. I have yet to find a comfortable position for those type seats. Thanks workingman. I will post a pic when I get back. Out of town at the moment.
  12. Nice work. The pattern is well balanced throughout.
  13. Built this one for a customer to his specifications. A deep ride but very comfortable holster. Especially while sitting down.
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