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Everything posted by Eas

  1. Hi Mark and welcome to the best forum in the world <3 You just like me started out with knifesheats and thanks to this forum im doing leather belts ,wallets and other stuff. I just love it. And i like your knifesheath with the inlay . Keep it up. /Eas
  2. Thank you antipaladin /Eas
  3. Thank you all for the nice words!! And thank you for the tips of how to do the casing ,edges and the stiching groove. I just love this forum <3 And Pete. i got the buckles at Springfield leather almost for free " if u compare with what it cost over here " Thank you all again !! The happy camper Eas
  4. Hya folks! Today i finiched my first "i made this belt from scratch" belt tho i have done the belt that comes with the Tandy starter kit. And man was i scared to start with it . But now when im done im feeling pretty proud about my self. To all of you pros out there there is probably a zillion mistakes but since im a newbee "lucky for me" i dont see much of them :D Please and a coment of what you think, good or bad i´ll welcome all /Yours Eas
  5. I think SL takes care of you in a very personal way. tho i have only been doing buisness with them 1 time and that was very nice. hopfully in september or oktober i have saved enough for a tripp to them at SL /Eas
  6. i think the "horn on the helmet" thing was a mistake by the archeologist who find the viking grave with the 2 drinking horns by the head / helmet, and mistaken them to be helm decorations instead of drinking horns.. thats just i theory i have. /eas
  7. Tina. for the sledgehammer you must talk to an ironworker ( Smed) to see if they can make you one, cause i dont think you can find one by digging in the ground And YES im going to start on my belt today.... all i needed was a kick in the butt so thank you all /Eas
  8. Well thank you alot !! both of you i dont think i do anything better than you do Double C .. but thats just my opinion. i have done some shopping at SLC and i got some realy awsome pieces of leather and some tools and a how to do belts description ( or whats it called). but im afraid to start..... i just think im gonna mess everything up so....i just sitt here and do nothing.. it did cost alot of money and thats why i think i just cant get to it.. I know deep inside that noone remebers a coward and i just got to get going... but its so damn hard to start. annyone got a tip or too ? Best regards Eas
  9. Hi Double C. I would have taken the red one. i think it ´l be awsome on that chair. GL Eas
  10. Boma that is a very beutifull bag you have made there Best regards Eas
  11. in need for inspiration....

    1. Sylvia


      Leather dragon boat sculpture.

    2. LNLeather


      Look through the gallery or do an advanced author/post search for folks like hidepounder or BearMan or bruce johnson or Cowboy316 or JustKate or King’s X or leatherrookie or reddevil76 or kid terico or MattW or ChuckBurrows & WILD ROSE TRADING CO and check out their post photos for inspiration.

  12. Will do that thanx Gunter. /Eas
  13. scetching on belt patterns :)

  14. Eas

    Hi Sylvia and have a blesed new years eve and a awsome 2012 :)

    and finally my waiting is nearly over. the goods that i ordered from SLC have arived to swedish customs today so maybe next month or so... :)

  15. Still waiting......

    1. Sylvia


      Still waiting for Santa? Me too the dude must have done a fly over and I was very good this year!

      Merry Christmas EAS... and a Blessed New Year to you.

  16. Merry Christmas and a happy holiday :)

  17. Tack Tina och Knut. jag skall höra med jänkarna och linköpingsstämpel fabrik. tycker att det är en bra o fin detalj på det arbete man har gjort.. ( även om det inte är bra ) men man blir ju bättre o bättre tack igen Eas
  18. Been looking for a stamp maker my self and was happy when i saw this. and whent to Philips Engraving just to find that they only ship to US an Canada only... pfff what the he... am i living in europe for. /Eas
  19. Eas

    Hallojs Tina.

    Har du handlat läder o vertyg på nätet från usa ? eller du handlar bara här hemma i svedala ?



  20. Waiting on my delivery from SLC... :)

    1. Kcinnick


      SLC orders come quick, its the Weaver orders I am usually waiting on. Sometimes they come in two days, sometimes two weeks.

  21. great work
  22. Thanks OdinUK , i had the same question my self and thanks Phatdaddy for the link /Eas
  23. Hi all !! heres som of my leatherwork i have been doing. and as i said in my presentation im a newbie as u will see. well here goes nothing. this is my first ever knife i have done and my third knifesheat. i have thrown 2 away.. cause of uglyness Here is a projekt i made for a friend, he needed a cover and a hilt ? kinda thingy ?.to his raven sledgehammer . this is my interpretation of master craftsman Chuck Burrows mexican loop knifesheath. this is a hat knifesheath. and this is to another friend of mine, she needed a knifesheath thats medieval inspired to here dining knife. and yes i did buy a Tandy starter kit and made these two. and heres the last knifesheat i did do to my friend. phiu!! and thats all i have ever done in leather.. so u see i need HELP !! hehe and i must apologize for my bad english. urs. Eas
  24. Tack Tina trevligt att här är svenskar med då jag inte känner många som sysslar med läder hemma nu skall jag försöka lägga ut mina fumliga försök till läderarbete.. Ha de bäst Eas
  25. Hello all and thanks for the warm welcome Knut: tack så mycket Kings: where do i post my work ? /Eas
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