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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. Those centering templates are great aren't they? They work perfect. The "saddle stitched by hand" stamp is pretty cool
  2. Cheryl... you could even use your "leather stamps" to impress images into the clay. Not sure how good the molded leather would show that though. I see this method being quite useful for anyone wanting to do formed overlay pieces. Nice idea Treereaper.
  3. How much of a discount on my machine will you give me if I can find info on this? LOL It looks like one that was made in 1871. See photo about here. http://www.ismacs.ne...s_machines.html Here is more info Tom. The stand seems to be something rather special I've not found anything on that yet. http://www.sewmuse.c...adburyindex.htm Here's a link for a manual $17. http://www.tias.com/...1922494788.html And here's a quicky on how to thread and oil. http://website.lineone.net/~bradbury1852/a1repairerthreading.htm
  4. http://www.barryking.com http://hackbarthtools.com/ http://www.robertbeardtools.com/ http://brucejohnsonleather.com/content/index.php/leather_tools_for_sale/ These should get you started. have fun shopping.
  5. Mathematician Alert!! (holds up crucifix and says "Be gone math head!) LOL just kidding. I managed to get my acrylic templates made... BRL has them on ebay... sure makes lay out a lot easier and much more fun.
  6. Squid.... they know when hunting season is.... trust me when deer season comes around.... You'll be lucky to see one scraggly old goat of a deer (tough as heck that no one wants to eat.)
  7. I wonder if a person could use a pipe cutter like what a plumber uses for cutting copper tubing to cut down the snap tubes.
  8. Now you need to make a backgrounder!
  9. hi LeeAnne. did your old tools come with a heat embosser? Back in the 50s or so they used a heat embosser to put gold on leather. The thing looks like a little press with an electric cord.
  10. I cringe when I see tool lots that high. Especially if they are Modern Tandy tools. I would much rather see individual prices so people can get what they need and not deal with a plethora of excess tools. But that is just me. Good luck.
  11. Be careful, CountryStyle... you'll end up being a tool maker. Pretty good idea, actually. If you don't have a grinder use some metal files and/or a sharpening stone on the roughest side to help you grind that down. It will still take a while.
  12. Sylvia


    LOL It is a very good skill to have.
  13. Good point... but with as many ferdco owners there are out there... it might be worth the maker's while to gain that permission. And it could provide Ferdinand with some residual income.
  14. Now the trick is to find out who they had make the special parts and get them to make after market ones.
  15. As a recipient of some donated goods, I believe in paying it forward when ever I can... I was glad to send you the things I had. Let us know when the next round occurs.
  16. Oh? Well, I had no use for the woman even before we found out what a crook she was. LOL I do believe it would be better with saddle stitching or real leather lace.
  17. I used one of these exact things for a few months before I got my Gary Lyon drill press burnisher. (may he rest in peace) It will work, but you should know that the plastic does start to disintegrate after a while
  18. LOL! I will never be so "stick up my butt" like Martha.
  19. I would be wary of a customer like that... especially a stranger. I think you made a good call.
  20. Hi particle; When i prototype I use the cheapest facsimile of leather I can find. Sometimes it is Denim from old jeans, sometimes it is a yard of some gawd awful upholstery vinyl that no one else wants because it's flaming orange with purple flowers or something weird. Sometimes it's vinyl from the back of a broken chair. For your purposes, I would use the vinyl because the fit and feel would be closer to the final product. But keep in mind that fabric or Vinyl will have it's own characteristics and stretch (or not) differently than leather. As for welted seams that would depend on personal taste. That said, I've never used welting on a leather project. I tend to go for the most simple way of doing things. I am not sure what you mean by "offset" unless you mean seam allowance. If so that would depend on how thick the item is, they type of stitching, whether or not you are sewing with a machine or by hand. But generally a seam allowance is somewhere around 3/8" to 1/2" in garment sewing.. UNLESS you are sewing a french seam.. in that case it's traditionally a 5/8" total seam allowance... sew 1/4" of the allowance wrong sides together then flip it right sides together and sew 3/8" from the seamed edge. This captures the raw edge in between the second seam allowance. Here's a video to explain it a little better. Now... there is no rule saying it has to be so the finished french seam is on the inside when complete. You can still sew one with the french seam exposed to the right side of the fabric... in fact it may be a great way to finish a piece that is made from 2oz finished upholstery leather. No edge finishing required. Of course with leather you may need to trim away one of the seam allowances before you flip and capture the edges in the second seam allowance to avoid bulk And of course you don't want to IRON the seam flat on leather.. just moisten and rub with a bone. Hmmm... I might have to try that. :D As for your fitting her iPad... I've not made one. I would have her trace hers on an opened out cereal box and cut it out... then use something common like Quarters stacked so she can give you an idea of thickness of the thing. If she sends this 'pattern" to you, you can compare it to any pattern or template you have. I agree that you should use Veg Tan and line it with thin veg tan.
  21. I saved them too. But I think i would do some prototyping before I cut leather.
  22. Ok, first let me say I am not fond of Martha. I think she is pretentious and arrogant... enough said. I just found Tandy promoting a project of hers.... ugg http://www.marthastewart.com/904573/leather-ipad-sleeve I think it's funny that one commenter tried the card case and it didn't fit any cards. ha!
  23. These are not exactly like what you want ... but I searched etsy for "interlocking buckle... http://www.etsy.com/listing/83739157/2-silver-clasp-end-bead-cap-for?ref=sr_gallery_6&ga_includes[]=materials&ga_search_query=interlocking+buckle&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery and these. in silver and gold. http://store.jontay.com/metalinterlockingbuckle12inchgoldsinglepieces-1.aspx http://store.jontay.com/metalinterlockingbuckle12inchgoldsinglepieces.aspx Also found loads on Alibaba.. made in china.
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