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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. Don't forget your decorative cuts, CC. Just a few like what Aaron did.
  2. I saw this online today and I thought someone here might find it useful.... it is such a steal!! If you live in PA or are willing to make a trip to Old Forge, PA to pick it up BTW... Yardsellr requires a Facebook account to sign in. If you are new to Yardsellr you get $5 worth of Photons to use toward your first purchase. http://yardsellr.com...h-table-4536680 I hope this helps someone out. Heck the table alone is worth more than $60!
  3. I think she knows that since she said she was not even close being done.
  4. what I like about it is you can use any font you want... and if you feel like having 5" letters you can. It's much more versatile than a lump of 3/4" stamps that can be a challenge to keep straight and even.
  5. JP... there is no "easing" when it comes to leather. You need to make sure you have the same number of holes on both the crown and brim... etc. Count, count, count!! Do you have a dremel? check that for small drill bits. Also a finish nail will work to pre punch holes. Here's a tutorial for making a leather top hat.... perhaps some of these tips will help you.
  6. Hi Bill: The lister of these tools gave your answer in the listing you quoted. "The tools are listed and the Y after it denotes that this is a Craftool USA stamp....." So this was his method of letting us know which ones were Craftool USA.
  7. I would look for a boxy pattern with raglan leaves and a shawl collar, if I were you. It would be much easier to set the sleeves and deal with the collar. You can sew lamb skin on a sturdy home machine... but you'll need to trim the fur away from the seam allowance and brush away the clippings. Something like this, but with full length sleeves. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Vogue-Pattern-5089-Misses-Wrapped-Coat-Easy-Sew-Raglan-Sleeves-Sz-14-/140777487239?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20c6fdfb87
  8. Does anyone have a list of this years vendors?
  9. Hi there: Please don't waste your time looking and paying a HUGE price for a discontinued set of stamps. Almost any rune font you'll ever need is right on the internet. Just pick one... https://www.google.com/search?q=Rune+Font&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=9j3&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wPn4T_HNEIirrQHptaWLCQ&ved=0CF4QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=677 To use these, use your monitor ... put a clear plastic sheet over it and trace with a sharpie. Or if you want search for and download the font and use your graphics editor to orient and align before you trace.
  10. Ah ha! Thanks for pointing that out.... I usually ignore those pictures.
  11. Go here http://www.sewingmachinemanuals.com/pfaff-441-r-755 register and down load the PDF file. I think there is also a service manaual...
  12. Ok that makes sense, Thank you. Wiz. All this sewing machine jargon is enough to make the most intelligent and pleasant person start to get confused and cranky. LOL
  13. Thanks again Ron: I keep seeing "441 clone" but that is about as clear as mud to me. Who originally made the 441? and What companies make clones?
  14. That's grand!! Now can you please show us a picture so we know what you are talking about?
  15. LOL!! I'll keep that in mind. Those old Studebakers were tanks weren't they? I sure miss my Silver Hawk.
  16. Thanks for chiming in Ron! Let me just say that Importing from China never was an option... ever. I was involved in importing fabric from Italy for an employer a few times and I know the pitfalls and that it is a PITA regularly. As for what I intend to sew. I'd like to sew a Studebaker fender to the wall of my house. LOL Seriously, though I intend to sew 2-3 layers of 10-14oz leather but I also want something versatile enough to sew thin upholstery leather if needed. So I want at least one that can sew 1/2"... but would love one that sews 3/4" The problem is that I have a kool-aid budget. Steve has a Ferdco 440R that he's found for me... and an Artisan 3000 that was quite a bit more than I wanted to pay....but I want to make sure I'm choosing the right machine.
  17. Ugg... I still have nightmares about my High School Archery Class and the bruises I earned from those recurve bows.
  18. From the info on that chinese trade site.... it is a lefty machine. The site said it was for shoe making and it has a roller foot. Here's the link. http://www.diytrade.com/china/pd/7246790/Industrial_Sewing_Machine.html I think I'll ignore it.
  19. Ah Thanks, Wiz. I finally found a chinese trade site that gave a little info. The seller calls it a "walking foot machine." But I trust your expertise Wiz. Here is the picture Dirtclod. http://images.craigslist.org/5Fb5Hb5J23I13M43Lac73fa823ca5f55a197a.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/5N45Lf5T43G53M23Jdc73a3661d7464301f84.jpg Oh... and my other option is a Ferdco 440R. Opinions?
  20. Hello Friends I've ran across a GA3-1 walking foot "heavy duty" leather machine with table and motor for a decent price. I've done my best google-foo and for the life of me I can not find a single thing on the machine. I thought I had seen a forum thread on here about this machine but for the life of me I couldn't find it even after several searches. Soooo... Does anyone know anything about this machine or where I might find specs and such? The thing is unusual to me because the pictures show it sittin on the table on the LEFT rather than the typical Right... of course that could be a problem with the type of camera used (mirror image, etc.) Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks! Syl
  21. That's exactly what I was thinking Aaron. A nice random stack with holes bored through might make a nice water feature too.
  22. I'll throw in with and adjustment guide if that helps. http://www.parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/42_CLASS.pdf
  23. Very sad news. I don't think I had the pleasure of "meeting" him but I'm sure he will be missed. Condolences to all concerned.
  24. Get the best one you can afford that is the most versatile. I got a Paache VLS (dual action) set with 3 needles and haven't looked back. I found the best price on Ebay here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Paasche-VLS-SET-Airbrush-Double-Dual-Action-Paint-Hobby-/390436559010?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae7d518a2 You want to be sure you have a decent small compressor with a regulator and a water trap in the line between the compressor and the airbrush. Have fun shopping.
  25. LOL Put a pot on your head and wear trash can lids on your torso front and back. If nothing else they won't mess with you too much.
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