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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Thanks Tap, so far I've sold enough to cover the cost of my booth for the month and made $40.00. I'm not getting rich but I'm having fun. I have small items for now, book marks, holly leaves, bracelets but so far just sold one of the smaller items, but it led to two guitar strap sales so I'm happy, and I'll probably get a belt order this weekend from another crafter, going to take one just like he wants with me that another customer bought. Just get it in his hands, LOL and get that wallet out before I have my other customer pick it up! The other vendors are a great group and it's a lot of fun to go. Thanks for the encouragement....Cheryl

  2. Mike I am with TO about trying it all in the areas you're already interested in. Your niche will just find YOU.....well I've been told :) I still will try something if a customer wants it and like beaverslayer usually say yes before I think about it. I just ordered some 3oz leather for a customer yesterday and with what's left over I'm going to make my niece a bible cover. I haven't made on of those yet, made a journal cover for mine in about 15 minutes and it shows :) I could make another one but I always 'eat' my mistakes like a chef. My checkbook cover is one I made a mistake on, and slo on. Some day when I'm rich and famous, LOL I'll make me nicer ones and actually put SOMETHING on the scrap heap, but I'm not there yet. Just keep enjoying it. Cheryl

  3. 4th Marketplace today. Another day, another $115.00, LOL. I got a deposit on a guitar strap and the woman in the duo singing wants a strap with the band's name on it. Both of these are going to be a snap compared to the planet from a far, far galaxy :) Still not selling any of the little things, not even the freakin holly leaves and those are nice if I must say so myself. I'll be focusing on the orders I have, belt and two straps and not worrying about making anymore little stuff. As usual, had a good time once I got out the door.

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