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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Ken I don't think there's any argument to this. I think the long term answer to the over population is not breeding but in the short term probably slaughter is best. I didn't mean to start a thread about slaughter, or breeding, or any of the things I wish I could change but can't. I just really care a lot about my mare and was kinda showing her off I guess. But I honestly don't use horse in my work, it may be silly but I just don't. I didn't mean to imply that no one should or that would solve any equine problems. I have seen horses that I know it would be kinder to put a bullet between their eyes than let them live. One used to be pastured with my mare but is recently separated because she has huge boils on her. I took her a carrot just like she was still in with my mare the same day these pics were shot. I don't believe in letting any animal suffer and have had to put so many dogs down in my lifetime I still tear up when I think of them. I have derived a lot of pleasure from horses in my lifetime and don't use the hides, to me it's no different than dog leather. Maybe it's silly to feel this way but I do. I didn't realize people would think this thread was controversial since I agree with everything said here. Cheryl

  2. I guess my view is slightly different. I don't think we need more slaughters but less horses. I've had this mare for 5 years now and I would love to have a foal by her. Yet she's an unregistered Morab so the only thing I could breed to in order to register the foal would be an Arabian. And you can probably guess from my pictures I'm too old to be able to guarantee a foal a home for life....so I don't do it. I plain don't add to the problem. I realize my views are more of , 'in a perfect world' where yours are pragmatic. I am not saying people shouldn't use horse butt, just that I personally don't. I don't use elephant either. Just weird that way. Thanks for your opinion. Cheryl

  3. I was out to see my horse a few days ago and anyone who owns a horse that they don't consider livestock can understand how I feel about her. I think it was Churchill who said, 'The outside of a horse is good for the inside of man,' and it's so true.

    This adorable little mare had just had her butt worked off using groundwork so I could just turn her loose and play with her, brush her, clean her feet. Ferrier was on the way. You can tell by the angle of her head and those ears she's rather a challenge, or more of a challenger. Sienna has a lot of spirit and I've never tried to do more than make her behave safely, wouldn't try and break that spirit for anything. She let's me know constantly that she's going to think a second while she decides whether she's going to do what I ask :) She's my famous model here in VT for when I make tack items, I take the pictures on her of my bronc nosebands or rhythm beads, things like that. She was the inspiration for my 'Mare Stare' jewelry. I am at peace with the world when she, my dog and I are together. I hope you enjoy the pics of her. I highly recommend any on that can use 'horse butt' still on the hoof. You'll be amazed at how good you feel.

    (The odd picture is where she and I are getting ready to run to the end of the arena together.)





  4. I don't even know anyone who sells 'blanks' for tack. Other than bronc nosebands. Maybe if you can't find any veg tanned leather blanks online, you might want to post a help wanted ad here. I know for one I'd be willing to make blank veg tanned blanks to your specs. If you do find any online try and stay away from the asian urine tanned, well for obvious reasons. You'll never get rid of the smell. Cheryl

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