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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Yes, everything is cut with the swivel knife except for the rib area and the shoulder blade and the backbone contour. I reduced my drawing to 8 & 1/2 x 11 and printed it out, put it in a clear plastic folder and did the lines with my stylus. Then I just used a modeling spoon to bevel all the parts because the hands, etc. were so small and I'm not good at beveling. So I used a stylus, swivel knife and spoon :) Even the hair is swivel knifed, LOL. Thank you Carson.

  2. I have a 15.91 I wouldn't trade for anything. I do all my wallet interiors with it, edge binding, and have also sewn lining on the back of guitar straps with it. Unless you're going into the saddle business it's a great machine and will use #69 thread which makes things look more profession and stronger. The only problem is it's so fast. But I took a thick piece of leather and stuck in the foot so it can't go all the way down if I forget to watch my foot. Of course a servo motor is a bit better option :) Cheryl

  3. when you start sewing or have to splice, tuck the extra you leave between the leathers and continue on sewing over top of it which will hide you ends. Your stitching holed look pretty good to me. I groove lightly down the leather and run an overstitch wheel down the groove (use a square for both of these steps) and then use a stitching punch to punch the overstitch marks. But a lot of people use chisels instead which automatically keeps your holes aligned and punches at the same time. Cheryl

  4. Wink, I use saddle soap on every project I make out of veg tanned to burnish my edges with. I'm not sure of what articles you are referring to. I've never seen it mentioned here that saddle soap may be harmful. Perhaps it would be to a rough out leather or suede but I don 't use it on those leathers. Cheryl

  5. OK the horse and cougar are carved and tooled. I'm getting ready to dye them unless someone has some suggestions. I have to get some resolene on them for overnight so I can antique it tomorrow. I am way behind you guys, sorry. Cheryl

    Oh that's my new swivel knife holder in the picture. A friend of mine made it :)

    I looked at these on here and they are still difficult to see the burnishing but they are darker than this although this HO was very light and nice. Hopefully it'll show better with the dye.



  6. Hi Cogs. That's a function of where his button is. You could actually do the same on the front as most people do on the rear and do a more narrow strap through oblong punch holes and then the wide part would lie flatter. Or he could use the string thingy that goes under the frets and it would lie flat. I hope one of these helps. Cheryl

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