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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. I want to make some leather ornaments for the market so I wanted some hooks. The good news is the store had them out. The bad news is the store had them out already.

    1. DoubleC


      UPS did the same and I let them even pack it for me.

    2. volpert
    3. DoubleC


      Sorry, but shipping them in one piece is the hardest thing I've ever done Alex. Hence the insulation foam every where.

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  2. I don't know if I'll have a wall behind me or not Joey, I haven't been to the new place yet. I do plan to prop up a leather plaque type thing on my antique chair I use for my straps that has Double C Cowgirl Couture on it. A banner would be nice behind the table. I can find that stuff all out of Saturday because I imagine once we settle in there won't be all this moving around etc. that honestly distresses me. I am so weird, I like to get put and just claim squatters rights and stay put. I had no idea we were moving this week and I'm glad we are but it's just distressing for me to have to take back my antique chairs and displays, etc. I have to get someone to take me and that bothers me. Once I'm set up THIS time I will be able to walk too and from. I think getting the name and email etc. from the customer is a good idea. I have a journal I take with me. These are all great tips. Cheryl
  3. Hi Laird. I have the same problem so a friend of mine showed me this. http://www.amazon.com/Pickett-Temp-Circle-Radius-Master/dp/B000HF0KBM/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_t_1 I ordered one, just came today so I haven't had a chance to use it yet. Hope this helps. Cheryl
  4. Thanks Phil, you're right I did get to learn a lot of new things and hope to learn more so I can do well before the show is over in Feb. I imagine I'll be ready for it to be over then though, LOL. I've slept 28 hours since Saturday so I need to learn to make it a little less stressful which I'm sure it will be as time goes on. having heat itself will make it less stressful. But it was a good first show and probably I would have been more stressed if there were more people. So will hope for better days ahead where I can actually enjoy it while it's going on instead of after I get home Cheryl
  5. Hi Joey. This same show will continue every Saturday through Feb. which is or tourist season so soon the word will get out, good or bad, LOL. It's a new one. Like Phil said we are moving this sat. to a heated building on the main drag so that will help. Since the 3rd of the month is a big deal with people getting SS we missed that opportunity this month but by December I expect things to be much better. One thing I do need is more products and I'm taking care of that as fast as possible. I just found out a week before the show started up about it and I'm afraid I had become lazy or so it seems when I got there. had primarily focused on guitar straps and they are more involved than the 5 buck things I tried to get ready for the show. In the picture you can't see my straps. I still hope to do a less expensive one for this next show but I'll just have to see how things work out. I appreciate all the feedback and good tips you've given me. I used to live in the keys so I know what a large artist community you are dealing with. Seems like we're becoming a larger one every day. Thanks for all your help. Cheryl
  6. Hey Bill, yes you're right about all of that. We didn't have enough shoppers really to have the 'be backers' but I'm sure I'll meet them this Saturday. I have some bison on the way to make some of your saddlebags, can't wait to start those. Mine are only going to travel 4 blocks but I hope they can charm some people here like Mike is in Brazil. Yes all our stuff has to be made by us, unless it's made by another crafter in the same building. I don't see much sense when you only have 8 booths set up buying from another crafter two booths from me to sell on my table But it was a lot of fun AFTER it was over and I was warm fed and slept 12 hours, LOL. Your help is always appreciated. Cheryl
  7. good points ABN. I have my things on Etsy and in a couple of local shops and I just went to a craft market. Price is the same everywhere. Only makes sense even though I'll make more on etsy if they sell. These are good tips. Cheryl
  8. About all I'm doing is sleeping Mike. Went back to sleep about 11 and just got up. Oh I wanted to knife to be hard to figure out Not really though TO Mike needed to see it that way. Cheryl Thanks David, it sure feel like it is. Cheryl
  9. Projects I did last night. The solid brown bookmark has lizard on the back.
  10. I was going to wear one this time Kevin but it wouldn't have shown up much with the sweatshirt with a sweater over it someone loaned me, LOL. But I will for next week. One I really like that I can keep for me. OMG Mike you're so right. Will do it now, LOL. Just finished my second bracelet of the night.
  11. That's true, and they would make NICE bracelets too. Thanks Kevin, I think I will instead of putting them up on Etsy with a letter on. And I never thought about even making bracelets like that and I have a ton of exotics left over. You guys give me the best ideas. Cheryl
  12. Thank you Kevin. I really am pumped about it now. Since my 12 hours sleep I've made a bracelet, 3 bookmarks a key fob and working on a second bracelet Haven't been this motivated in a while. My poor little table looked so bare compared to everyone else but it was GOOD stuff so I didn't mind. Next week will have a lot more but still good stuff. Doing up some of the faster things right now though, but plan to have a third guitar strap there too. And be hand sewing a saddlebag at the booth Can't keep paying them to let me sit there, LOL.
  13. LOL Cheryl, I'm working on a bracelet. I slept from 2:30 until 2AM so to wound up to sleep now. I'm not disappointed, just so happy I was able to make myself go. AND that next Saturday we're going to be in a place with heat. Thank you so much, everyone here was such a support. (Dogs are great for anxiety situations are they? I WANT people focused on her and me not so much Cheryl No I didn't set my clocks back, LOL. Thanks for that TOO.
  14. Thank you Mike. Just actually making myself go is something I couldn't have dreamed of two years ago. I'm so happy. I really am. This morning when I thought of ditching all I could think about was all the people on your thread that wished me luck. Cheryl
  15. I'm not disappointed now Mike that I'm warmed up, fed and had some sleep. I'm all ready to go next week, LOL. How crazy is that!!!!
  16. Hey Mike, posted it in two places, it's in 'show off' and also where I posted it in LWs conversation, LOL. Pic and all to prove I went. It was miserable then but now warmed up, fed and 12 hours sleep, can't wait until next Sat.
  17. Things went wonky Phil but after warming up, and 12 hours sleep, I'm ready to go back next week Cheryl
  18. Well the craft show was interesting. I didn't realize there would be food too, thought it was all crafters. All that sold was food. I made $10.00 on a bracelet, and had two people take cards to call me about guitar straps. We were in a warehouse type building with no heat and all of us froze. I sold a 10.00 bracelet and that was $5.00 more than the other 2 crafters. That was enough to allow me to go back next week though where we're moving to a heated building. I came home, dumped my stuff, ate and slept for 12 hours. Guess the stress had been worse than even I knew. The people were all nice though and it would have been fun if I hadn't been freezing. Temp. had to be at least 35o in there, was a typical VT. day out, grey, windy but no rain thankfully. I was pretty disappointed while I was freezing but I'm ok now. One of the crafters wants a guitar strap for her Dad for Christmas too so we may do some bartering along with the price. I think my least favorite line now in the whole world is,'Your stuff is beautiful, as someone is walking away, LOL. Thank all of you for your support. I am kinda on top of cloud nine right now because I WENT. I think next Saturday on the main street right by merchants row should be better. At least we'll be warmer :-) The dog loved it and there's another service dog there so I sat in that booth for a while because they had a heater, she's the girl that wants a strap and the dogs nosed around each other and were happy for the company. he's a darling little sheltie, very 'work' like compared to my big galumph of a dog. But they provide different services, his owner is partially blind in one eye, and mine is my meeter and greeter intended to take some of the focus off of me. next week I'll take some SS with me to do at the booth in between customers so I don't get so anxious. WinterBear made me some display boards for my necklaces a long time ago and people liked those. Oh I forgot, I have a picture too. LOL. Knew I'd better get one to prove I went......I was still pricing things after help coming up with them from the other crafter who make paracord bracelets too among a bunch of neat wood things. She didn't get my straps in the picture, they were off to my left on an antiques slipper chair :-) It was a great experience NOW that I'm warm, fed and rested. Guess I'll post this in 'show off' too! I'm pretty glad about people taking my cards for the guitar straps and feel that at the very least I'll have one to do for the other crafter for Christmas.
  19. Well the craft show was interesting. I didn't realize there would be food too, thought it was all crafters. All that sold was food. I made $10.00 on a bracelet, and had two people take cards to call me about guitar straps. We were in a warehouse type building with no heat and all of us froze. I sold a 10.00 bracelet and that was $5.00 more than the other 2 crafters. That was enough to allow me to go back next week though where we're moving to a heated building. I came home, dumped my stuff, ate and slept for 12 hours. Guess the stress had been worse than even I knew. The people were all nice though and it would have been fun if I hadn't been freezing. Temp. had to be at least 35o in there, was a typical VT. day out, grey, windy but no rain thankfully. I was pretty disappointed while I was freezing but I'm ok now. One of the crafters wants a guitar strap for her Dad for Christmas too so we may do some bartering along with the price. I think my least favorite line now in the whole world is,'Your stuff is beautiful, as someone is walking away, LOL. Thank all of you for your support. I am kinda on top of cloud nine right now because I WENT. I think next Saturday on the main street right by merchants row should be better. At least we'll be warmer :-) The dog loved it and there's another service dog there so I sat in that booth for a while because they had a heater, she's the girl that wants a strap and the dogs nosed around each other and were happy for the company. he's a darling little sheltie, very 'work' like compared to my big galumph of a dog. But they provide different services, his owner is partially blind in one eye, and mine is my meeter and greeter intended to take some of the focus off of me. next week I'll take some SS with me to do at the booth in between customers so I don't get so anxious. WinterBear made me some display boards for my necklaces a long time ago and people liked those. Oh I forgot, I have a picture too. LOL. Knew I'd better get one to prove I went......I was still pricing things after help coming up with them from the other crafter who make paracord bracelets too among a bunch of neat wood things. She didn't get my straps in the picture, they were off to my left on an antiques slipper chair :-) It was a great experience NOW that I'm warm, fed and rested. Cheryl
  20. Bill you are so funny. I love throwing it up in the air, and I'm a huge Tyler Perry fan. Just walked in the door from taking everything but my products. I went to the store and got some paper tags, don't want sticky stuff on my things. I also bought some gel pens so I can mark my bison when it comes for a couple of your beautiful bags. I have display boards someone maid me and someone before me left two nails in a perfect place to hang them. I have an old vintage woven basket for my loose items and a Victorian slipper chair without a seat or back upholstery to hang my straps from. I am exhausted to feel good, and I know no matter what happens tomorrow it will be a learning experience for me. Thank you my friend. Cheryl
  21. Breakfast of champs.....dove chocolate, diet coke and washed all shiny by the warm water I put on my embossed veg tan leather journal cover after sewing to flatten it out
  22. No, Have a 10:00 meeting, I'll sleep after I get back and get more things done, LOL. Been trying out different things along with the bookmarks to see what I might like, and might not, looking at leather options. Getting ready to sew a leather cover on my journal while more bookmarks are drying. Oh the show isn't until Sat. Mike, plenty of time to sleep
  23. OK, back to work. I made two and kinda forgot to get back to it. on my way starting again. Mike thanks so much. Cheryl
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