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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. OK, I'm gonna admit this. I pad all my guitar straps, and I buy the preschool foam at wallyworld. It has a sticky back to stick to the flesh side of the guitar strap, and then I use barge over that to glue the lining material, and the sew it all together. I'm serious, in PRIMARY colors even, LOL. I think I got 6- 8x11 sheets for a couple bucks. Both musicians wearing them consistently say they are really comfortable :-) Cheryl
  2. I just got a , yes, wait for it, 28 singer over 100 years old that's a handcrank. (Actually second on showed up today as nice as the first, sigh.) I am making this strap for a friend of mine. I'm waiting for the buckle to go on it and it'll be done. I sewed the backing and foam on this with a 100 year old hand crank THREE/FOURTHS machine. I am addicted to them I know, have the 15-91, treadle and now two 28 hand cranks. I can't imagine using one of those monster things people show on here, LOL.
  3. Well it seems cool in my head, but it may end up a zebra in a tree, LOL
  4. All I can do is round braid or I can use a Mexican Basket Weave on edges. I wish I had the patience AND someone to show me in person how to do this, I've watched videos, looked at instructions, etc. and just can't get the knots. Those are gorgeous. Cheryl
  5. I'm going to do something totally different this time Syl. I'm going to make me a leather lion out of really thin veg tanned I have, and use the 128 plate the other way, from behind with my modeling spoon and try and cover him in vines and leaves embossed. This is going to be fun, I love even my mistakes on these, LOL.
  6. As always beautiful work Ken. Cheryl
  7. John, FIRST I'/m not upset about her getting money, she's just not getting mine. And the grants are there at Voc for anyone who wants to put in the time and work to get it. You know personally it/'s going on a year because you wrote my very first list of things I would need when I got it that I still happen. AND why are you on my ass all over this board. I said exactly what several other people said, more luck to her just not my money. and since the grant isn't your money I don't understand your point. I'm simply spending my own money on disability. I paid into SS for years as a school psychologist and before. I'm not spending your money so that leaves you plenty to send her.
  8. Hey Chris, hate to shoot your theory full of holes, and the internet does even the playing field some, but I just got an order for and epi-pen holster prototype from Ohio when a man met a friend of mine in VA. at a conference that lives here in VT. Hows that for networking, LOL. Covered 1/2 the country in one fell swoop with not a penny paid on PPC :-)
  9. Oh thanks Chris Why can't YOU be vendor A? LOL. Seriously though, even though it's been pointed out to me that the local market will just handle so much it isn't my objection. I am on disability, and buy what I need a little at a time and do without some things to keep this business on the right track, and I'm not giving money to a stranger when I'd like to have exactly some of the same things she says she wants to get. And I will have them, but not using your money Chris, or Jack. Maybe I'm naive because I'm not afraid of competition. I think by the time I'm actually a business someone will have thought of every pitfall because I have some great people helping me, you included now :-)
  10. Oh yes, distressed is the most fun. I walk on the flesh side and put the grain side down in the parking lot. I make 'strapy' things. so I whack it wet against the tree. Then I sand part of the finish off. Talk about your stress relief AND nice finish :-) Roll the flesh side in toward the grain to get the wrinkles. I could go on but I think that's enough :-) Cheryl
  11. Absolutely bogus point. How can we be arguing on the same side?
  12. Jack I just don't get what you're saying. I'm not concerned she's starting a business in leather, and I don't mind if she gets up to speed faster than I do. It just ain't gonna be with my money, ;period. And I would be embarrassed to even ask. I've seen those Kiva ads or something on TV for 3rd world countries to loan people 500 bucks or something so they can start a business. I'm not afraid of those ;people taking away my customers either. Operative word ,LOAN. Cheryl
  13. You've been there and done it, plus have a financial background. I've been working on my start up since around January I think and I've gotten impatient at times, but I know all the pre work and paperwork will make things smoother when my grant goes through. Was it you who said you thought the number was a little inflated? Because I know my grant's going to be for $1500.00 and that's going to be plenty to get really started good, but of course I do get things myself as I can. It will be nice though to be able to relax just a couple months after the grant before I have to pick up the slack again if things aren't selling as projected. But I can't think that far ahead, LOL, with me it's honestly one foot in front of the other until I can breathe, then I'll look at the big picture :-) But I do appreciate it Chris, this is my weakest area. Cheryl
  14. Actually I wanted to point out how most of us agreed with you and Art but you've been left out of all the comments Ferg. Thanks for stepping in again. Cheryl
  15. Spinner, I am copying everything you put even though I have help with my business plan, and funding down the road, etc. You make some very good points I haven't considered yet. Thanks for posting this, it took a lot of effort and I appreciate it. Cheryl
  16. I'm not trying to fight Jack. I'm in the same situation she is with my business, probably have less than she does. But I got a hell of a lot more than I did 6 months ago, and expect to have twice as much 6 months from now. I've never asked you or anyone for money. I help who I can with the little advice i feel qualified to give at this point. I am a kind person, but that doesn't mean I hand out money I don't have to people I don't know. I'm not trying to tell you what to do. That's your decision.
  17. No Jack, I haven't heard of it, but why would 20 some thousand leather workers at all stages of skills want to pay for some one elses promissory goods? We would just make it ourselves or it is something we don't want. Don't you kinda see the irony? You give me money and I'll give you something leather too. That's called a business transaction, but not if you don't want it to begin with. I honestly don't understand the whole thing.
  18. What great ideas Pete. Might be the answer to my edge nightmares. Cheryl
  19. Mia, I haven't responded yet because honestly I didn't know what to say. I can't understand why you think anyone here would give you money. When I started here I didn't even have a swivel knife, and someone on here told me how to mat backgrounds with sticks, and tons of things you find around the house or yard. I had people here give me books, tools, even left over leather. Then when I got in a position where I ended up with two of something, I tried to do the same. I have no idea what that program is but if they expect you to go to strangers and raise $2000.00 I already don't think much of it. I've been working on getting a grant from Voc Rehab since last January, along with really getting a solid start to my business. To get the grant I have to have a business plan, and people on here have helped me with so many things from choosing a website design to recently market research. But if Voc told me I had to raise 12 cents of it from strangers, I wouldn't take their money. I have a free website. Anyone can get one from google and intuit for a year. Is it what I want? No. But I can afford free. I designed my own brochures and business cards AGAIN with a lot of help here. I need a new camera, lightbox, and desktop tripod, and they are on my list, and every month I get a little something toward the eventual goal of opening the business. I have asked people opinions on the best cameras for close ups but I certainly never asked anyone to buy me one. I don't know whether to be angry, insulted or just laugh thinking you couldn't have thought this through or was given some really poor advice. There are 3, and I'm not exaggerating, THREE charities I trust enough to actually give money. I would be having yardsales, or bake sales (well maybe not so much that with my baking ability) and returning plastic bottles, etc. if I wanted to earn money for a program like that, not asking for handouts. I'm not being mean just bluntly honest. cheryl
  20. Yeah, it is pretty cool how things are finally coming together for me. And I'm glad for you too. Right now I'm uploading a slideshow I worked on all night after I posted this to youtube. How can a 5 minute slideshow take 20 minutes to upload? I have more I'm going to make but NOT today, LOL
  21. Has worn it so much that sweat has degraded it in one spot on one side. I'm sitting here listening to his cds right now, he gave me all three. I just so 'get' him if that makes any sense. He's a sad, angry, but hopeful man about the way things have changed for the 'blue collar' workers in America. I'm going to make a slideshow for youtube that originally was going to showcase my work with his music, but I have a feeling pics of him are going to show up more than the pics of my work, although that will be there too. 37 songs on these 3 cds all written by him. I am just absolutely in awe of his talent. And he so gets America and what middle income people are dealing with, well plus other things too. If you have time, go to his site and just listen to Streets of Jericho. Gave me chills.
  22. If you haven't visited Duane Carleton's website and like music, you're missing a real treat. He's our best known and loved Singer/Songwriter here in VT. http://www.duanecarleton.com/ While I was fitting him, he sold another strap to the man taking pictures for me. Life is just sometimes so good it doesn't seem real.
  23. OK Zina the only thing I can add is people keep saying dump the eco-flo. I don't agree, water based dyes are all I use and I don't have problems with them. I used to buy the eco-flo until I started ordering almost everything from SLC, now I get their institutional dyes, also water based and made by Fiebings. I like the ease in which you can mix them together or even with acrylic paints to get the color you want. I agree with the resolene though. I love the stuff.
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