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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. Get a notebook and write down everything you'd like to accomplish, just free form, you can organize and delete some later. Then write down any suggestions you get on here even if you aren't sure about them, just think about them for a while and then decide. The creative side of your brain will work on this when you don't think you are. You can use your computer for most of this, but keep paper and pen by your bed....you will find you get your best ideas in that fleeting moment before wake and sleep, the brain is already freeing itself. If I wanted the customer experience to be the best thing, I'd pick a project anyone can succeed at and be proud of. Also one that uses tools, good, bad or ugly. What comes to mind for me is a small picture that could be framed. There are tons of free pictures on the internet they could trace, I usually try and find the free 'coloring' pages because they are in black and white and easy to see to trace. If MY brain thinks of anything else I'll add it later :-) Cheryl
  2. It looks like Swamp Thing if you're old enough to remember him. And it's a great job, you must have a LOT of patience. Cheryl
  3. LOL, War I live in VT. But the guy said he 'used to live on Oak St.' so it must have a lot of memories for him, because this is what he wanted. He doesn't mind that I did it a little different than what you would normally see. I made the leaf 'litter' 8" and the middle tree the same so it takes up the middle 24 inches at least (measurements are exact) of the 42 inch strap. I'll have to do some maple leaves some time. In OH where I grew up can remember climbing many a maple tree in my tomboy youth :-) Cheryl
  4. I have a website, etsy shop and FB page. I know what you mean. My VOW worker took one of m y straps to VA with him last week, and I am soon going to have a 'real' website' instead of the one VT. gave me through google, not that I'm complaining....it was free :-)
  5. Spinner, you make several good points. I don't have a following, well heck, I'm not even a real business yet although I am working my hiney off at being one. I have two local musicians using my straps, and I have a friend wearing my jewelry at her work, and I wear so much of my stuff I look scary (seriously, walked in mental health one day with eye earrings, pendant, and belt buckle and then wondered what would have happened if someone paranoid had seen someone with 7 eyes walking toward them :-) Target date for the grant was October but my VOW counselor got another job, is leaving the 20th and truly he has done everything for me, put me in touch with the musicians, the org. helping with the business plan and the org with the grant money, plus too many other things to even mention. I'm trying to keep my prices very competitive right now while i'm waiting on enough money to get what I actually need for a project all at the same time and I make the very best product I know how, although I believe each one is better than the one before, but that's as it should be. This thing was done to add to my business plan (since a little extra paper would make that person very happy since I don't like that side of things) but yet I know it was skewed from the start. But I've done internet research and local so I thought I'd ask you guys to help me out too. I may drool over a lot of things, but I can find the best deals on things even I DON'T believe and until I do, I do without. I have to since I'm footing the bill right now, with few sales trickling in. But I'm also trying to be careful what I wish for.....I guess I'm superstitious. Right now I can make what I want when I want and practice, experiment, and only answer to myself mostly. That will change once I get known here and kit's a small enolugh place with no one who does what i do that I don't think it's going to take long....I mean like 10 years to get established. Thanks for all your ideas. Cheryl
  6. Anything they sell I need, I get there. They are a rarity in today's day and age of hurry thrown a line. Cheryl
  7. Thanks Cheryl, I liked that picture of her too. I wanted people to wonder what she could see off the edge of the leather we couldn't :-) But you're right about practicing, AND I found out today the antique needs a finish on it too or it will rub off. I had to use a sponge but an airbrush would have been much better. Finish took some of the antique with it on the guitar strap I'm now working on.
  8. There's a 1000 things you can do with the belt....well ok, maybe an exaggeration. I never throw away my 'mistakes,' because i have no mistakes since they become something else. First take some saddle soap and wash it good, I mean soaking wet and get as much of everything else off you can. Or if you tooled it, don't do that, take a damp cloth and wash it with saddle soap, let it dry, they dye it a dark color. If you don't want a dark color belt, cut it in half length ways and make a halter, or 20 bracelets, or......see what i mean? I learn the most from my 'ooops, gotta make this something else.' Yeah, patience is a virtue but not one of mine either :-) Cheryl
  9. All horse owners are usually fond of their horses. I wouldn't use it if someone paid me to take it and it tooled itself. I realize the incongruity of how I feel but it's how I feel.
  10. Hi Zina. I'm pretty sure what happened (just because I've already made that mistake :-) was that you didn't put a finish on over the dye before you antiqued it. I've never used balm for a sealer, and I think that was the second problem. When I antique, I dye, let it dry, put a finish on, usually TWO coats with several hours in between, then antique. My antiqued piece has sat about two weeks and I hadn't conditioned it yet, I use plan ole bag balm, and when I applied it, sure enough the antique did start rubbing off. Maybe both need a finish coat after drying really well. I don't know what that balm and wax stuff is you're using but it sounds like a conditioner, not a finish. I use resolene, 1/2 and 1/2 with water. Or I've been told by people that honestly know that mop and glow works as well. Cheryl
  11. Yes the flesh sides go together. Cheryl
  12. beautiful bag. I still have that on my list of things to try (again) Cheryl
  13. Well FREAK, you mean like on the leaves? I cut so much on this strap I though I was gonna cut it in half, LOL. In the words of a very wise friend of mine, LORD LOVE A DUCK, what is that supposed to be. OK, More cuts, with Arron's pic in front of me. I don't know what this style is, but it's fussy and a pain in the royal asteric, grrrrr. But this is actually the most important strap I''ve done so far, so want it as poerfect as I can get it. Thanks Syl.
  14. I like it a lot, well especially compared to anyplace else. People look for handmade things there which is perfect for us. They don't charge an arm, leg, and firstborn like ebay. They do workshops etc. constantly to help you improve your shop and sell more. I just hate paperwork of any kind :-) Thank you for your kind words. Cheryl
  15. Sam you should be proud. I HAVE a horse, and have been practicing these for months and I still would not be able to do that well. Heads are my downfall, and you did a beautiful job. Cheryl
  16. A friend of mine just told me people tool oak leaves because marijuana leaves are skinny and ugly. Probably not true, but sure was funny so thought I'd share. Cheryl
  17. You did a wonderful job on the horse. the only think I would suggest is using a different matting or beveling tool, which ever it was along the top of the mane, makes it look like it has made hair that's been chewed off by another horse and sticking up. Which is actually more realistic, but not the style you did. Beautiful job. Cheryl
  18. I thought about that after i did this, and it's not the on ly place I've done the research. Everyone here makes quality things so of course they are going to want that in what they buy. A car's a great question. Cheryl
  19. Yes Bob I agree. The flowers and swirly viney things do see a little out of character albeit very pretty. Cowboys and pretty? Hmmm. Just doesn't fit some how but yet it has for over 200 years. Longevity, strength, those all make sense. thanks Bob. Cheryl
  20. Rofl, only when you burnish the back and dye it and are messy about it. I understand your confusion though Aaron, but it's all beveled, tooled and real dye on the front. still don't think MINE is any kind of style but my own, but just wondered if oak leaves and acorns were a 'style.' Still needs finish, antiquing, backing and conditioning, but this will give you an idea. Syl, as usual you saw exactly what i wrote, thanks.
  21. Just oak leaves? Not maple, or lilac, or.......Anyway so it's not a style then? Tbhanks ferg
  22. Really pretty collar but I thought you meant you did it in the shape of a cobra. I have, well some kind of snake, it's off white and black, and I'm going to do a snake inlay with it since I already did a snake overlay.
  23. I'm doing a custom guitar strap and the guy wanted oak leaves and I told him I never figured him for a traditionalists. Told him I throw in some acorns and if he wanted Texas Roses it was Sheridan. He nixed the roses, and of course I did my own interpretation of oak leaves and acorns, but WHY do people do those all the time, and does it have a name or is it a style? With all the nature 'out there' why oak leaves and acorns? My 'leaf litter' against big oak tree. Not done or even close, just carved.
  24. Hi Pete, I think when I talked to them about it, it's not for tooling, but I wouldn't swear to it. Why don't you give them a call and ask? Cheryl
  25. DoubleC

    I Can't Breathe

    16 days ago I felt out-of-control and wanted to try and get a plan going with George. 16 days later I find out George has a new job, and I feel like I can't breathe. If I'm distracted I'm ok but when things quiet down and I have time to think my heart ends up in my throat blocking my air. My hands shake, and my heart pounds and I can't breathe. I am truly lost now. Kevin gave me some great, not so much advice as just some shared wisdom. I want to be what he wants me to be, but I am so afraid. I see it all slipping away and the harder I try to grab it close, the further away it is. And this ain't no 'if you love something set it free' feeling either. It's terror. I can't do this without him, I know I can't. I was barely doing it with him. I want to drink until I can't feel my fingertips, I want to do some drugs that erase memories and shove your heart back into your chest, I want to sleep and quit bothering to get up and trying to work.
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