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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. I have a centennial Singer 15-91I want $200.00 + ship for that's in a blond cabinet.
  2. Thank you Bob,. I think we may be in the minority here :-) But I know what mine will do and when people tell me it can't, I still know what it will do. Cheryl
  3. I have a Singer 15-91 and just sewed a guitar strap, foam, and piece of backing last night. They keep telling me here I can't use a 15-91 for leather and upholstery, and I do some almost daily. It's not an industrial machine but it'll sew anything you can shove under the foot. And I used a regular #80 needles and #30 quilting thread. I am beginning to think the #69 thread and the leather needles were a waste of money. I admit I love them, but I don't think there's anything the old singers can't sew. Just my opinion but backed up by the fact last night I couldn't even get the foot down :-)
  4. I am starting to work tomorrow for a woman who does all custom clothes. I was hoping to discuss some of the details of this with her. I need some information than just a pair of pants that are rock inspired if I'm going to be able to help you. To stay off spam lists splitting up my email should you want to discuss this. canncrossan at myfairpoint.net
  5. Oh Syl, not tooled leather. Just after I've finished sanding the the backs and sides, not even to the burnish state yet. Just a blank canvas, LOL.
  6. I often wash my leather, I mean lather it up and rinse, rinse, rinse with saddle soap to make sure I have all the sanding dust off, then let it dry over night. It's not a resist Syl......at least mine isn't, LOL.
  7. Are you looking for lots of bling, and black leather, sleek, tight, vests that can be worn alone by women, that sort of thing? Cheryl (VT)
  8. I agree with John having a brat horse myself. I would never put her on 5 oz leather. With the most well trained and mannered horse something can always go wrong. A heavy lead won't always help but a light one never would. Good luck, and please show us a pic when it's finished. Cheryl
  9. I'm fighting a dog for a bed, SIGH. I started working on the guitar strap about noon and I'm still working and for some reason she thinks she needs a little attention, jeesh. Seriously, she's the sweetest, best dog in the world.

    1. LNLeather


      Dogs are great at letting you know it is time for a break... get up and go play.

    2. DoubleC


      Yup, they dog their jobs with relish, keep us in touch.

  10. Mike are you running with scissors again? :-) Nice lot for 20 bucks, a little cleaning and you'll be in business, be it MD or LW. Cheryl
  11. And of course I did forget. The small strap did just fine wrinkling, LOL but need to do that to the big strap. Thanks, Syl.
  12. I do so think it's important that you keep yourself busy OMG I'm cracking up. '
  13. True, I never thought about the sweat....I can't imagine that they won't all sweat at some point. Man did I enjoy distressing these straps, I whacked the bejeebers out of our tree, and walked on the big one in the parking lot. I almot beat the smaller one to death though, not because of doing it too long, or anything. Did it like the big strap, but being more narrow I guess it went faster and hit harder. It was you doing yours that made me think of it. I did just dye it again, odd that you should say that, and now working on the horse overlays I'm going to do in elk. I'll do it in resolene once the overlays are on, and it it's too shine, sand it some. Thanks Syl.
  14. Your learning seems to be a mild learning curve Kevin as opposed to a steep one like we mortals have :-)
  15. Kevin your work is exquisite. I just saw these. I love the beaver tail inlay, your work is just perfect on it. And I get such a kick out of your work because it's always practical and one of a kind stuff. The compass pouch, portable phone for a patio table? Who else would think of this, and just whip it up and make it beautiful at the same time? Cheryl
  16. I use a sponge :-) If something is dirty adding a little water does so help the process. But then again I'm not sure I did that from the directions You're right, who reads those?
  17. Yeah I know Kev, I read it all over to find out and no where does it mention finish. I'll use leather sheen on it in really light coats and buff it in between coats. Thanks for answering, just wanted to hear someone else say it if that makes any sense......Cheryl
  18. I'm working on a distressed strap and I went in to saddle soap it and wipe it off, and when I got back I rubbed it down with a t-shirt. I was just doing this to get all the particles off of it, but I just really love the mellow look polishing the strap gave it. It really looks like it's aged and worn at this point rather than intentionally distressed. I'm thinking of putting another coat of saddle soap on it, polish it again and just add my overlay on that. Will it be enough protection? It's going to have foam and calfskin on the back. Thanks guys. Cheryl
  19. Jon, it seems like every time I breathe around leather, I get nail marks on it. And I know I can't pay close enough attention for that long to try and keep everything out of the way. Right now I'm working on a project that's a 3 piece overlay. I was so proud of myself for remembering to coat the edges on the first cut out before I glued the ostrich on. On the second one, I had the glue already on and had to coat the edges watching the glue dry. If you ever figure out a magic bullet for this I could use it too. Cheryl
  20. Nice job and sentiments. He'll love it. Cheryl
  21. I don't use edge kote, just because I've never bought any. I think you just need to finish up the process you are using. I don't always put a dark edge on mine but rather just the color of dye I'm using like you want to do. After the trag and dye let it dry and then use some denim and saddle soap and go over the edges again. That's what I use on my edges, but you need something like denim with it to make sure you get those pigments that are just laying on the surface rubbed off. I hope this helps. Cheryl
  22. I'm just sorry I snarked at you. I was too tired by then to be even looking at forums, but that does not excuse it. I haven't a clue, just know I'd take it off Kevin's hands and fix it and sell it to someone :-) It could on my list of 193272 things I'm going to do that with :-) Cheryl
  23. I'm sorry Knut, I was just going on my gut too, and you're probably right. Cheryl
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