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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. Yes, if your going to read Rod, go to 'how do I do that' and read the pinned topics. There's one on 'casing' or how wet your leather should be and a ton of other things. And keep asking questions. Cheryl
  2. Of course they are.... you're making it happen :-) Cheryl
  3. No sense in getting angry Aaron, I suppose when you've answered the same question a 1000 times it gets old. But I agree, takes just as long to answer a question as to try and belittle someone. Cheryl
  4. Hi Sand. I have your box packed, two figure stamps, 2 hole punches, 3 stencils, and rawhide. I found all of it surprisingly enough. Hope you have a great time this summer. Will be mailing Friday. Cheryl
  5. I'm with Sylvia on this. I have talked my neighbor through 'copy and paste' at least 10 times; her computer is way nicer than mine but that doesn't mean she knows how to use it. And she still likes for me to be on the phone or in her apt. when she does it. Is it frustrating? Yes, but I don't tell her to go and use Microsoft's search function to remind herself. That place is huge, and Pete really to someone starting out so is this. If you find you are losing your patience just don't answer those questions for a while. Because they are important to the person asking them. Cheryl
  6. I'm going to say this for the 12, 094 time and have yet to have anyone correct me but for that matter agree with. I know the feel you are going for. I use Vt's Original Bag balm. I figure if it's good enough for the live cow it's good enough for the dead one. it's the last step I do. I spread in on pretty thick, use a blow dryer on med for about 15 seconds to turn it liquid, and get in there and rub it in with my hands. Actually it's my favorite step. I love the way the leather feels with it on, and you get that limp soft look you are looking for. after I'm done, I let it dry overnight and if there is any excess left I rub it again with my hands, then take a clean cloth and wipe it off. It does not darken the leather either. I've used it for a year on things from straps to a camp stool seat I made. But I mean the really FINAL step, after you've put a coat of resolene or saddle sheen or whatever on it. Give it a try, doesn't have to be VTs and it's so cheap it's ridiculous compared to other conditioners. Cheryl
  7. I forgot to repost my 'improved' dragon taking people's advice. It really is done now, I can't work on the daggone thing anymore.
  8. I think it ks nice Mike but I'm not in your head And I read about your pipes... No rest for the devious planner. Cheryl
  9. What a cute idea Mike. Now see? And you still have 5 days to come up with a new challenge :-) Cheryl
  10. Thanks Chevez, good advice. My website is free right now so I am going to move it before the year is up. Already have a place to do so but it does take time. But I know how to ftp, etc. so I'll make the time :-) Cheryl
  11. What a beautiful thing to do. Thank you. Cheryl
  12. I can't believe I finished it. But it's as done as it's going to get. I used a stylus, beveler, swivel knife and a pear shader.
  13. I have several other things I have done with my Eye design, and do any of these as custom orders. I have a broach, and a picture of a choker and bracelet I made a friend, and a belt buckle I made to match my belt, and a pick pack I made today but not with an eye on it; it is for a special order. PM me. Cheryl
  14. Hi MJ, I'm working on a really nice one eared bridle right now and I have all the patterns and tools needed to fit your baby. I've also made bronc nosebands, posting a picture of it to go with this. If you don't want any bling I can make you the 2 bridles, breast collar, and bronc noseband for that price but it's going to kill me. The bridle I'm finishing up right now has a lizard overlay and burgandy bison lining and would I ever love to go all out on this. I will just need the exact dimensions of your current bridle and breast collar to adapt my patterns. I use Hermann Oak leather and Jeremiah Watt's hardware. The tack will be very durable and functional. I'm also attaching a picture of the cheekpiece of the bridle I'm making now. Cheryl
  15. Any idea is pretty much doable in leather. Some of the things I've seen here are truly unbelievable so a book cover should be a valid project. We have people here who make maker stamps, etc. so you might want to have one made like that with your design. I think Aaron makes a valid point, do you want to do 20 or 2000? If you're getting up there in the numbers doing them from a stamp might be way too slow. Cheryl
  16. Isn't it nice to be back Mike :-) We don't let grass grow under your feet around here. I think it was his welcome home to you!!!! Cheryl
  17. Oh heck, that was Longtooth that mentioned Montana.....Sorry. I was thinking about getting the length I needed from the pattern and the using a coffee cup to start the middle of the cut and going straight or angled out from there with my straight edge. I'll see if that works and sew it on and see how it looks. Thanks, Cheryl
  18. Thanks John. I think that's where I got it from their store on eBay or it came from there. I bent it gently by hand last night, it really is light metal but the width concerns me. I think I'll forget about that part f the design. It could be adjusted after it was on the horse to the horse but I just don't think I'll use it. Cheryl
  19. OK, the carving is finally done and now I just have to decide if I'm actually color it like the picture or get lazy and antique it or something like that. It;s for me so I tend to get lazier on those things but I think I'm worth doing a complete job on this, maybe. Cheryl
  20. Do a dragon quick to get back in shape and then stay up nights thinking of a June challenge...easy stuff :-) Cheryl
  21. I'm making my first bridle and I want to make it one eared. I have a pattern but the instructions simply tell you to cut the leather a certain length, etc. I seem to have this idea that the ear piece should start out on a curve then straighten out. Also I have a silver plate cantle piece I bought way back specifically for a one ear but although it's very light and flexible, it's an inch wide. A regular ear piece would be 3/4". Do you think this would annoy the horse? Thanks in advance because I'm having problems figuring out how to cut the leather. Cheryl
  22. Your most welcome to them. I just won't be able to get them out in the mail probably until next week, but thank you for letting me help. Cheryl
  23. Well I got three of them for $9.99 so it only weighs ounces. But it's not important enough to me for the bridle that I'd take a chance on making my mare crankier :-) Know how to cut the ear piece? Thanks Pete, Cheryl
  24. Hi Sand. I'd love to help because so many people have helped me on this site. I have a 3D stamp of a rose and a mare and foal. I have alphabet stencils in a ton of sizes but they can be hard to line up but free is cheaper than an alphabet set. I have a ton of rawhide which is good for braiding or you could use the thongs for the end of the bracelets. Oh I have two hole punches if I can find the refill punches, just saw them not long ago. They're a little dull. I'm sure if I just think I can come up with some other things if you'll PM me the address of the camp. I'd really like to help and didn't know about this until right now. And most of all just have fun with the kids. I don't know what ages you're talking but some of those books might be a bit advanced. If you tell me other things you can think of you need, I'll look around this place and see what I can find. Cheryl
  25. I had some straps land on my bench that practically arranged themselves into a bridle. I want to make it a one earred and have a pattern, but it just tells you the measurements. It seems to me the ear piece should start out from leather cut on a curve. Also I got a really good deal on some silver plate cantle pieces that I bought with this in mind a long time ago. It was very easy to bend it into the shape of the ear piece so I figure maybe it's copper underneath. Bu it is 1" and most tack is 3/4". Do you think a 1" ear piece would be uncomfortable for the horse? My main concern first is for the horse and then second me just going wild and trying all kinds of new things with the bridle. I doubt I'll sell it, so will use on my mare but if it did sell I still want it to be comfortable for the horse. Thanks, Cheryl
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