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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. How did you KNOW I had a big butt? LOL. The dragon is 6 inches across and 4 & 1/2 down. All the space I didn't tool anything (on the dragon) needs the cracks in it, then the cracks need to be various colors of orange and white while the background needs to be various shades of dark purple. The 'rocks' or lava or whatever is black with orange reflecting off the tops or sides, whatever is closest to the dragon. It's going to take a while to finish, LOL. And if I get 1/2 that color right I'll consider myself much improved. I could use my swivel knife too, either will work. I was just thinking the rounded depression made by the stylus would give me something easier to paint orange, a little wider depression. I'm actually not sure how forgiving all the painting will be to a butt sliding around on it. Maybe I should do a light dye over all of it first, saddle tan maybe in case the paint wears. And put 42 coats of leather sheen on it
  2. Sylvia, yours make me ashamed to put up what I have so far. I did this last night for the seat of a camp stool. The picture is a fire dragon so I still have to do all the cracks in the dragon before I start the coloring process. But it was so fun to do something that was ALMOST not work related. I'm going to use the camp stool at the farmers market so it still is kinda. But it was so fun to do something other than an eye looking back at me. So this is dragon 1 and I hope you don't mind me putting it up as i progress because I haven't had time to enter in a challenge in so long. I'm just taking the time right now. I used a stylus, swivel knife, beveler, and pear shader (I STILL don't have any background tools) The cracks in the dragon will be done with the stylus from looking at the picture.
  3. you're most welcome, Rae. Don't be nervous, this stuff is fun and when it isn't you put it down and do something else. You'll probably find most of us have a bigger problem lying it down than picking it up :-) Cheryl
  4. Hi Glendon. What a great idea. I've offered to co-facilitate a group at the local MH agency right across the street. Different type of disability but just as limiting. My name is quite a mouthful as you see, but everyone on here that doesn't know my real name just calls me Double C. That came about two ways. I had a partner for 3 minutes :-) and my last name is Crossan and hers started with a C also. After the 3 minutes, my first name is Cheryl so the Double C still worked. And it made a makers stamp actually not necessary because I sign my work with a plain old horseshoe stamp I bought that I double stamp like it shows in my avatar. I live in a small, well kinda city in VT. so I wanted a friendly sounding name. So I went for the Double C for my name because i like family names in a business. I'd go with that if you can figure out a way, the option you mentioned with your cousin. Plus people look up the 'Couture' so that makes me smile (hey I looked it up too since I'd only heard it connected with haute couture) and I think it makes people remember the name more. The people who don't look it up probably promptly forget me :-) Anyway I'd go with a family name if you can and also like Sylvia said, having all the Cs in my name doesn't hurt although it's really too long a name. Good luck on your venture. Cheryl
  5. Hey Rae, glad you could join us. I've heard Tandy does classes but we don't have one where I live. I'd try them first though. Cheryl
  6. LOL, Randi-Lee. We should start a retirement club!!!! Cheryl
  7. I did an 'In the Eye of a Horse' set yesterday to wear today. Nice stuff Luke. Good luck Lloyd.
  8. I made an In the Eye of a Horse set today to wear tomorrow. Just said, 'you're wearing it so forget the rules' :-) Kinda like it actually. Earring are 1 & 3/4th" and the pendant is 2".
  9. DoubleC

    Red 'eye' Set

    I got some 1x3/4" conchos to go with my 2" I use for pendants and made me a set tonight to wear to the farmers market tomorrow. I'm not selling tomorrow, doing local market research, and hopefully having a little fun too. Since red is my favorite color, I went hog wild :-) I also made the chain and earring dangles from a 4ft length of SP chain, plus all SP findings. Don't like working with jump rings and crap but wanted it in silver. Any comments, critiques, etc. most welcome. Cheryl
  10. I liked the way you lettered the bottom of 4, so voted for it, but after reading Thrasher's post realized why, it's the white lettering. What I was going to recommend was that you put your name separated by the A coming down but not the site. have it in a straight line. And I'll admit, I didn't realize it was an ax either so probably shouldn't take any of my advice :-) Cheryl
  11. Yup, finally know that and found someone to take it off my hands. Don't wanna use elephant....just a thing with me. but throwing it away wouldn't bring back the elephant so......Cheryl
  12. Here it is, trying to decide how I like the look still.
  13. LOL, that's heartening. But I am finishing up the eye right now, putting the resolene on it, and made the eye dark blue for something different. Won't show much except at the top maybe where I made the blue lighter if it does leech. I'll put the finished eye back here in a little while, when it's dry enough to scan.
  14. I had a PM within 5 minutes Mark, it's on it's way outta here. I have a friend sending me some ostrich, why don't we try using it at the same time. Two cussing heads are better than one :-)
  15. I wasn't looking for anything in particular Spinner, I just wanted this gone. I'm sorry but someone already PM'd me about it. If it's too small for him or if anything falls through I'll let you know. I'd just as soon have a regular piece of good ole cow personally :-). How are you doing anyway? I think about you a lot. Cheryl
  16. I can't use it. I mean emotionally. I've had cites explained to me, and I agree with the tribal programs, but I just don't want to use it. Plenty to make a billfold and several bracelets, or use for several inlays. Thanks Cheryl
  17. OMG you're kidding me. Please tell me it ain't so. Well if it's true I won't get buckles there again. Thanks (I guess, sigh) for the info. Cheryl
  18. I thought that piece was snake, and even asked Katass if he thought I could pull off using that as a snake SHAPED inlay and having the least chance of lining it up with tooled and already dyed fangs. I'm full of ideas just wish I was full of skills since this will be my first guitar strap and inlay. If elephant is that easy to work with, I might go that way too. I have a lot of mixed emotions about even having that cite certificates or not. I have problems because of my attention span being presented with too many options, seriously. It's becoming overwhelming. Example: just went and checked my mail, thought popped in my head so walked away and forgot I was answering this. Thanks for your help Mark. Cheryl
  19. Well I didn't know about the wrinkles so I think I rolled it even tighter for the cabinet. It's only 6-7oz because I compromised on the weight between making a guitar strap (normally next size lighter) and two camp stools for the farmers market (normally next size heavier). That's how it was sent to me too Allen. Going to reroll it right now because was answering other threads and already forgot.
  20. That's a great help, thanks so much. I know which picture is the shark I'm almost certain because it felt sharp handling it. Or is it the stingray that's sharp? Now I've confused myself all over again, but intend to copy and paste all of this before I start anyway. I think this is going to be so much fun, especially with all of you being so much help. Cheryl
  21. If you read above I said.... The little piece of red is mine, all mine, LOL. But I don't mind helping someone out because so many people have helped me. And I'm sure there will be more red lizard down the line. I have no idea what it's worth so just PM me with an offer and your address. Or if you need a bigger piece you could call SLC and they'll get you one I'm sure, those folks are great to work with. Cheryl.
  22. You're both right, it came the other way and already has wrinkles. So I will roll it the other way. Thanks, Cheryl
  23. Thanks Ironhead, I'm hoping to try it today, have had a zillion other things to do instead. I like the smell because I clean with vinegar so that didn't bother me, and if I mess up a few that's ok, still in a learning curve. Cheryl
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