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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. Wiz, Double C found it, is on it and is in Singer heaven, LOL. I may just set up a repair shop while I'm there since I ,love that with the Singers :-)
  2. Capnmeow, right now I'm cutting out a snake for an overlay I'm going to do. Unfortunately it looks more like triangles connected by a snake head. Cutting, no matter what the tool, I can't do well. I know that. But I'm not really getting frustrated because I know I can hide some of my errors with the ostrich overlay, and others with sewing. I also know I'm not going to do another snake overlay or inlay. This is my first guitar strap and I know it's not going to be perfect no matter how hard I try. But I'm going to learn a lot on this one and I'm going to do the very best job I can. I'm never going to be good at cutting, just better than I am now. I think frustration can be caused by a lot of things, doing hard things when you're tired, and expecting too much out of yourself. The important decision I think you have to make is whether you are still enjoying your work on leather. If I didn't still love it and look forward to it, I would quit. Other wise, frustration is just part of life and you take it along with the ooooohs you get when someone sees your work locally. IMHO Cheryl
  3. If I was doing that project I would use my 15-91 which is fast and powerful but doesn't do 5000 stitches a minute. It has a gear driven potted motor so no belt to slip etc. The next day you can sew silk with it after changing the tension. It will use up to #69 nylon thread, and I can't say enough about these machines. If where it needs to walk over the seam is 1/4th inch or less, it won't even cough. Since you already sew your learning curve wouldn't be as big as mine was, can take the 50's and older Singers apart and put them back together about as quick as most people can straight stitch a pair of curtains but sewing? Not so much. They don't need a case or cabinet to sit in, to me they truly are the cream of the Singer crop. I have 3 of the newer ones coming this week and could sell you one of them. If you PM or contact me at canncrossan@myfairpoint.net I can tell you all the different prices for different options, but for a straight machine, I can beat the prices you've been given, and it will still be running when your brother is gasping. It also has the feed dog drop. You can ask Wizcraft about these, they would work great on upholstery. But whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck Althea. Cheryl
  4. Good point. It's not just what we bring to the conversation but the customer as well. Cheryl
  5. Hi Rowan. I sent you a PM with all the options I have available on some 15-91s, with or without cases, with or without cabinets, etc. I have three coming in this week. Thanks, Cheryl
  6. DoubleC

    Rifle Sling

    I've done overlay like this before and the lacing done on this is very basic. I could make you one, two or a dozen if you want. PM me on here. A recent bridle I did with a lizard overlay eye and a Mexican basketweave braid is attached. Or you can email me at canncrossan@myfairpoint.net. This is braided with kangaroo lace which is expensive, but the best made. It can also be done with calf. Thanks Cheryl
  7. LOL, Michael. You are right though, guy was trying to pick out a name and we were talking about a place vs. the person doing it. If a leather worker is someone who has the tools, and at least a corner dedicated to the work, then I'm a number one leather mangler. I just rearranged (still not finished, why is organizing so hard) my bedroom to make as much space for the work as possible. I have an industrial metal desk, desktop, cabinet, and two sets of shelves dedicated to the leather side. On the other I have the sewing machine, a desk with material, and sewing 'stuff' along with finishing stuff for my leather work (roo lace, etc.). For me in this bedroom, I uh have a twin bed and nightstand :-) I'm thinking of moving it out and sleeping on the LR floor to make more room for the leather and sewing stuff. Not really but I could sue about three closets in here (have none, old Victorian house converted to apts.) Oh the leather has an end table too with my molding things on it. I am saving a corner (hard to believe I have one left, I know) to pile boxes of things I need to sort through and gonna call that my little shop of Horror (so much that's gotten mixed together it is horrifying). Cheryl
  8. I'm sorry I didn't explain that....it's been banned for years so that can't be what caused his handicap I don't think. Sorry, cheryl
  9. I don't understand the must watch about that and I'm not being mean. It appears he was a thalidomide baby and it's unfortunate but all people have misfortunes. I think you're being a little insensitive to try and compare a learning curve on leather work to what he had to overcome. I'm sorry, I'm trying but I just don't get it? Cheryl
  10. I agree with mlapaglia, Tandy gets written off a little quick. I am still using the Tandy 6 I started with except for the beveler. It has everything you need to do floral with a swivel knife. And by 20 tools, I don't think after 6 months I have that many unless you branch out into strap cutters, end cutters, punches, skivers, edge bevelers, etc. and so on. And you really don't need all that to start. Tandy 6 and a swivel knife will start you because there is a little bit of a learning curve involved in leather work :-) Best to do some work and then decide what tools to branch out to. Cheryl
  11. You guys are awesome. I have shaky hands and I'm always messing things up. I have a ton of painters tape around here, some self-amalgamating tape that sticks to itself and is rubbery when it 'sets' and who knows what else I have I would never have thought of. Thanks Ken. Cheryl
  12. My name doesn't even have leather in the name, LOL so I'm afraid I can't help. From what I understood Bruce to say you can call it either one, the USA doesn't have any set rules.
  13. That sounds reasonable. I guess I'm a leather crafter at this point. Thanks, Cheryl
  14. Oh, thanks Gump. I use it for all my lacing.....but it's nice to know what it's for. Cheryl
  15. It may be a garage but you create art Bruce, I've seen it. And people will talk (referring to the writing forum) that you have to follow basic mechanics of writing so it's a craft. Well I think Van Gogh (maybe a bad example :-) had to follow certain mechanics of the craft in order to create art. But who could look at Starry Night, done from looking out his window of an institution and say it was a MH craft? I wish there were standards although how you'd set them I don't have any idea. Then I'd know when I'd moved up from noob to nobody and beyond.
  16. Michael, I have one of those and couldn't live without it. I got mine wholesale at Standing Bears Trading Post where I get most of my stuff I need from Tandy because he is a member here and a Tandy reseller. And the blades are so easy to get. Cheryl
  17. Do you think it's ever OK to use the word artisan? I've had this discussion on a writing forum I was on back and forth forever, is writing a craft or is it art. But some of the things I see here I think are truly works of art.
  18. I don't think it needs any color Sylvia, I think the perspective is good. I use color a lot to give the object proper perspective, but yours doesn't need it. Cheryl
  19. OK, now you're like a 100% further along than I am. Great scene Sylvia.
  20. You can special order it from Springfield Leather company
  21. Uh, ok.....I might even think of what I want to do by the 29th :-) Seriously Mike this will be fun. Cheryl
  22. I'm sorry I did this in the forum Bruce, but I did want to catch you since I get my check tomorrow because the 3rd is on Sunday. I didn't realize that when I said the 3rd. I would NEVER have thought of overlapping. I've had people ask me why not use a hole punch on the ends then cut between them. Usually when they see my ability to cut that answers their question. So that will be fine Bruce. Would you suggest the Osborne 1 & 1/4th or even one of the smaller ones, maybe an inch? Or one of the Dixons? I don't care as long as it punches whose name is on it. You can just tell me tonight in the email, and price and shipping. Thanks Bruce. Cheryl
  23. You are the hardest man to pay I've ever seen. I saw the oblong punches on your site. I have contacted you 5 times about a 1 & 1/2 inch (OK one was an apology for calling so early, which is why I haven't called since, I'm way too embarrassed). I don't care who made it, or used it, I like vintage tools and I will leave it up to your expertise to pick one out for me, as long as it's 1 & 1/2 inch. If you would give me a price I'd be ever so happy to pay you tomorrow. Thanks Bruce. Cheryl
  24. As someone who's still in the situation Sylvia's trying to pull out of, I was offended by Harvey but for about 5 secs. He always has the option of not reading what I write. I've received so much help on here that without it I'd be out of business and I'm not even completely started yet. I don't really get bothered by people who don't understand some of us don't have a Tandy store, and couldn't afford the costs of a project if we did. $3.00 scraps? LOL that shows how long it's been since someone bought scraps. I was fortunate enough to have a good person on here send me scraps, and a lot of other things too. I'm in a better position now than then so I'm sending things to a kids summer camp. It's all one big circle for me, you get help, then you give it. All of this being said I still don't want Pete to quit posting. I think there's room for all of us here, we noobs and the learned folk. Has to be with the vast number of posts that could be searched if anyone could figure out how :-) Cheryl
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