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About Studio-N

  • Birthday 04/12/1962

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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Craftwork of all sorts - woodworking, leatherworking, glasswork, everything except workwork.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Laser Engraver, Maker and custom stamps
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Leatherworker.net Regular (4/4)

  1. how was this useful towards the OP request? There is nothing about services on that link. Quit spamming this forum.
  2. Studio-N


    great idea. well done.
  3. everything they sell is made in china so I doubt it's imperial.
  4. their 'hook' is that now you don't have to pay Paypal fees - yet they raised their fee to 13% which is what was with dBay + Paypal before.
  5. SOME will work. they all have a 1" bore, but the diameters vary.
  6. The waterstains are made by Fenice out of Italy and are quite good. Their Tandy eco-foo-foo stuff is crap. It's really a shame they rebranded the Fenice stains as eco-foo-foo because people unfamiliar with them think its going to be bad like their other dyes and stains. For my taste - Fiebings Oil dyes all the way. cheers!
  7. perhaps this is their version of a Corona Virus surcharge.
  8. Which location was that? Current indicators are that they have closed 8 stores. They are negotiating with their landlords and vendors to get out of others.
  9. yeah, I think they have pretty much burned thru all their cash reserves - mostly in bonus to upper management and they may get delisted from the stock exchange (the kiss of death). seems that history is repeating itself. they may keep the stores closed and try a 'internet only' concept. we all know how well that worked for Tandy 1.0 I wonder if this will make my craftool USA tools more valuable?
  10. I drove by the Dallas store today. It is closed, empty, and the sign is down so there is truth to the rumors. The Mesquite store is still there although closed despite being allowed to open starting yesterday. Phoenix,Austin, Ny, St. Leonard are suppose to follow suit Monday although no formal announcement from TLF damagement. I'm guessing they are busy with all the lawsuits right now.
  11. seems my last post was deleted. Tandy is not honoring their gift cards claiming the distribution center (a store) cannot process them. don't know what was so egregious about letting people know about that. Good luck with your gift cards and store credits.
  12. Most of it is coming from the Yahoo Finance pages. There is the link: TLF Stock If the stores are being told to inventory and start sending stock back to Ft. Worth. they aren't going to be restocked. Go to their web page, there are only about 5 us stores listed which are doing internet orders. Oh they'll use the Covid shutdowns as an excuse but the truth is they've been on a steady decline for several years. the stock is in the toilet and close to being delisted for cooking the books. They have several lawsuits in the works related to misleading their investors. The management gave themselves a $5 million bonus while effectively cutting out the bonuses of the stores. In fact the mgr at the kansas store walked out before the shutdowns. Nothing official from TLF corp. though. Maybe someone who works (worked) at one of the stores will chime in.
  13. well Tandy seems to be on it's last legs. They may not be coming back after the lockdown. so checkout Springfield Leather.
  14. Thank you for checking out my listings. Up for sale is an unassembled Biker Wallet Kit with a poolside Embossed Babe. Embossing is on the backside of the wallet and the embossing measures 3x5". Kit is the TLF Biker Wallet II and all other items such as lace, biker chain, and instructions are included in the kit. This kit is ready to be stained and assembled. Additional lettering can be added to the front side. $40 plus shipping.
  15. Sorry, I can't compete with the Russians or Chinese prices.
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