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About Deuce

  • Birthday September 13

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  • Interests
    Holsters and Gun Belts, belts, wallets, knife sheaths, Saddle making and repair

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  • Yahoo

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Gun Leather, Tooling
  • Interested in learning about
    Saddle making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    one day, looking around the web... :D

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  1. Awesome, thanks!! Appreciate the help and insight, as well as the confirmation from others of what the "best practice" is!
  2. Hey all, thanks for your replies! Tom, thanks for moving this to the appropriate place It is a western saddle that the customer is reporting some dry rot (leather will be replaced where ever found, of course) as well as some other issues. She is wanting the saddle restored to as close to original condition as possible, to include re-doing the shearing, etc. Saddle has sat for an extensive amount of time in a horse trailers with no care for years. I explained it probably would be less expensive to purchase a new saddle rather than restoring her old one but she explained she has memories and emotional attachment to this particular trophy saddle …
  3. A customer has asked me to restore a favorite saddle of hers and wants the wool redone as well .... Anyone have any tips on how to do this??
  4. I have to second everything said above by Prarie Dog. Wonderful machine. I cut 15 wallets with sticking holes, etching custom designs into the at the same time on about an hour... No way I could have 15 "tooled" and ready to sew by hand. It had been a significant investment but will worth it.
  5. Any luck in finding a power mallet? I am looking for one as well ....
  6. Link to pdf is no longer good ... anyone still have a copy? I am working on an english saddle and would love to have more info ...
  7. Has anyone ever worked with Camel leather? Veg tan or Chrome tanned?
  8. Very nice! How long have you been carving? How did you learn?
  9. I have emailed you, ArmyWife
  10. I would love to help!
  11. Hey there, did you ever get those plans put into an ebook or pdf? I am interested in building one ...

  12. Yup ... probably easier to find/bend to the desired angle ...
  13. Price would depend on the size of the raven needed ...
  14. I find using old plastic (think old pop bottles or milk jugs), heat them just a touch and form to the needed shape, then insert into the wallet so it can't be seen and you are good to go!! Hope this helps ...
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