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Everything posted by paprhangr

  1. Thanks cyber Anyone used Master Quick Shine After using resolene is it necessary to rub mink oil, Aussie, neets foot To keep leather soft?????
  2. I'm holding off on the final finish on this 2nd seat I'm a little confused about finishes? A motorcycle Seat needs: 1. a sealer that protects the dyed leather from rain / sweat 2. Prefer one that is not high gloss Resolene has been recommended but will it crack? Any suggestions? Thanks
  3. My 2nd seat cost me $100 to build with best materials Pad ....... Foam and More Pan.........Accufast2D Leather 7oz.........W&C Lace.............YKnot lace
  4. Thank you Benlilly I'm learning, I guess mine could be called a no ledge construction
  5. I like the basket weave, Just my beginner observation, i noticed This seat is little different construction, with pieces joining at a ledge Instead of meeting in the middle and joint covered by thick basket weave How you do that
  6. My 2nd seat. I haven,t applied a finish yet
  7. Good Luck at the meet i like that contrast colors on spider seat
  8. thanks, 9 x the laced length worked for the mexican round braid. I used 1/4" Roo 3/8" hole spacing on my seat I cut lace lengths at my arms span about 1.5 yds
  9. Just got this stamp I really like the design it makes. But it seems difficult to line up Easy to mess up, anyone got any tips how to ?
  10. im making my 2nd seat and its for------------someone? ( that can use 6" spacing )
  11. Thanks for the post and complement. I noticed a lot of rear pans bolts are 7", the new pan I got came 6". Wanted hear from someone with 6" mounting Before I start work on new seat,
  12. any you guys who make seats ever use a pan that has the rear mounting bolts spaced 6" on center?
  13. Questions: has anyone made a bobber/chopper seat pan out of fiberglass? when using the drill press, is there a drill bit that will make a clean hole in leather?
  14. I am a beginner leather worker. just got my first side from W&C 7oz split. I noticed several marks on the grain side? like something had rubbed it Leaving a marring. Will this show up after dye and finish? Is this normal to expect from split leather the flesh side Has a smooth grain, no fuzzy
  15. how do you put double layer belts together? I have no sewing machine
  16. thanks Chief, could you explain how to burnish using a large drill press (or a link) im new and have only used a edger and a slicker
  17. i picked up a $90 bench top drill press at HF, on sale $60,
  18. hows that work? sounds like a drill press is handy to have for leatherwork
  19. congrats on your first leather job for $$, did 2 coats of resolene seal it and did you spray it on? I put a drop of water on my seat and it left a spot. guess I sprayed resolene to light.
  20. your seat looks Tuff, good job carving out the native american theme. where did you get the pan? what color dye did you use?
  21. the dots are punched, but not all the way through, ??
  22. yes. what tool did you use for the dots? how much time it take you to tool that seat? I haven't had enough practice to do a good bevel and background
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