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About Paulsleather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Briefcases, luggage, tech gear
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  1. Yes, crimping. In case you want to dress it up a bit you can wrap the recessed portion with a thin piece of leather to match or contrast the color of your project. I haven't tried it yet but would like to.
  2. in particular, the edges and gusset stitching shows a VERY high degree of skill and craftsmanship. Please keep posting your work. I also would enjoy seeing the interior. Outstanding!
  3. Glad to be of service... It's a great feeling when you find exactly what your looking for!
  4. Hi folks, This is what I use... comes in different styles and finishes. Have fun! http://www.hudson4supplies.com/sc-503-leather-stud-brass.html Best, Paul
  5. Wow, that bound edge looks great. I've got a Cobra 4 cylinder arm machine and have been trying to find a binder attachment. I haven't had any luck yet locating one, though. Seems like I"m going to have to take a page from your book and make my own - thanks for posting this!!
  6. Wow, the patience needed for a project like that blows my mind. Keep posting your work and those fabulous tutorials!!
  7. Great job! Classy, stout design, and the color is just right. Keep posting your work!
  8. Hi Jason, I chose to stitch mine onto a Rather panel first the perimeter stitch that to the cover. My only regret is using a hard plastic shell vs a softer one. The corners crack overtime as they are a bit brittle. I made the holes in the case with my drill press and marked the placement with a stitching awl first. Good luck! Paul
  9. Guilty as charged, Monica. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=54455
  10. Monica, love that lap seam! I hear you though, when I finished the duffle I swore it was the last. Keep up the great work! Paul
  11. Hunio, thanks very much for posting the picture of the gusset construction. I had been trying to create a similar profile at the base of the gusset and now (thanks to your photos) understand the technique. You work is a pleasure to view!!
  12. Really like the contrast in color and texture. Great job.
  13. Thanks all! Not sure how to go about getting something pinned but that would be fine with me.
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