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Everything posted by chrstn53

  1. It looks like a old shoe stretcher. Normally there would be different size forms that would attach to the front.
  2. The 7 ft brown piece already sold but I have a lot more I will be putting on hopefully this weekend. The leather I will be putting up for sale is a custom blend designed exclusively for his company but there is also a lot of latigo and some cordovan. I have about 30 or so near half hides of thick Horween Latigo that I might put up sale but i'm unsure about shipping it since its not something that rolls up easy. The cordovan I will be keeping all to myself.
  3. There is a long piece in color brown that is around 7 feet long which could probably produce 6 - 7 belts
  4. Over the next couple of weeks I will be putting some custom blend Horween leather on ebay. I will be trying to put big and long pieces together so larger items can be made from it. I made a deal with a manufacture of fine bags and purses. The leather is a custom blend for this company and is very soft and smells wonderful. The weight is 5 to 6 ounces. This could be a good chance to work with some amazing high quality leather without a big investment. Here is a link to one of the listings, but I will be putting up many more lots and colors when time comes available. http://www.ebay.com/itm/371037860641?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  5. chrstn53

    Shop Press

    CobblinHood I turned a harbor freight shop press into a manual clicker press. I click small dies up to large bag panel parts without any problems. There is a slight learning curve on placement and knowing if you will need to click half the die and move it over for the other half. I cut off the bearing shaft and welded a 1" thick steel plate on the bottom cross arm and a 1/2" thick steel plate on the top and added two more springs to help take the stress off the hydraulic cylinder. I stacked two 1" hdpe plastic sheets and I can use my shortest dies to my old school steel rule mounted in wood dies.
  6. Just thought I would see is anyone in the forum might know what this contraption is. Also if anyone has any information on the company "American" St. Louis. I have a few 3 in 1 machines and can come up with absolutely nothing about this company. I have seen posts that suggest Landis purchased the company, but beyond that nothing. Any information about either would be greatly appreciated.
  7. The lesco looks like a interchangeable modeling tool for carving leather.
  8. I came across a seller that listed a 100 or so older leather craft magazines and it looks like many of them have full size pattern pullouts. I looked through all of the listings and found a few holster patterns I will try and get. I just thought I would let you guys know because it has become harder and harder for me to find patterns that I would be interested in trying. Also if anyone has any older reenactment (weapon accessories, bags) style patterns for sale please let me know. Link to one of the listings http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1558.l2649
  9. I picked up a few round knives and was wondering if any fellow leather workers would be able to help me identify the maker. I am always interested in the history of my tools and believe that I figured out who the other makers are. BTB-Bill Burke LBL- L.B. Lienemann JR - Bob Jolly RJ Jolly- Josh Jolley BB- ? Any help would be appreciated. If the above are incorrect please let me know, or if you have any information on Makers mark BB I would really appreciate it. Thanks Christian
  10. I picked up a few round knives and was wondering if any fellow leather workers would be able to help me identify the maker. I am always interested in the history of my tools and believe that I figured out who the other makers are. BTB-Bill Burke LBL- L.B. Lienemann JR - Bob Jolly RJ Jolly- Josh Jolley BB- ? Any help would be appreciated. If the above are incorrect please let me know, or if you have any information on Makers mark BB I would really appreciate it. Thanks Christian
  11. The Swivel knife has been sold.
  12. I acquired a collection of swivel knives and round knives from a long time collector. This swivel was made by Paul Burnett and have been told that it is very rare. It's hard to put a price on the thing, but I have it listed on ebay for $300 or best offer. Serious offers will be considered. You can check it out at http://www.ebay.com/...=item1e801ec9c8 or send me a message if you are interested.
  13. Thanks for the help oltoot and king's x. I have been trying to find info on the last swivel since its unique and I had not seen it anywhere. Now I know Thanks again Christian
  14. I was lucky enough to purchase a leather tool collection from a long time collector and among the collection are around 30 swivel knives. I attached some pictures of some unique swivels with no maker marks and was wondering if anyone might know the makers of these tool. I appreciate any knowledge you can pass along.
  15. I tried to get in on the huge box of tools but, Art is right it went for $2,000. But there were over 300 early craftools, 100 or so old kelly midas tools and 40 or so RBS tools (just checked my auction sheet). To a collector or re-seller there would have been a lot of meat on the bone, but I could not justify spending that much since I had my eyes on other items and machines, but the machines I wanted went a little high
  16. I attended the auction and there was a lot going on especially the second day when they were auctioning off the hand tools and misc equipment pretty much side by side. I missed a few lots trying to pay attention to something coming up at the same time. The leather prices started out pretty reasonable but got pretty steep as the day went on and then went back down towards the end. It was hard to gauge the quality of the leather but everything I purchase was good quality once I inspected it when I got home. The equipment was a roller coaster I believe a gentleman got a tippman boss new condition for a good price and then later in the day 2 tippman boss machines on home made stands went over double at $1,500 a piece ??? I could not figure that one out. There were a lot of dies and hand tools the went for a fair price. I picked up new and old dies next to nothing and a leather thickness gauge with a 18" throat for $60 which I though was a great deal. The food provided by the school was great and I really enjoyed Jeremiah and Nevada Watt's demonstrations. Overall it was a very tiring event and I was wore out for my 7.5 hour drive home, but for me it was well worth it and I will probably attend next year. Does anyone have a list of other leather specific auctions around the united states??
  17. Thank you for the info, that helps clear up the picture. It seems like anytime I have questions about older tools, Wyomingslick has put something out that answers my questions
  18. Over the past few years I occasionally pick up estate lots of tools to fill in my collection. Normally I might see 1 or 2 RBS tools in a collection of 100 or more. Recently I came across 36 RBS tools and have been very impressed on how well the impressions come out. I'm just curious if anyone has any information on the company??
  19. No games, I just don't like dishonest people
  20. Do you still have the splitter available??
  21. chrstn53

    Clicker Dies

    I am looking for clicker dies any shapes or sizes, just let me know what you have and what you want for it.
  22. Thanks, I found it on their site. I was not aware that the had a line of stamps
  23. I picked up this braid stamp in a set of tools and I really like the feel and crispness of the stamp. I was wondering if anyone can give any info on a possible maker. The stamp is marked R452 and has a gunmetal finish. Thanks for any help
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