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Everything posted by CeilingUnlimited

  1. ***SELLING CHEAP!!!!*** I have two brand new 1" Biothane rolls in brown from Ohio based Bioplastics in their original box. Brown embossed leather surface pattern.Granite 231-Weight B10. Each roll is 100ft long. Perfect for making harness parts,dog collars,belts,horse tack etc.REALLY NICE STUFF!!! Will sell both rolls together or seperate. Would also be willing to trade for either 3/4" or 1" brown Bio in the super soft gummie flexible grip. Photos available. Pay Pal & Money Order's accepted.
  2. Hi Ian! I'm trying to find a manual or video on how to thread it? I found a couple video's but they weren't up close enough for me to see exactly how it was threaded? I got the general idea,just don't have a manual or reference to help me better understand how to do it,so I do it right?
  3. Is anyone familiar with a De Luxe Heavy Duty 1952 Japanese sewing machine which looks similar to a Singer 15 model. I need some much needed help!
  4. Thanks Jax! I had two Weaver beveler's that I miss placed and cannot find them! I guess that's what I get for not keeping my tools better organized
  5. Singer that is for sale. Owner knows nothing about it,except that it was bought for the owner by someone who has a reputable tack shop that does repairs. Any idea how many ounces of Leather it can sew? Owner said it can sew canvas,leather etc,but not sure how thick of leather it can sew? I'm more familiar with the older,bigger Singer 29-4 type models. See attachment for photo.
  6. Hi There! Trying to find a supplier that makes a small designer brass,nickel or chrome plated horseshoe studs. I'm looking for a refined shaped horse shoe to apply to 1 1/4" pieces of leather. Any help would be GREAT!!!!
  7. Hi There! I am looking for a Weaver #3 French beveler. I do not yet have my tax I.D. so I am unable buy from Weaver. I'm willing to pay for a used one or pay a few bucks extra and shipping if someone can order me one if you have a future Weaver order coming up? Let me know if you think you can help me out? Thanks a bunch! ~Kelly
  8. I too have done really well on facebook! I am in a small niched market,and there are other pages that openly sell items within that market from other People looking to sell their stuff. So I post many of the things I make,and People are buying it up! I also post that I take order's as well,and have had a TON of success with that as well! One thing I like to do,is offer gift certificates as well as adding a small freebie product if they buy a certain item etc. The possibilities on facebook are endless! I get PM's all the time from People asking me if I can make this or that,and I've done a lot of business that way too! I've also had many People post positive feedback and recommend my items to other People by posting publicly on quite a few of the facebook selling/swap pages I deal with,so its a great feeling to know that there are People out there in facebook Land that do want to buy....you just have to put yourself and your items out there,and be confident in what you are doing,and of course honest communication with buyers is paramount when selling on facebook.
  9. I'm looking to officially start my Leather business here in the very near future,and I'm curious as to how most of you started? Did you start out as a sole Proprietor to save cost or did you file as an LLC or Corporation? Did you start as a sole Proprietor and then later switched to an LLC or Corporation? I plan on selling some of my Leather works as well as buying wholesale products for retail. I've already spoke to a Lawyer,and know what protection each one offers etc but I'm just curious how you started as to how you originally filed your business? Pros/Cons/Recommendations???
  10. Ok English Bridle makers....can anybody help tell me what Pippin Punch sizes I need? Do you recommend round or oval? I'm going to guess most of you recommend the round one's,but wanted to ask anyway. What size punch would I need for for 1/2" cheek pieces (I'm guessing most People use medium size stud hooks for 1/2" cheek pieces?) and what punch size for 3/8" wide cheek piece stud hooks? I'm guessing small size stud hooks is what is used for 3/8" cheek pieces? Also,what size Pippin Punch would you recommend for 5/8" wide reins? I'm looking at some Osborne punches,and I'm a little confused on the sizes they show on their sizing charts,and was wondering if any English Bridle makers here can help me? P.S. If you can recommend a place to where I can get stud hooks that are for 1/2" cheeks and 5/8" reins...I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
  11. Yes Thanks Nigel for making your video's! I really enjoyed watching them,and taking valuable notes! A wealth of visual information that I know (myself included) have been struggling to find to no avail. I hope you continue to make more in the future. Thank you soooo much Nigel!!!!
  12. Looking for a Pricking Iron similar to what Dixon makes for use in preparing to hand sew the bottom of English Bridle cheek pieces to install hook studs. If there are any English Bridle maker's here that has one to sell or can tell me where I can find one to buy,would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ~Kelly
  13. Would love to see a video of how that is exactly done? Seeing it done would be easier for me to understand as I really,really want to learn how to do it! I want to learn how to make rolled throat latches for leather horse halter's as rolled throat latches are the most preferred by People who buy leather horse halter's. I also would love to learn how to make rolled traces and breast plate neck straps for a fine driving harness. So I really want to learn how to do rolled leather! : )
  14. Yea I definately need to find some pricking irons for bridle work. Thanks for posting this! Yea I definately need to find some pricking irons for bridle work. Thanks for posting this!
  15. That's awesome Dwight! Like you too, I'm glad I found this sight,and hope to learn as much as I can as well. There is a wealth of knowledge here,and everyone here is fantastic!
  16. What breed of horses does that horsewoman have? A horse who is conformationally built down hill is not good regardless of what their job is whether is be a cutting horse or a western pleasure show horse. A horse built downhill only predisposes a horse to many problems such as splints,navicular,OCD,hock problems,stifle problems,back problems etc. A horse built downhill can't physically get it's hind end up underneith them to carry themselves. With cutting horses,they basically sit down on their hind ends and work low off the front,but they have to be able to stop and hold they're hind end up underneith them in order to cut a cow and stay low up front. Most western pleasure quarter horses today are built pretty level,but appear to have that downhill conformation due to be trained to go with a lower headset. If they are young horses and still growing,being "butt high" is a normal part of a horse's growth stage,until they are done growing.
  17. Victor Custom Tack specializes in Western Saddle's specifically for Arabs and hard to fit Arabs. I would give them a call and ask them what they think? Out of curiosity do you happen to know what brand your cutback Saddle's are that you are using? If your cutbacks are fitting pretty good and depending on what brand they are,can really help narrow down finding a good western saddle as certain English brand cutback trees tend to help with finding a good western saddle. Victor Custom Tack specializes in Western Saddle's specifically for Arabs and hard to fit Arabs. I would give them a call and ask them what they think? Out of curiosity do you happen to know what brand your cutback Saddle's are that you are using? If your cutbacks are fitting pretty good and depending on what brand they are,can really help narrow down finding a good western saddle as certain English brand cutback trees tend to help with finding a good western saddle.
  18. I personally like the hard elastic polo type breast plates that I covered with thick sheep's wool. I've attached both off the rigging and the cinch using a heavy duty made English type girth loop. Worked great every time I used it,and when riding up steep hills,the breast plate wasn't able at all to dig into his windpipe.
  19. One more thing I forgot to mention. The caveson buckle should lay above or below the cheek piece buckle,because the caveson nose band generally should lay two fingers below the horse's cheek bone.However,some horses may require a slightly higher or lower nose band setting in order for the caveson to do its job effectively. Remember,every horse is different,so no not all the buckles must be aligned perfectly together on the side of the horse's head. For some horses they do come pretty close to being together. Another important thing you don't want...is the buckles hitting each other,rubbing or possibly pinch the side of the horse's cheek. So a properly fitted English Bridle must be properly adjusted to fit the horse's bit/bits he is wearing in his mouth.
  20. I just wanted to point out a couple of very important key points you must also take into consideration. There really is no true truth to the fact that a properly fitted English bridle must have the buckles set on the middle hole. The reason being is that not all horses go in the same type of bit all the time,and depending on the type of bit used including the width of the mouthpiece and most importantly the bit ring size,the ring size of the bit is going to dictate the cheek piece buckle adjustment. For example...a larger ring bit will require a higher adjustment of the buckle on the cheek piece,and a lower adjustment (to make up the difference) for a smaller ring bit. Now depending on the ring size,generally there is only a 1-3 hole difference (depending on the buckle hole spacing) along with if there is a wider or narrower mouthpiece.So that is something you have to consider. Horses that may use a Pelham or Weymouth bit,will require an even much lower adjustment,depending on how high or low the purchase is on those particular bits (which Pelham's & Weymouth bits are pretty commonly used) I find that horse size crowns for light breeds with cob size cheeks fits Weymouth and Pelham bits perfectly which puts the buckle more in the middle of the cheek piece. For Warmblood breeds definately horse size to small draft size all the way around,but an actual measurement is a must for horses that have a larger head,that a standard horse size bridle won't fit.
  21. Yes Troy has it all right. I'll also add that Simpco-Longhorn patented and registered the name "Genuine Billy Cook Maker Sulphur,OK which is the stamp seen today on all Billy's. Billy Cook originally made cutting,barrel and roping Saddle's and was occasionally commissioned to make trophy Saddle's.
  22. Thanks Chris! Saw some items I've been looking for and haven't been able to find them ANYWHERE!!! I will definately try to hook up with you to get some stuff if that's okay with you? @ Kevin thanks! I just fond their number and will give them a call! Thanks again guys!
  23. I'm trying to find hook studs for 3/8" wide cheek pieces....does anyone know if Windmill English Saddle Supply sells to the public or to licensed businesses only? I found an email address for them,and sent them an email,but it was returned as an invalid address???
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