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About Solofalcon

  • Birthday 09/06/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Newington, CT
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, Photography, Aviation

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, Notebook covers, Wallets, Purses
  • Interested in learning about
    Saddlery, motorcycle seats, finishing and resist methods
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search

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  1. Nice work. I like the design a lot. It's always nice to see a new holster design.
  2. Tankerman, I ended up using the new style magnets that Tandy sells. They are pretty strong. I have been very happy with them, and they seem to work well with this project from what my customer tells me. I will look into the rare earth magnets though. I could probably work more towards a cleaner enclosure for the magnets next time. Thanks for the comments everyone. Kevin
  3. Thank you for all of the comments. The skull is just natural leather, no dye or paint with finish coats.
  4. Thank you, and yes I did my research since I was concerned about magnets too, but it doesn't appear to be a concern for smartphones and iPads. I have used magnets a number of times now and I don't feel concerned with them as a threat since I found through other forums online and through actual use that they don't pose a threat. Take care, Kevin
  5. Thanks. I saw this idea on Pinterest and Etsy and I have wanted to make one for myself for a while now. I don't intend on selling any, I just had to try it. The original artist for this design is This is Ground from what I can tell and it's called a Cordito.
  6. It looks good. Saddle stitching should be more than strong enough. I made a carrier for the same model phone and I ended up stitching a leather belt strap. I wanted to water proof mine and used multiple light coats of a spray lacquer. I have also had good results on a motorcycle seat using resoline (sprayed through an airbrush)and a neutral shoe polish afterwards.
  7. Thank you everyone. Chris, I designed it myself. I had inspiration from other cases of course.
  8. Congrats. You deserve it. I love all of your work.
  9. Thank you. I had a lot of fun designing and creating it.
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