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Everything posted by wlg190861

  1. You will never get it to straiten
  2. Good videos to watch on the Mexican round braid.
  3. Veg tan will work but as far as lacing, I don't like it on a stool the lacing will give out long befor the leather will but you can if thats what you like.
  4. Your foam you want the same dia. as the top of the seat.
  5. I use chrome oil tan on mine here at home 2/3oz. You could lace like you stated but on that stool the lacing would not hold up to repeated use. What I would do is use a contrasting color for your 4" strips, Machine or hand sew. if you like fringe, sew 6" fringe around the base of the seat. For the top of the stool cut a circle 15.5"s to allow for the 1/2" seam allowance The dia of this seat is 13.5"s so multiply that by pie 3.14 an you come up with 42.39 this is how long your 4" strips would need to be if lacing, if sewing add 1" for a 1/2" seam allowance.
  6. I would be interested in seeing a picture of the keychain. Do you have a photo you can share ?
  7. Where can I buy Eel shin ? I don't have an answer as I have not used Eel.
  8. I just finished the first one I made, Thank god it was for me because it was to narrow for the legal pad { Live-N-learn }. I used 5/6 oz veg-tan an sewed deer skin to it as the cover, looks nice though. #1 tip make sure you have the right width.
  9. I made a laptop case one time for a friend. I wet formed the case an lined it with soft stable, you can buy it at your local fabric shop. The stuff I use is from, https://www.anniescatalog.com/detail.html?prod_id=95720&device=c&source=NBSSEMB worked out nice.
  10. pete what I do is use chrome oil tan or real soft chrome tan as some of your chrome tan is stiff. I use 1/2" core rope, ( I think it is the perfect size for a handle ) the trick is to make sure you sew as tight to the core as possible. I have a CB4500 an use my right toe harness foot, when you sew don't sew straight, sew at an angle into the core as this will help pull the stitch closer to the core. I hope this makes sense to you. The same with veg-tan but use 2/3 oz. Dye after you sew, dip in oil for 10 sec, wipe and let dry for a few days. By the way you did a great job on this bag,. Keep up the good work.
  11. Found these on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Whatwears-WHATWEARS-Fabric-Decorative-Edge-Pinking-Shears-Scissors-Large-Scallop-/112204446092?hash=item1a1fe7f98c:g:pHUAAOSwzaJX2vOl
  12. That is the way to go, never have to buy a hole punch again
  13. I like that. Would you be willing to sell me that pattern with assemble instructions
  14. Everyone's theory is ok but the easiest way is to take a 16 penny nail, pound it in a stud, making sure it is level. Take your collar buckle it on a pvc round (Pvc like you use in city water mains} and hang on nail that will give you true TDC. All that math is hard on the old mind an not nearly as accurate.
  15. Everyone's theory is ok but the easiest way is to take a 16 penny nail, pound it in a stud, making sure it is level. Take your collar buckle it on a pvc round (Pvc like you use in city water mains} and hang on nail that will give you true TDC. All that math is hard on the old mind an not nearly as accurate.
  16. Looked at your site. You do great work. What is the handle length, drop on your totes ?
  17. Olive oil will go rancid, will do more harm than good in the long run.
  18. Yes rounded so it can go through the beads. I use Sheps oil from Weaver Leather. Yes I bevel the edges.
  19. This may be a stupid question but I don't know. I started making tote bags an, the problem I am having is sewing the liner. I have a CB4500 an the thread I am using seems to be to thick. Do you all use a home sewing machine or can I accomplish sewing the liner with my machine ? Another question is, Do you all sew an drop in your liners or, do you adhere your liner to the panels before sewing the tote. Any an all help is really appreciated. I use Duck Canvas an or cotton for the liners THANKS Dan
  20. Go to any fabric shop an get what they call STABLE, it works great
  21. That can not be fixed. You will need to make new. The only thing you will ever fail in life is, that witch you don't try.
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