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Everything posted by wlg190861

  1. I personally would use the waist an make wristbands or take and put 3 or four pieces together with 1 1/2" rings or what ever width the extra strap is an make some belts that way. They look nice Dan
  2. I want to make adjustable purse/shoulder straps and was wondering if any of you could tell me what is the best piece of hardware to use and where to get them I would like to use 6/7 oz leather for the straps or suggestions welcome. I was thinking on the line of something like a Conway buckle style but a Conway I don't like for this application
  3. I have been doing a little leatherwork for a few years now and at the present time I am making a purse. My question is, I have never used alum tanned leather an was wondering if this alum tanned leather 5/7 oz would work for adjustable purse straps and can it be cut with strap cutter or is it to flexible
  4. I just use super clue before sewing, just little dabs
  5. I bought a cb4500 a few years ago a had that problem myself at the beginning. First, make sure your top thread is threaded right and not catching on anything. What I did and works for me is I tightened my bobbin almost All the way tight an the rest of my adjusting is done on top. I can sew from 2 oz to 20oz with no problem, any adjustments needed are done on top.
  6. Yes I use a sewing machine its a Cowboy 4500
  7. I will try your second method, it sounds like a good system. Now all I need to figure out is getting the right size outer sole.
  8. I want to make some moccasins an I would like to sew a sole to them. Has any one here done this, if so, what is the best leather for a sole or can you buy rubber soles, if so where ? Dan
  9. Yes I dye my latigo edges all the time
  10. I am thinking of buying this sewing machine next year an my question is can you sew a circle, by that I mean can you turn the pressor foot 360 degrees while sewing ? or only forward, reverse, left or right ?
  11. Thanks for the pattern, cant wait to make one
  12. I am hoping someone here could explain, What is pull-up leather, How is it tanned, Is it strong leather, what is it mainly used for ? Dan
  13. For black belts I dip them in neatsfoot oil
  14. I was just wondering if anyone has made a purse out of upholstery leather. I have a few patterns but don't want to cut the hide if this is to thin, 2/3 oz. Sounds like a stupid question but I don't know. What is the most common thickness of leather used in purse making ?
  15. tboyce Do you have or can you design some. I will pay you. Dan
  16. I was wondering if anyone had leather mitten patterns. I tried to make a pair of my home pattern but didn't turn out. A coworker has a pair of leather snowmobile mittens. An I would like to find a pattern so I can make some. Thanks Dan
  17. I would be very interested in receiving a pattern of the doc. bag
  18. I use cb4500 will work great for all your needs
  19. I printed a copy of you biker wallet. Very good lay out an directions. You are a very kindhearted person. Thank for your generosity Dan
  20. By adding a welt to the seam, does that make the seam stronger or is that for looks ?
  21. Go to your local ACE hardware store and, if not in stock they can order a 6' or 8' aluminum ruler. I use a 8' an it works great
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