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    SE Texas

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  1. This goes back a few years but I did that when I first started making belts. The way I did it was using way too much water while saddle soaping the finished product prior buffing.
  2. http://www.jrmclips.com/thumb-break-stiffeners.html
  3. I learn something every time I read one your posts!
  4. I use a forstner bit backed by a piece wood and a chisel. It takes a bit longer than using a punch but they always come out perfect. I like to make them 3/8” thick and 1/8” - 1/4” longer than the width of the belt because I found that using a too tight of a slot leads to more squeaking.
  5. After many years of selling holsters to LE I came to the conclusion that they come from all walks of life.
  6. Not all cops are gun savy. I have a Glock 23 with a stainless 22 upper and when my son showed it to a friend of his who is a local cop he didn’t recognize it as a Glock. Even tho the PD here uses Glocks!
  7. The last one came in at $230.00 after shipping from Ca. to Tx. for a side and a little less for a back. Very little more $ than SLC & Weaver but much more quality. edit: I should have mentioned that the side was a rather large piece, close to 24 I think.
  8. I would be unfair for me to comment on it because I've never used shoulders from ZW but I did get some good horse butts from them a 2 or 3 years ago. And I found ZW just as easy and quick to deal with as most others.
  9. I used to get good B's from SLC when they first started selling HO but after they started selling those little HO squares for the hobby trade I just couldn't get any good B's anymore. They looked like C's & D's. I quit buying leather from Weaver & SLC since I found Goliger. I still buy other stuff from Weaver, Tandy, & SLC but not leather.
  10. I'd go for HO grade A or B sides or backs. I've bought HO from just about everybody that sell it and have found what Springfield calls grade B looks like the cow ran through a mine field. Weaver sells tannery run HO but that’s a crap shoot as well. From what I've found from actual purchasing experience is that Goliger has the best stuff there is in A & B grade HO unless you buy grade A's 10 at a time direct from HO. http://www.goligerleather.com/index.html
  11. I think your makeing very good sence. Guna get some tomorrow and try it. Thanks..
  12. Hmmm, now why didn't I think of just reading the can when I get it? Thanks!
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