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Everything posted by Macca

  1. I wouldn't recommend Tandy tools quite frankly, they are garbage You could perhaps forgive them if they were cheap, but they aren't have a look at goods japan instead, they do a few different kits & have tools you will actually continue to use if you decide this is the hobby for you (you will bin the tandy stuff very quickly) http://www.goodsjapan.jp/item/leather-craft-items-leathercra/kyoshin-elle-leathercraft-kit-/lid=29748449 not the cheapest but that contains a very decent groover, good awls & nice punches etc
  2. thank you for sharing the pictures Spectacular !
  3. thanks for sharing this, some awesome Euro tools on show can you post some of your work also ?
  4. Macca

    Hi Folks

    Burnishing the edge is just smoothing it, giving a nice clean/polished edge Theres a great guide on how to do it on this very forum http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=18101 dont worry if you don't have sanders etc, some sand paper and elbow grease will do nicely practice on some scrap first until your find a way that works for you Theres lots of experience on this forum & as its mostly Americans, they are always nice & helpful to us new folks, even us Euros
  5. good vid on sharpening, notice how easily it goes through thick leather when its really sharp, thats what you want, very little pressure should be required.
  6. not surprised they are happy, superb finishing on those, nicely done !
  7. lovely job again fella maybe some contrasting stitching & some black/dark edge paint ? how many stitches per inch is that ?
  8. now thats a great idea thanks for sharing !
  9. Leodis leather guy has a lot of vids on his youtube channel, including videos of how to do sheaths http://www.youtube.com/user/satansbarber/videos
  10. These don't have brushes in the lids, brush goes under the cover I doubt you'd find better, used a lot in Europe, but looks like you can get them in the US too http://www.campbell-randall.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=glue%20container&product_id=14308
  11. no, cut the thread flush then dab some glue on with the awl have a look at the hermes vid below, about 1:38 in, they finish with a dab of glue
  12. Glue it, dip the end of a round awl in the glue, you can go back in the stitch hole without making a mess
  13. appreciate the suggestions having some success using a scalpel and washer followed by a good sanding will look more into punches though
  14. Cant help you with your question, but can help you with where to get Angelus in Germany http://www.lederfarbekaufen.de
  15. oh, nice idea ! thanks, will give this a go
  16. Hi All Saw a neat business card holder elsewhere so thought I'd give it a go as my next practice piece, still using cheap/scrap leather Turned out ok'ish But corners are awful, plus, I know my stitch tension is all over the place & I had my thread too short so had to go over a stitch again But my main question is on cutting & stitching corners, How do you get it neat ? I'm struggling to even cut a nice curved corner never mind figure out how to stitch it too, especially when theres a few layers of leather Any tips ? You can see in the last pic below, not great
  17. Looks lovely Mind me asking what leather, where from etc ?
  18. Nice job on the tutorial many thanks, another skill to be learned !
  19. Thanks, Nigel's vids will be getting a lot more views shortly !
  20. just finished my second little project, just doing basic wallets to practice, the stitching from the side I push the awl in looks ok (angle wise I mean, overall it still needs a lot of work, but that will come with practice, hopefully) see below but on the back, there are stitches where they are not angled, looks a bit strange heres a closeup im getting quite a few on the back like this now as I've just started I am dropping the needles quite a lot (trying to juggle the awl & 2 needles while avoiding stabbings is a challenge) Could this be the reason ? I do try and always put the second needle under the first on the back, just wondering if me being clumsy is causing this or there is something else going on ?
  21. Thanks folks, you are all too kind. When I say snug, I mean I've stitched too far in from the edge, the gap between the rows of stitches barely allows a card in but good tip regarding stretching, I'll use that on the current one Just finishing off my second go, first attempt at dying, so lots of mistakes there & something strange has gone on with the back side of my stitching, but thats for another thread, getting started forum will be my hangout for a while I think
  22. thanks for the encouragement 2nd attempt underway, just dyed the pieces lesson learned, do it outside, Stinks !
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