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  1. Hey, thanks for the reply. It helped a lot. I make 3 holders, basket stamped, than molded. First one was a little to wet. The rest turned out OK. I also watch a video on UTUBE by Denny & Liz at Springfield Leather, that subject came up while he was making a phone holder. Thank you for helping me. Howard
  2. Hey everyone, I have a question. When would you tool a phone case, before, during, or after wet molding? Howard
  3. Dwight, Can"t make the trip for 16 mo., going on gov't paid vacation across the pond. Leaving on Wed. They even buy the sun block. You take care, I'll making your holster on my trip. This is my retirement trip. God be with you, Howard
  4. I like it. i want it. got to have it. Great job, plane and smooth. Is that 6/7 oz. with saddle tan dye? Thanks, Howard from Toronto, Ohio
  5. alpha2, yes I have other leather. After posting this thread last night, I decided to make a new wallet outed. I agree with you, thats the only way to make a nice wallet. The kit had thin waxed thread. Thanks for your input. Howard
  6. The leather kit holes are soooo big. What size thread would you use so that the holes don't show after stitching? I have aways used an awl with 207 or 277 thread, and they look thin in these holes. I only hand stitch, it helps me to relax. This is my first and last kit I will do. A friend bought the wallet kit and wants me do the carving/tooling, doesn't want it laced. Any ideas would help. I'm going to try some para-cord with scrap leather to see how it would look. Thank, Howard Have a wonderful holidays
  7. Wizcrafts, Yes I can get the info, but in a few days. Its at another persons home. They are off the grid so to speak. No phone. I came across the family while deer hunting. Thanks, Howard
  8. Hi: Its great today, sun, clear skies, 97 degrees. Can you use a parachute sewing machine to sew leather? I plan on buying jest for the table. it sews ok, but just was wondering. Howard
  9. northmount, thanks for your responds. I always wondered about thin/thick because of the (oz.)
  10. Where does thin leather stop and thick leather start?
  11. First post was for fun, but I made one of those for metal detecting. Some people use a screw driver.
  12. Looks like 2 metal rods welded together. LOL
  13. Why coaster leather sealed? I thought coaster were for moisture protection. Howard
  14. Hi, All, How do you cut out patterns? Do you cut on the line, on the inside edge of the line, or on the outside edge of the line? The reason I'm asking, is because sometimes my pattern parts don't match up. Some were on this site I seen this discussed but can't find it again. It had something to do with the width of the pattern line. Thanks, Howard
  15. Moto, I also like a stump for leather working, but I live in the upper Mojave desert of California. Not many big trees here. I went to our water district and got a cut off of 20" PVC pipe. I made a base and top out of glued 3/4" oak plywood that extended 3" into the pipe Filled the pipe with compacted sand, than installed the top by forcing it into the sand. Screwed the base and top with SS screws. I than attached a strap for my tools. I have used the stump for 3 years now, and really like it. Howard
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