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blue duck

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    bags and boxes and odd leather things
  • Interested in learning about
    the other 101 ways to do things that we have never considered.

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  1. Great job. No one seems to think a project like this should take as long as it does. Tictok etc. makes you think it can be done in a few minutes. Thanks for post.
  2. This is a great post. Look forward to the finale.
  3. You might look up Armitage Leather, aka dangerous beans on here, Nigel Armitage. Has a website and a little on YouTube, but he is a great teacher and has a tub (or cylinder) section.
  4. So far from an expert, but I wonder if your answer is in where you got it from. You said it was a lace maker. I have no idea the difference in the 'recipe' for making a lace hide vs a bag hide or whatever, but there is one. I have done crusts and they need a finish after dying. I didn't see that you had done that yet. That might help? As far as I have found, the finish I get isn't the same as a commercial one. It may also be that its not crust meant to be dyed, but rather a 'finished' hide.
  5. This is a lovely bag! It will last a lifetime for her because her daddy made it. No better reason to build something.
  6. Kulkoni Set - SOLD Bag Punches - SOLD
  7. Kulkoni Set - SOLD
  8. Weaver 1 3/4" SOLD
  9. that's a clever idea. Looks good.
  10. That is nice! Did you build a pattern or use his old ones to follow?
  11. Cleaning out before a move and getting rid of duplicates. Photo 1/2 C.S. Osborne Round 1" $70 Kraueter USA Round 9/16" $20 No Name Straight Punch 2 3/4" $10 Weaver Bag Punch 1" $90 C.S. Osborne 151 Bag Punch 3/4" $45 Photo 3/4 C.S. Osborne Round 9/16", 5/16", and 1/4 Set $55 Photo5/6 Kulkoni Germany Bag Punch 1", 3/4", 5/8" and 1/2" Set $110 Will ship at cost from 59223, so depends on your location. Need more pics, just holler.
  12. blue duck


    Edgers for sale. All are in new condition. Although they are all size 0, they are not the same. Weaver Sz 0 $40 Craftool Pro Sz 0 $20 Since Sz 0 $45 Will ship at cost from 59223, so depends on where you live. Just clearing duplicates out before moving. Need more pics, just holler.
  13. Weaver End Punches, all in good condition. The English Points still have manufacturing grease on them. 2" Round $70 1 3/4" English Point $70 1 1/4" English Point $70 Will ship, cost depends on location. Shipping from 59223 Just cleaning out duplicates before move.
  14. blue duck

    Glue Pot

    Glue pot. Clean inside. You can see glue had removed a bit of paint off the outside. Brush is a little stiff since it dried, but very usable. Can also be replaced if ever needed. $20.00 Will ship at cost from 59223, so depends on where you are. Going to have to move, so anything not in use is going. Holler if you are in need of something in particular, I will see if we have it.
  15. A feller on YT by the name of Victor George Leather has a fairly good set of tutorials you might look at.
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