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Everything posted by makitmama

  1. I usually switch mediums. If I can't figure out a quilt issue, I do leatherwork or jewelry. In a pinch, I color for a couple of days in my spare time, in a kids coloring book.
  2. either a kisslock clutch, or a plain tote bag. The easiest way to make a tote bag is to sew two rectangles together, square the corners, turn down the top edge, and attach straps. No lining, no fuss. You can get purse frames at hobby stores easily if you want to make a kisslock. Or, houseshoes.
  3. so, newbie here- finishing up a nice bag from a Tandy hide. I love the glovey feel of this 'deertand' hide, but wonder what protectant to use. I don't want to darken it, just protect for daily use.
  4. put a regular needle in it, with household weight thread- and then sew some denim. Adjust your tension as needed. I suspect you have either a tension issue, or a problem with your threading. Oil the machine every few hours of solid use. If it has a red felt oil wick by the bobbin, make sure the wick is saturated with oil. Often, people unfamiliar with 99s & 66s will remove these because they think the little felt wad is lint. Let me know if you need a repair manual.
  5. I have had success using Etsy craftsmen to obtain buckles, like the link below. Things like snaps I have not been able to locate. http://www.etsy.com/listing/152735147/handforged-copper-buckle?ref=shop_home_active
  6. if you haven't found any yet- I use PeggySueAlso, on both ebay and etsy. She is great to work with, and if you call she will pick thru her hides for you.
  7. I really want a walking foot...so that rules out the 31-15s. I will PM you.
  8. well, I have 5- but Virginia is a little far from Kansas. Some things to remember... if you get a standard singer treadle, then most singers and many clones will fit. Many of us vintage SM freaks do combinations like this. So if you find a great treadle cabinet, then grab it and then locate a head. Let me know what specifics you want in the machine and I can steer you in the right direction. An alternative is to get a handcrank machine. Once again, you can buy an old singer and convert it to handcrank. If you want to do so, then make sure that the machine has a large spoked handwheel and a motor boss below it.
  9. well I stopped lurking today and joined up! I am a mixed media artist with an extensive background in sewing, quilting, design... I will try my hand at about anything. I have ~40 vintage sewing machines, since they keep following me home. I fix them up and pass them on, usually. I have been making purses/wallets on my vintage Pfaff 130, which has done well(I did bump it up to a 1.5amp motor). However, I am at the limits of this machine and want to move on to a walking foot machine. I have been reading up on some of the threads about motors, needle feed, dual feed, etc. It is a little overwhelming. So- I have plenty of machines that will do fine fabrics, embroidery, etc. What I need is a machine that will handle soft leather, from 4oz total weight to about 12-14 oz. I certainly don't mind if it is vintage or new... but frankly I don't want to have to tear down and rebuild anything. What is helpful is if it is simple to use... and if anyone needs help rebuilding a Singer 66, 15, 201, or japanese clone let me know. Or if you want to repaint one with flames....
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