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About usmc0341

  • Birthday November 22

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    York, PA
  • Interests
    everything outdoors

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    still learning

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  1. Beautiful holster!
  2. usmc0341

    Bag punches

    I got a catalog when I stopped in there, but I bet they would mail you one if you call.
  3. I just got mine two weeks ago and couldn't be happier. I have a Consew 255-RB2 that I could not keep consistent enough to finish a project. It seemed like every time I would get one thing adjusted something else would go out of whack. I was beyond frustrated with the Consew, so I bought the Sailrite and it is such a simple machine to make adjustments with. I know people say there are so many better options out there, but I love mine.
  4. Smartee, who did you buy from if I may ask? I'm close to you and would like to check them out.
  5. Glad to see your work back on here. Like the other's you have taught me a lot, and I love seeing your work! Don't be a stranger on here.
  6. That looks really good! Where did you find that pattern, or did you make it yourself?
  7. I realize you were referring to me JLS. The only reason I name dropped was because it was pointed out that Sam Andrews does flat back holsters like somehow he is the only holstermaker out there so that must be the correct way. I was simply pointing out that there are more holster makers that make the 50/50 holster, and that if it was such a flawed design those maker's wouldn't be where they are today. For someone that just joined a month ago you could use a bit of manners. I love this forum because it doesn't typically have name calling and attitudes during a discussion. Josh Ashman has been a member here a long time and has contributed a lot. Respect goes a long way.
  8. And while you have him on the phone ask why he needs to add a tension screw. Look at Milt Sparks, Del Fatti, Alessi, any of the big maker's holsters and you will see they are 50/50 pancakes. The wheel has already been invented, I'm not sure why this is such a debate. Each design has it's own pro's and con's, as for me I have made all of my pancake holsters the 50/50 way and have yet to have an issue.
  9. My apologies for missing that in your original post
  10. But keep in mind that if you can't legally purchase a firearm, which I am assuming is from your criminal record, merely possessing a firearm even in a gun store is illegal.
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