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    New Orleans

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  1. That's the hope. I'm working on another one right now to sell. I had an FX person make me some rotten ears and fingers just for this project. They're latex an pretty realistic looking. Best part is when someone wants to touch them....they feel realistic too, totally grosses people out LOL!!!
  2. Wow, that's a sweet pack. You've got one lucky kid.
  3. That's a fine holster for a fine rifle. Looks perfect without the concho...I think that would just detract from the minimalist beauty of the rig.
  4. Holy crap snubbyfan....that video was ridiculous!!! How in the world have I not seen that. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for all the kind words guys, Made this one for myself as a prototype. Had a ton of fun with it and learned a lot. Next one will be for sale and will hopefully be even better. Fingers crossed! It just looks like it. I made shallow cuts where my "sutures" were gonna be. Then I took a syringe full of water and wet the inside of the cut to make it swell and pucker. Add some nice blood read dye to that and you have a quasi realistic suture line.
  6. Something I cooked up lately after a long week of zombie hunting.
  7. Kudos to you man! You stumbled onto one hell of a cool shortcut for aging stuff. I'm so giving that a try.
  8. Super cool jacket! Love the runes.
  9. That is, without a doubt, the most beautiful bag I've ever seen! Incredible job!
  10. I'm looking for a pattern for an all leather derby/bowler hat. Does such a creature exist? I'd be most appreciative of any help or advice. Thanks guys!
  11. Awesome pattern Tom! I'll definitely be using this one. Thanks so much for sharing.....you da man!!!
  12. Wow....I wanna be one of your friends LOL Seriously though, I love it. Your stitching is sweet and I love the way you use the antler for clasps. I use a lot of antler too but have never thought to use it in that way. Bravo!
  13. Those are beautiful!!! Makes me itch for my bow. Incredible!
  14. Nutria are good for all kinds of stuff....bones, hides and they make great food for my crocodiles! ;-) Thanks CTaylor Jr! I love doing this stryle of bag and belt pouch. If your friend is looking for a bag send him my way. I hope to open an etsy shop in the near future. Monica that's just some veg tan I had lying around and decided to play with. I spent a decent amount of time distressing it. Some dye, sealer and a good coat or aussie leather balm and it looks and feels nothing like what I started with. Next one is going to be elk or bison.
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