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Everything posted by jackd942

  1. Gotta say...I've wanted to try Ritza25 now for several months, but never wanted to pull the trigger on one of the little spools of it. Got my large spool in the mail today from Stefan (can't beat 2 day shipping) and wow...Hard to explain, but it beats the crap out of everything else I've ever tried. I immediately ran out to the shop and stitched up a couple of scraps and I don't really see going back to anything else. The only gripe I have is that I ordered white because that's the majority of my work, but the next two jobs I have call for black...guess I better place another order:)
  2. He added his $.02 to a post the other day...then we all started telling him we were glad to have him back:)
  3. Not to beat a dead horse here but...that's all I've ever used it as...a sealer.
  4. I mainly make holsters, so I'm more worried about color transfer than waterproofing. After wet molding and drying, I apply oil and let dry thoroughly. Then comes resolene/water and more dry time. Finally I warm up the holster and work neutral polish in with my finger. I warm it up again with a hair dryer and then buff. That gives it a nice soft luster and the polish gets into all the nooks and crannies. These days I use mop n glo with water more than resolene, but it's the same procedure. I would say that my holsters are water resistant, but not water proof. I'm sure a nice wax and buff would work great as well instead of the polish.
  5. Same here...I always use clear polish after as a top coat.
  6. lol...I think if I had started with a project like this I would've ran away! Looks great...
  7. Gotta start somewhere...0.8 and 1mm in black and white seem like a pretty good place to start to me. I'm sure they'll add more colors and sizes if the demand is there. If they can't carry the full line right from the start, does that mean they shouldn't carry it at all? Just got an email from Stefan. The black and white is just what they have in stock right now. He can order whatever color or size you want. They are also 500 meter spools.
  8. Congratulations Steve! I'll be in the market as well sooner or later.
  9. I made a holster for a little snub nose charter arms .38 and used the S&W J Frame blue gun. The dimensions were close enough that it worked great. From what I can recall, the shape and size of the outline were identical...the CA cylinder was just a tad thicker, but not enough to matter.
  10. Those look great Josh!
  11. Great to have you back Mike!
  12. Thank you Renee...I like your stuff at alteredleather as well. Pretty cool!
  13. Yep...it's got the Sig Contoured slide. Thanks for the info Colt.
  14. Anybody know where I can get a Bluegun for a Sig 1911 Compact or which other 1911 variant will work? Thanks Jack
  15. I use an Iwata Eclipse BCS just about every day. It is siphon feed and as RL pointed out, you can change bottles quickly. Plus the bottles generally hold more than the gravity fed kind. I'm sure many people use the gravity feed as well, just a little different. As far as brand, I have heard good reports on the Harbor Freight airbrushes as well if cost is a concern...the Iwata brushes aren't exactly cheap.
  16. jackd942


    Crossbreed sells what they call J Hooks that are like you describe. http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/JHooks.aspx . They call their regular clips snaplok. Sorry, didn't read the whole description...these don't have the top part. Kindly disregard.
  17. Out of all the holsters I've done, I've only dyed the inside once. Unless requested, all of mine are natural.
  18. Oh no... That was a good laugh. It seems like in my area, there are mainly gun owners with 3 types of guns...Hi-Points and similar, then you have Glocks, XD's, Beretta 92's and similar and finally high end 1911's like Wilson Combat, Ed Brown and so forth. The Hi-Points stay in a closet or thrown in a truck console or something, the Glocks, XD's, Beretta 92's and similar are everyday carry gear, and the high end 1911's get brought out at the range or to show off to friends. Sigs seem to fall in a weird place between the middle and high end, so they're not as common (at least around here). With the Glocks and such being the carry gear those are by far the most requested holsters. Of course I'm sure that every Law Enforcement agency within 100 miles carrying Glock exclusively has a huge impact on the marke in this area. Of course there are still a lot of old school guys around with little snub nose .38 revolvers too:)
  19. LOL...I make what customers want, and that has mainly been for a lot of tupperware. I actually just made a little IWB clip holster for a Sig P938. It's just a simple little job, so I didn't post it, but here's a pic.
  20. You can also just order a back from W&C. It costs a little more per sq foot, but less cost overall...That is if you don't really want or need the belly.
  21. That's pretty dang cool Red Cent! I like it...
  22. Thanks, No, it doesn't have slots. Those holes at the bottom are for clips if I want to wear a tucked in shirt with it.
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