Hi. I'm looking for a business or individual who can cut 2 Wickett & Craig English bridle backs into belt straps. I don't trust my manual strap cutter to to do this quickly or accurately. Preferably in the Austin area. Thanks.
I'm not really interested in trades... I guess it depends on what you've got...
A few things I'm interested in:
Knipschield knives
KS Blade punch watch strap punch
Amy Roke clamp
Looks like you stamped while the leather was too wet. Let it dry until it's about back to it's natural color. In a few places you used too much pressure when burnishing especially the bottom.
Did you use a finish?
I've seen a backpack made from Pueblo, it looked awesome. I've made wallets with Minerva Box (also Badalassi Carlo) and it's one of my favorites. It'd be fine for totes, just figure out what weight you want.