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About goody2shoes

  • Birthday 09/15/1986

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  • Interests
    Bag making

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Traditional cartridge bags and cases
  • Interested in learning about
    shoemaking, saddles
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Absolutely stunning work!
  2. https://g.co/kgs/8ccw8e i got this in PDF and also obsessed over this guys videos https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iC0RoNws64Q
  3. Sent from my iPad woops that didn't work I'll try again
  4. Wowza! They are beautiful, do you have a dye for the scalloped edges on the thigh piece or do you cut it by hand?
  5. Good idea, I do know a few metal workers so that is a route I could take if I can't salvage any, thanks
  6. Grr having problems uploading photos, apparently they are too big, I'll figure it out
  7. It's a brass clip/ hook that hooks onto a brass buckle on the other side to close it around the waist if that makes sense I'll try and get better photos
  8. Great thanks for this, looking into changing the nickel would be a good idea too, the reason I used nickel is because I got a huge amount of buckles free with some leather so it would be useful to make them usable and not so shiny and new looking! 'Fuming' oooh sounds intriguing
  9. Ah that makes sense thanks for explaining bill!
  10. Yes I think brass would be best. Forgive me for being dim but I'm not very well versed in everything shooting and just make to customers specifications, I'm sure I'll keep finding out new things, what do you mean by black powder?
  11. I have enbarked on another brain twisting re creation of a 1910 Swedish Mauser bandolier belt, I have an original and have made a pattern and finished the main body up, going to add Sam brown studs when I they arrive. Im finding it near nigh impossible to find the correct brass fitting to clip on around the waist though, I'll attach some photos, if anyone has a clue where to find it your thoughts are welcome thanks.
  12. Cheers matey there is a buckle on both sides so the wearer can change the strap easily, I've made a strap with extra cartridge pockets ( in case 75 isn't enough in the main compartment!!) what do you recon about the buckles do you think they should be traditional brass? I've had a lot of shooting folk saying that's a must, probably worth investing for the next one.
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