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Everything posted by blue62

  1. The single loop holster is a crossdraw, the design works out better with only one loop.
  2. There are only 4 loops because they are for spare cartridges, otherwise a belt full of loops looks pretty cool, but it gets mighty heavy when they are full.
  3. I would just make him a crossdraw, in the amount of time it takes to modify and make it look decent you can build a better looking one from scratch.
  4. Cowboy action rig with shotshell belt and bullet slide. HO leather, copper hardware and conchos
  5. Thanks for the positive comments!
  6. Frodo, one of the things I do to get parallel to the edge stitch lines is to use a groover, even when machine sewing, it gives you a path to follow so you dont have to rely on a edge guide.
  7. 1911 rig for wild bunch action shooting.
  8. Sold
  9. Yes its still avalible
  10. Thank you, that is what i wanted to know.
  11. Can anyone tell me if the table attachment is easily installed and removed on tbe class 26 cobra and similar machines?
  12. Btt
  13. Still available
  14. Looks pretty good other than the rear housing is shifted to the left of center. Overall nice job.
  15. Nice seat, but definitely not a shovelhead.
  16. Still available
  17. Fortuna v50k skiving machine, dual feed, has separate motors for feed and blade. Located in spring valley, mn Will not ship $1000
  18. Light coats, keep the oil warm, and one of the bigger things, if your leather is on the softer side it will take oil faster, any kind of stamping will also take oil quicker, so light coats and set someplace warm to let the oil even out.
  19. A set of cowboy action holsters to fit 5 1/2" saa. Two layers herman oak 6/7oz, finished with a coat of neatsfoot oil and tancote.
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