An open source program for windows is available for Windows. It is free and can be downloaded. It has a word processor, spreadsheet, database, slide/briefing prep and other applications with basically the same capabilities as Microsoft office. It also can be set to use Microsoft office file format as the default. It is an open source program written in java called open office and can be downloaded from the following web site.
I have found it very useful and thought you may find it useful as well. The word processor can be used to resize patterns and pictures/images.
1. Create a Text document.
2. Select the Insert>Picture command from the menu.
3. You are given the option to scan a figure, if you have a scanner, or insert a file using the Insert picture dialog. This is similar to the dialog used to
attach files to an email.
4. Once the image is in the document click on it and handles (small green squares) and a black boarder will appear.
5. Place the cursor over one of the handles on a corner of the picture. An Arrow pointing toward the center of the picture appears.
6. Press the Shift key and, at the same time press the left mouse button (if you are left handed it may be the right mouse button) then drag the
handle to resize the picture. You may then print it out.
On the View Menu, you can select rulers, to add rulers to side and top of the document to assist you in sizing the picture.